The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1765: It seems that your Majesty should have a sore attack, Lao Cheng is not with...

Almost all eyes focused on Changsun Wuji, a relative of the emperor, and waited for him to speak first.

After all, the matter involved the prince, and the prince was still his grandson Wuji's grandson, coupled with the relationship between the grandson Wuji and His Majesty's close comrade-in-arms.

Maybe your Majesty has communicated with this brother-in-law in advance.

Therefore, in this matter, Changsun Wuji is the person who deserves the most say. He does not speak, and other people are certainly not happy.

Seeing that all eyes were focused on him, Changsun Wuji also cleared his throat of course.

"Your Majesty, the minister thought that Jiang Yaqing didn't obey the king's order and was in vain of Gu Guoji, and he was acting privately..."

Changsun Wuji opened his mouth, and the old and slippery Datang minister understood in an instant, hehe, he understands, His Royal Highness Wei has made a small mistake.

At most, it's just a lax imperial master, who knows how to understand.

Changsun Wuji just closed his mouth, and then, a lot of confidants expressed their opinions.

In a word, the dog thief Jiang Yaqing is the culprit. He does his own thing with the intention of murdering the court commander.

Even if this class of people fled to the ends of the world, they will take their lives to respect and imitate you.

General Cheng Da has been stroking his deep beard like a steel needle, like an old monk sitting in meditation, saying nothing if he is not happy or angry.

Until Li Ji turned his elbow, winked, and signaled that it's time for you to express your opinion.

Then I saw this General Cheng stand up and respectfully salute the emperor Datang who looked solemnly and displeased.

Then, he let out a long sigh with a heavy face, his expression looked so heavy and his tone so sad.

"Your Majesty, miss me, Dong A Cheng, a heir to poetry and books, for more than ten generations, my Cheng family is rigorous..."

Some ministers have already begun to bow their heads, some are touching their foreheads, some are coughing, and Li Shimin's face is turning dark.

It is a pity that as the victim's own father, General Cheng could not give up his words halfway, and continue to speak eloquently and expressively.

"I think Saburo from my family, not only looks heroic, but also has a pure and respectful disposition. He is as low-key as Lao Cheng, but he is honest and willing to work..."

With a puff, I don't know which **** thing put a dumb fart, General Cheng's heart is very evil, and his eyes are swept away.

Seeing that your majesty is covering his mouth and coughing, seems that your majesty should have had a sore mouth, let it go, Lao Cheng doesn't care about him.

A cadre of ministers and workers, one with two hideous faces, all stared at this shameless cheeky and **** basket.

It’s not that your prince’s wife is good at selling melons and boasting, and it’s not that your majesty is picking a son-in-law. This is for you to make a statement about this incident.

In the end, Fang Xuanling wiped her face, and after calming down her emotions, she turned to Cheng Yaojin, who still wanted to whisper.

"Guogong Lu, please stop for a while, and talk about this later. I just want to know about Jiang Yaqing's murder of court officials. What do you think of Guogong Lu?"

Cheng Yaojin was pinched and rolled his eyes unwillingly. "The victim is my Saburo. The minister should avoid suspicion about this matter, and everything is left to His Majesty's disposal."

Then he twisted his hips and went back to sit down, continuing to be like just now, in a posture of loving someone.

"..." All the officials, ministers and workers were silent, rolling their eyes, what can we do?

However, after Fang Xuanling recollected, she couldn't help but cursed the old traitor in her heart.

Also, His Majesty has not yet expressed his position. No matter how he expresses his position, Cheng Yaojin is afraid that it will affect his Majesty.

It's really better not to express his stance, he is the victim's father and belongs to the injured party.

I only praise my son, and directly give his majesty the decision-making power to deal with the offenders, ha ha...

If your Majesty treats it lightly, he will definitely compensate the old Cheng family a lot, if he treats it hard, hehe, he Cheng Yaojin didn't make a statement, and even his Majesty couldn't anger the old Cheng family.

The eldest grandson Wuji and a few scheming people over there also responded. Although admiring him as an old clever ghost, his coping style really made serious people very disdainful.


However, Li Shimin as the authority, the Emperor of Tang, who had already secretly made a decision, did not think so.

Te Niang's, I knew this a long time ago, and I shouldn't have let this guy come over to discuss matters just now. It's just fooling around.

Why, is it possible that I can still break my promise and lose weight, and have agreed to your father and son, and I will be like a prince selling melons as soon as you ask you to speak.

Remind me all the time, openly and secretly, remember to marry your love daughter to your third child, right?

Li Shimin wiped his face, and after glaring fiercely at Cheng Yaojin, he stood up and paced in the hall.

The ministers know that your majesty is thinking, and when he has a decision, he will say it. Now all you need to do is wait.

As the time of Li Shimin's long exam stretched, Changsun Wuji's originally determined expression gradually became suspicious.

Is it possible that your majesty's mind is not to raise the big board and fall fiercely on Jiang Yaqing and other officials of the Wei Dynasty Palace?

Otherwise, there is no need to think about it for such a long time at all, just a few words of emotion, and then hate the iron for iron and slam the king Wei.

The big deal is to order Wei Wang to go to court tomorrow, and he will be reprimanded in front of the courtiers. Whether he is fined or paid, he will be dealt with.

However, your Majesty's reaction was a bit too abnormal. In short, it was wrong to persuade him.

Everyone who was treacherous and silly, the clerical servants also noticed something was wrong, and they were very nervous.

Li Shimin swayed Zhuxiang's effort before returning to the case and sitting down.

"You Qings, can you still remember that in the early days of King Wu, because of his gambling with others, Quan Wanji sent a letter to impeachment."

"Finally, I decreed to remove the post of King Wu as the governor, and reduce the 300 households?"

"??" All the important officials all looked at His Majesty the Emperor of Tang in a rush. They were very dazed. They didn't understand that we weren't dealing with the affairs of King Wei now. What do you think King Wu did?

Now that I have said, that His Royal Highness Wu is now disabled in both lower limbs, oh no...Breaks of both lower limbs, staying in Zhengjiazhuang, seems to have nothing to do with this, right?

Seeing the expressions of a group of ministers and workers, Li Shimin stroked his long beard before he said in a deep voice.

"At that time, because I loved King Wu very much, I had spoken to the left and right. Quan Qing assisted my son and couldn't correct his fault. Sin deserved to die..."

In an instant, the hearts of all the civil and military officials were stunned, and Fang Xuanling, a well-reported and well-reported Datang master, also reacted.

At that time, Li Ke, who was still the king of Shu, was seen by the jealous and enmity Quan Wanji, the long history of the Shu king's mansion, because of gambling.

He angrily filed a letter and impeached the matter to the court.

After the court meeting, the punishment of the Shu king Li Ke at that time was quite serious.

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