The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1789: Not only you, but all the Lords and Lords are there...

General Cheng Da took over from the boss of his specially-ordered Cheng's Pipa.

After playing a few chords fancyly, he glanced triumphantly at the listeners who had already calmed down.

"Brothers must also know that our old Cheng family, a heir to poetry and calligraphy for more than ten generations, is the so-called piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I have also dabbled in old Cheng."

"Hehe, Lao Cheng has started again..." Li Ji rolled his eyes in disgust. This guy will show off when he catches the opportunity.

"It's okay. Let him make noise. Anyway, just listen. He can really make a sound of this stuff. It's okay to play this thing at the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I won't die him."

A group of friends and friends whispered to each other, laughing and laughing, Cheng Yaojin ignored the noise and said to himself.

"Since my family Saburo, I heard the old man talk about the old ancestor Wen Ke Anbang, Wu Ke Dingguo.

The most adept at manipulating horses and pipa, ordering soldiers and horses (this is true, ancient cavalry, using pipa as orders), invincible, invincible..."

"My Saburo got the advice of the old man and made such a good treasure. This time Cheng will let you wait and open your eyes."

The anxious Yuchi black face yelled unwillingly.

"Finally, Lao Cheng, don't talk nonsense. If you can't just start the show, then quickly come down and fined you three drinks."

Cheng Yaojin rolled his eyes, nothing more, and didn't care about these half-drunk lunatics, he slapped Cheng's Pipa in his arms and shouted.

"With the old man..."

But seeing General Cheng waved his hand, the sound of music flicked from his fingertips in an instant, Cheng Jiada Lang and Erlang instantly entered the state.

One on the left and one on the right, standing beside his father, copying the pipa, with a serious expression on his father playing the Cheng's pipa in their hands.

"Huh? What kind of tune is this, it sounds very exciting to hear." Both Xue Wanche and Xue Wanjun's brothers couldn't help but both eyes brightened.

Not far away, Qin Qiong, who had already regained his former heroic posture, also brightened her eyes and raised her wine glass.

It was the young man who was originally laughing and joking, and now all closed his mouth, listening to the exciting and exciting music.

Outside the hall, many of the Cheng family members also came together. They were all eager to hear, and their eyes glistened.

When General Cheng entered his posture, his loud voice opened and instantly crushed the audience...


Early the next morning, Xue Wanche opened his eyes slowly, looking at the familiar roof, eh...

It seems that I am returning home safely, and I don't know how my brother is? However, as usual, because just like myself, he was dragged back to the mansion unconsciously.

The old Cheng family did a very good service in the second half of the Cheng family banquet. It is absolutely impossible for you to spend the whole night lying in the gutter on the street, or crying bitterly while holding the big tree by the side of the tree.

Anyway, no matter what state you are after drinking, waiting for you to open your eyes is not staying in the guest room of the old Cheng's house.

He had been carried back to the mansion, and slept quietly until early in the morning of the next day, without any head pain or dazzling eyes.

I dare not say that I am refreshed, but at any rate there will be no other messy sequelae. At most, I can't smell the wine for at least three days.

He took a deep breath and sat up slowly, um... I don't know why, my voice seems a bit hot.

No, the old Cheng family's wine has never had this kind of sequelae. Could it be that you chewed pepper and pulled your throat yesterday?

Hearing the movement in the house, Manager Xue Fu quickly stepped inside and brought in the washing utensils. Please your master to get up and wash.

"Yesterday, when did I return to the house?" Xue Wanche, who had lost the second half of his memory, asked while washing himself.

"Master, when you came back, it was almost time to die."

"Um... where is my brother?"

"Duke Lu Guo was also carried out at that time, and he has also been sent back to the mansion."

Manager Xue's expression was quite calm and idiosyncratic. Hearing the word raising, Xue Wanche had no other reaction except for two eyelids.

Alas... I have contaminated the old Cheng family. Every time the master banquets at the Cheng family, there is no time to come out on his own.

As long as I heard that I went to the Cheng's family for a banquet, it goes without saying that the stewards of the House of Honor would be very proficient in calling a carriage at the first time.

He squatted outside Lu Guogong's mansion, and then everyone bragged and slapped a lot of nonsense.

When the Cheng family banquet is over, the door opens, and the fat and sturdy Cheng family will take the door panel and carry out a famous military minister.

Put the people in the carriages of each house and each house, go back to each house, and find each mother.


"By the way, master, Lu Guo bus waited for the villain to remind the master, remember to wait until the evening, and go to Lu Guo Gong's residence to practice."

Xue Wanche, who was slapped with cold water on his face, became refreshed, and he felt that something was wrong.

"What are you talking about, practice?"

Seeing the eyeballs from his master, the manager pleased him with a smile and whispered.

"Master, you and the princes have agreed to Lu Guogong last night to have a singing voice at this year's Mid-Autumn Festival."

"???" Xue Wanche raised his eyes directly. Singing like a god, is Lao Tzu the kind of unscrupulous person who sings in person?

Shouted unhappily. "Who is so crazy?!"



Qin Qiong raised her hand to support her forehead looked at the butler Qin Dali who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh with a stunned face.

"The old man sang it?"

"Of course, not only you, but you, all the princes are all there screaming, coughing... all singing, yes, sing with Lu Guogong."

Qin Qiong lay back on the couch with a black line on her face, wishing to pick up the pillow and smother herself to death. She was really embarrassed.

After thinking about it, I felt something was wrong, and looked at Qin Dali. "What about after that?"

"Master, you sang it several times afterwards. It seems that the British Lord felt that it was too unpleasant to entertain yourself in Lu Guo Gong's mansion."

"I proposed to let everyone have a Mid-Autumn Festival feast, and use this talent to let those gentlemen, uh...

Those gentlemen see and see how capable the elders who have swept the Chinese language scene. "

Qin Dali touched his face, his face was a bit hot, and he was actually ashamed of his master. It seemed that he still had a bottom line, and he was much stronger than the British man.

Qin Qiong had a dark face, and took the initiative to add for a long time. "So, I'm in line with the British public opinion, right?"

"Yes, yes, right, but Lu Guogong was worried that the princes would go back, so his Royal Highness Wu became a middleman and issued a military order.

All... Well, you all have your handprints, master, and you have to take the dolls of each family and put them on the handprints, saying that you must have father and son soldiers in battle. "

"!!!" Qin Qiong raised his eyes to the ceiling with a black line on his face.

At this moment, the strange-looking Jia family moved into the house, followed by a sneaky Qin Huaidao behind him.

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