The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1773: I felt a little flustered in my heart, and felt that the atmosphere was very unhealth

The many things in Luoyang, Chang'an in the distance, so, for Cheng Saburo, it really doesn't matter, it's hanging up high.

He has a more serious and more important thing to do, and that is to solve the secret problem of the Li family's privacy: the foreskin is too long.

Moreover, Cheng Chubi had already silently written the emperor Li's dark illness in his diary, of course, not for showing off, but mainly because he was worried that he would forget this historical event.

After all, everyone should know that as the emperor, almost everything he did will be recorded in the annals of history.

Of course, in all likelihood, Spring and Autumn Notes will be used, and Cheng Chubi feels that even Li Xiang will really become the emperor in the future.

When he performed the circumcision operation on Li Xiang himself, he would be concealed by the Chunqiu brushwork in all likelihood.

In this way, the rigor and interest of history is simply lost. Cheng Chubi is a very rigorous medical worker and amateur historical event recorder.

Of course, I don't want the truth to be buried in the dust of history, so it is necessary to keep it in the diary.

It is also convenient for you to pass your diary to your children and grandchildren when you are old.

Let them know that their ancestor, the old man who knew poetry and heirlooms best in the old Cheng family, had done a lot of great feats.

While letting go of his thoughts, Cheng Chubi prepared the surgical tools. After everything was done, he turned his head and shouted out of the surgical mask.

"Brother Liu in a hurry, don't be too slow, Brother Du will also cut it for a while."

The Liu brother, who had just turned twenty years old and was fooled by Cheng Saburo's clever tongue, was very nervous.

Even though I had already put on the surgical gown, I was still quite uncomfortable, especially after seeing the operating table, I felt even more nervous.

This operating table looks like it has hands and feet, but there are straps made of leather straps on the hands and feet, and it looks like a big punishment.

Seeing that Brother Liu had come down with cold sweat, his face was a little pale and muttered.

"Ms. Cheng, why don't you forget it? The final general always feels not at ease in his heart..."

"..." Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel bad in his heart, his eyes puffed up, and a very imposing voice came out from behind the mask.

"What do you mean, the operating room is ready for you, so you actually flinched for me?"

"Hurry up and lie down for me, don't forget, Cheng did not force you, but you took the initiative to ask for this operation.

Is it possible that you are not willing to spread the branches and leaves for your old Liu family's inheritance, and are prepared to not even marry the mother-in-law because of the pain of such a loss? "

As soon as I heard this, there were three unfilial piety, and Brother Liu couldn't help but his face sank.

Especially thinking of the beautiful little lady from the Wu family next door, who is in love with her.

Brother Liu could only gritted his teeth, and nodded vigorously.

"Then Mr. Lao Cheng will rate you..."

"Don't worry, it will be fine in a while."

As soon as Cheng Saburo put his arm up and lifted it, Brother Liu was lying on the operating table.

Then Cheng Saburo said while using those belts to fasten Brother Liu's hands and feet very quickly.

"Don't worry, Cheng's medical skills are certified. Besides, this circumcision is to remove the skin, and it is not what you are afraid of moving your parts."


Cheng Sanlang started to disinfect and acupuncture Brother Liu quickly while whispering.

Cheng Saburo can't do half anesthesia. For this kind of surgery, there is no need to drink anesthetics for general anesthesia. Cheng Saburo originally wanted to learn about physical general anesthesia from his father.

But before, my father said with earnestness that the thing is really hard to practice. If it is light, people will not be unconscious, and if it is too heavy, people will not be able to wake up because of fear.

Without a skill of ten or twenty years, or repeated practice for thousands of times, it is impossible to practice physical anesthesia.

Therefore, Cheng Saburo can only learn acupuncture anesthesia from the old drivers of the Imperial Medical Office, and he needs to stick the silver needle on the corresponding acupuncture point.

It can constitute a local anesthetic area, but the effect of acupuncture local anesthesia is certainly not as good as local anesthesia of later generations.

But at least it can reduce the intense pain caused by the operation to a certain extent.

After the needle was pierced, Cheng Chubi began to test with acupuncture, which is to pierce Brother Liu.

Of course it’s not Zha’s brother, but compare the anesthesia area with the outside of the anesthesia area to see the effect.

After confirming that the anesthesia had begun to take effect, Cheng Chu immediately winked at his assistant Deng Chengxin.

Deng Chengxin walked out the curtain quickly, and he came back with little effort.

I saw the white gauze being lifted, and three people walked in, silently standing aside.


Then, having been numbed by the acupuncture, the brothers below felt a little far away from him, and the eyes of Brother Liu, who was extremely disturbed, bulged in an instant.

Who did he see, even the three who came in wore white hats and white masks.

But he still saw that one was his Royal Highness, and the other was Prince Zhan Shi Yu Zhining.

Needless to say, the remaining **** who looked very madly in his eyes must be Ning Zhong's eunuch.


Li Chengqian raised his hand and waved it, and the voice came out through the Qing, you just lie down, Gu Yu Zhan is just a little curious, so I came here to take a look.

After all, this is a very serious medical skill. With Deputy Cheng's ability, Liu Qing, you will definitely be fine. "

"???" Brother Liu almost broke apart. What do you mean, Deputy Cheng was going to use a knife on my brother.

You big guys jumped in so blatantly, you actually came here to take a look, and you reminded me that this is a very serious medical technique.

Why did Brother Liu suddenly panic after hearing what His Royal Highness said, feeling that the atmosphere was not serious.

Then, a towel rolled into a bone shape directly hit Brother Liu's mouth.

"Come on, Brother Liu, grab it quickly and take care to control your emotions. I'm going to do it."

"..." Brother Liu's face was purple and purple, so he could only hold the towel and close his eyes in despair.

He is just an inconspicuous little **** in the prince Zuo Nei rate, can he command the prince and Yu Zhan?

Forget it, it's all here. If you want to watch something new and watch the excitement, just watch it. Brother Liu resigned himself to his fate and relaxed.

After Cheng Chubi spread the surgical towels, it was disinfected. Then, Cheng Chubi was happy, and beckoned to the two serious spectators behind him.

"Look at it quickly, have you seen it, his foreskin is really sticky, have you seen it, here, and here..."

"..." Brother Liu was so ashamed that all ten toes were completely curled, but he was already fixed on the operating bed.

Otherwise, Brother Liu felt that he could be shy enough to shrink into a ball.

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