The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1779: Since Brother Chubi came back to the town, the ministers have played everything...

I saw Cheng Saburo supporting the Li Xiang on a wooden plank with wheels, and said with relief.

"You have ministers, so don't worry about your little majesty."

"Furthermore, let the minister take the little majesty and take you around, you will know how funny this baby is, and walk away..."

Cheng Chubi led Li Xiang, stepped on another wooden board with wheels, pressed his feet, and then.

One tall hero, one short and round, two ghostly figures seem to have their feet in the air, and they didn't see any steps, so they slid into the distance.

The excitement made Li Xiang's eyes widened, and he yelled.

Subtract "It's just out of style!" Zhang Xuansu snorted with a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

Yu Zhining, who had been close to Cheng Saburo, couldn't help but cast a look at Zhang Xuansu.

As far as Zhang Xuansu is concerned, Yu Zhining understands the thoughts of His Royal Highness. If His Royal Highness is not happy, how can he let Cheng Saburo take the small palace to play.

You have to say such a sentence, ha ha...

Li Chengqian was equally clever, and he couldn't help frowning when he heard Yu Zhining's words.

That Zhang Xuansu's tone and expression were exactly the same as when he was in the past.

Thinking of the pain and suffering he experienced in the past, Li Chengqian couldn't help but burst into flames.

Zhang Xuansu, Kong Yingda, and other ministers who were sent by the father to quietly keep quiet about themselves, believing that they will always be right and just.

And no matter what you do, whether it is good or bad, they will always be madly criticized and disparaged by them.

As if his Royal Highness, the prince, even had problems with breathing and peeing posture.

Thinking of this, the good-tempered Li Chengqian couldn't help but snorted and flicked his sleeves.

"The loneliness is a little tired. If there is something for the two Qings, we will talk about it tomorrow."

"??" Zhang Xuansu turned his head around with a dazed expression, but only saw the back of His Royal Highness walking fast.

"His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness..." Zhang Xuansu hurriedly followed for a few steps. Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness went faster and faster, and he bypassed the corner in a blink of an eye.

After passing the corner, Li Chengqian couldn't help but feel bad in his heart when he heard the call coming from behind him.

He lifted his front without hesitation, spread his legs, and ran directly.

Ning Zhong never thought that his Royal Highness, who would be gaffes only occasionally when chasing his own son, would run so fast, like a sika deer in Xiyuan.

Ning Zhong didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly rushed up.

Zhang Xuansu finally waited for Cheng Sanlang's demon moth to be away from His Royal Highness.

Even if the prince wants to avoid himself, is this a thing for a loyal and upright minister?

But when he hurried to the corner, there was still the figure of His Royal Highness.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "What's the matter?" Zhang Xuansu looked at the emptiness with a full face, only a few early yellow fallen leaves were flying in the autumn breeze.

At this time, Yu Zhining, with an arm hanging in front of his chest, came here slowly.

Seeing that His Royal Highness was nowhere to be seen, he shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that your Royal Highness is in a hurry. Let's go, Zhang Shaozhan. Anyway, when the court meets tomorrow, we will still see His Highness."

"Hmph, it's unreasonable. Tomorrow, I must report this matter. His Royal Highness is too indulgent to Cheng Saburo and His Highness."

"If Cheng Saburo led the little majesty to mess around like this, there is no hope for Datang."

"Zhang Shaozhan speaks carefully." Yu Zhining couldn't help but his expression changed, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"Why, if you think what the official said is wrong, you can play against your majesty and impeach the official, why is the official afraid?"

"Shi Yu Zhan, those who are ministers should be loyal, straight, and criticized. If you deliberately flatter, huh..."

"??" Yu Zhining looked at Zhang Xuansu who was striding away with high morale, his face turned blue with anger.

"When did the officer cringe? Zhang Xuansu, stop me..."

When he walked slowly to the front of the steps, Zhang Xuansu was like His Royal Highness, and he didn't know where he had disappeared, day!

Only the two figures, one large and one small, gliding like a ghost on the square in front of the main hall of Nali.

Cheng Saburo's hearty laughter, and the cheerful screams of Li Xiang, the little majesty, came and went one after another.

Seeing this scene, Yu Zhining finally let out a sigh of relief in relief.

He still remembered that when he was on the Lishan Mountain in the past, His Royal Highness once soaked in the hot springs with everyone, drank a little too much, and frequently spit out and talked about the past.

For those who don't know the truth, he didn't even give him a chance to explain it, and the so-called defenders who were hard-working face to face were very evil.

And Zhang Xuansu is a famous person on the list, and this is also the fundamental reason why His Royal Highness has been cold to him over the past few years.

However, this guy didn't have the slightest self-knowledge, that is, he had been stunned by Cheng Saburo in front of him a few times, and lost his face, which only slightly reduced his face.

But right now, I was afraid that when I saw the hope of Taisun Celi, his mind moved, and he looked like an old-fashioned re-emergence.

Yu Zhining couldn't help but sighed long, let it Whatever you want, let's see the thoughts of His Royal Highness before making plans.


In the Palace of Cheng'en, the Su clan, who was already not far from the delivery date, still firmly followed Cheng Sanlang's request, and under the support of Wu Meiniang and Na Awu, insisted on maintaining a slow movement of two quarters of an hour every day.

Because it was very close to the expected date of delivery, in order to prevent accidents, he could only walk in the Palace of Cheng'en.

In two quarters of an hour, it is about 3,000 steps, although 3,000 steps are for the average person.

However, it is equivalent to the calories provided by a biscuit, and ordinary people can just walk around.

But for pregnant women who are already approaching the expected date of delivery and have a big belly, it is definitely a heavy exercise.

It has only been a quarter of an hour, but the crown prince Su's forehead has already seen a little sweat, but she continues to walk.

At this moment, I heard the footsteps coming from outside the hall, and when I looked up, I saw my husband stepping into the hall.

It's just that his face looks a little unsightly, and there is still fine sweat on his forehead, which makes him wonder.

"Husband, what's wrong, why is it sweaty?"

Li Chengqian just jumped at least three hundred steps at lightning speed, and the Zhang Shaozhan didn't continue the matter after all.

At the moment the lady asked, Li Chengqian smiled and took Su's arm.

"Oh, I was idle just now, so I moved a bit, come, come, walk with you for your husband."

Mi He Mi. Wu Meiniang and the female officer Awu stepped aside with interest, when Crown Princess Su clan whispered.

"The husband seems to be in a bad mood. Could it be that there is another life event in the court?"

"That's not the case. Since Brother Chubi came back to the town, all the officials and ministers have been quite regular."

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