The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1804: And let those Wenchen who came from hackers and hackers be proud of 1...

"You guys are all staying here. You should eat and drink, but there is one. Don't get drunk."

"Yes, it broke the big thing I was waiting for, haha..."

Facing Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Heimian and other relatives who like to play kindly fatherly action movies.

The children of Wuxun dare not neglect, they are almost catching up with the chicken and rice, after all, today is the time for your fathers to show their talents.

Never change from being brilliant to embarrassing, otherwise, everyone is afraid that they will have to face the thunderous relatives and live a life of fear.

All the civil and military ministers who were specially dressed in the new court attire today all entered the hall to congratulate His Majesty.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty delivered a short and passionate speech in the palace. Of course, he talked about how the Tang Dynasty has been singing and dancing this year.

The people ate well, dressed well, and all officials, ministers and workers were serious about their work, and the surrounding areas of Datang seemed very peaceful.

Although Guanzhong suffered repeated disasters, the Tang Dynasty, the kings and ministers united in one mind, will surely calm the disaster in Guanzhong.

Let the people in Guanzhong not be hungry and cold...

As for Na Hou Jun's conspiracy to kill the prince, His Royal Highness King Wu was murdered outside Luoyang city with such a small flaw that was very faceless.

Your Majesty didn't even mention it, it was as if he had amnesia, but even the ministers and workers also had amnesia.

After all, such a black history of beating the court's face, who would like to mention it repeatedly?

They all want to pick up the big shovel, take the dust of history to bury all the dark history, step on a few more feet by the way, and then plant the green grass to finish the job.

After listening to your majesty’s Mid-Autumn Festival congratulations, a group of civil and military officials, whether they were high-ranking officials in the hall, or on the steps outside the hall, or even under the steps, all congratulated them in unison.

With the sound of music, the Mid-Autumn Festival feast finally officially began. As for the majesty the Supreme Emperor, he smiled and muttered quietly towards his good granddaughter Li Mingda there.

"Grandpa, I just heard General Zhao say that I...well, General Cheng and they seem to be performing for the feast tonight.

I also brought a lot of large boxes. It is said that not only the musical instruments but also the armors were brought. "

"I also heard that it seems that the third brother is also there, and he will follow the friends of the third brother Cheng on the stage and accompany the generals to sing along..."

Listening to Li Mingda making a small report by his side, Li Yuan couldn't help but uttered a sentence in a low voice.

"This group of old and rude people, I'm afraid it will be this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, and there will be fun to watch... Isn't it Erlang?"

Li Shimin, who was sitting next to him, almost laughed when he heard his father's words.

Fortunately, as your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he had already managed to be honored and disgraced. After he controlled his emotions, he lowered his voice.

"Father said it is very true, anyway, this is a banquet, let them have a good time, it is better than making trouble in the court."

Li Yuan nodded his head appreciatively. The Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet was just to make all the civil servants and ministers happy, and feel the atmosphere of the emperor and his ministers.

Therefore, in the Mid-Autumn Festival delicacies, as long as it is not too excessive, Li Shimin, as the emperor, will not take care of it.

And the censors will not go to impeachment just because of the minor flaws of these ministers' misconduct today.

With the sound of silk and bamboo, the banquet has already begun, and the maids and eunuchs have offered wine and delicacies to the table.

All the ministers and workers began to toast and invite drinks, and several conceited and talented ministers had already volunteered to stand up.

For today’s Mid-Autumn Festival, I wrote a poem to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Seeing those literate people start to show off their talents, the rough masters secretly hate them.

But fortunately, before everyone came to the banquet, they already had a plan, and let this gang of Wenchens get help first, and when the time was right, we would make another big move.

It is too early to take out the whole at the beginning, after all, to hit the opponent, anyway, wait for the opponent to be proud of it, thinking that it is a sure victory.

At this time, if you slap your face with big tricks, you will have a greater sense of accomplishment and a greater sense of loss for the other party. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

Haha...The minister of Wuxun, although the talent may not be as good as this gang of civil servants who were transferred from the sorrows.

But when it comes to the application of strategy and the art of war, it is definitely above this number of civil servants.

Although his Royal Highness Li Ke is qualified to live in the palace, he felt that he was staying under his father's eyelids.

It's easy to make him displeased during this period of time with his relatives who are very upset, so he shrunk out of the hall very wittily, eating and drinking with a group of friends and friends.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for him to see a guard by his father’s side approaching him.

"His Majesty, Your Majesty has asked you to enter the temple, and if you have any questions." Min minus bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜

Hearing the guard's soft confession in his ear, Li Ke reluctantly put down his wine glass and bid farewell to a friend.

With two fat and strong men, they carried themselves over the high threshold with people and This is the guard who pushed himself and walked along the corner of the wall. Going deep into the Zhenguan Temple where the father was.

With little effort, Li Ke was pushed to the side of his father's case, supported by his guards, pretending to tremble slightly on the steps, and bowing to his father.

Li Shimin looked at his son's intact legs, shaking out of the posture of a stroke patient, and nodded in satisfaction.

Then he motioned to him to sit next to him and asked in a low voice.

"Well, sit down, Ke'er, didn't you say that Grandpa Lu and the others are going to show off their singing skills today, why haven't they been so old for a long time?"

Hearing his father's inquiry, Li Ke raised his eyebrows triumphantly, pretending to be a mysterious voice.

"Father is not anxious. After Li Bingbu and the others discussed before, they felt that they should be postponed and let those sassy people..."

"Uh... it's a civil servant who was born as a sorrower and a guest who is proud of himself. He thinks he has the chance to win. What will he do in one fell swoop..."

As soon as the word Sao Ren was uttered, his father showed a fierce look, which really made Li Ke very speechless, let it go, maybe it was just like what Brother Chu Bi said.

Men and women, in middle age, will become very irritable for a period of time, as long as that period of time has passed. Mi He Mi

What is it called this time? Renewal period or menopause? Well, anyway, I can't afford it.

At this moment, Li Mingda moved to this side, approached Li Ke's side, and asked in a low voice with interest.

"Third brother, third brother, how are you going to show off your power today?"

Seeing his daughter-in-law approached, Li Shimin finally put away his hideous expression before switching to a kindly father-in-law's face. Li Ke felt tired for a while.

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