The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1822: What? I want to follow the example of Zhou Yafu and starve myself to death...

Because Cheng Saburo said that moonlight is also useful. The nights of these few days happen to be the period of the full moon, and the moon is like a wash.

Therefore, regardless of day and night, these two little babies have never left this sun room except for milk and water.

Naturally, the blindfolds of the two little dolls have not been removed. Of course, Cheng Chubi was not talking nonsense, the moon reflected the sunlight.

All the light waves of natural sunlight, moonlight, but weaker, but somehow they can.

Moreover, Cheng Chubi also knew about those neonatal jaundice patients who were sent to sun blue in the glass cover.

Before the treatment is over, it is not allowed to leave the glass cover. There is no blue light in this era, so it’s a little bit more light.

Li Chengqian hugged his daughter-in-law beautifully, while Ning Zhong held the little majesty and walked towards Cheng'en Hall.

The little time entered the hall. At this time, the crown prince Su, who had been resting for a period of time, heard the movement and quickly got up.

Knowing that the son and daughter had healed, I couldn't help but bend his eyes, but the blindfolds of the two little dolls were still there, and he subconsciously looked at Cheng Saburo.

After Cheng Chubi stepped forward, he took the initiative to untie the blindfolds of the two little majesty, and explained.

"The sun is shining outside just now, come, let the ministers get rid of the two little high priests."

Then he waited for Cheng Saburo to remove the blindfold and take it off.

Prince Concubine Su Clan, and His Royal Highness, the four eyes of the two people all stared exaggeratedly to the extreme...

The doctor Wu on the side also looked at the little princess who had been blindfolded first, she opened her eyes curiously and then gradually closed her eyes.

Of course, these are not the main points. The main point is that the little princess has a striking white mark with a hexagonal shape on each of her eyes, as well as the place where the tether is located. The same is true...

"This, this is..." Li Chengqian subconsciously stretched out his finger to wipe it. Only then did I notice that this black and white is so clear that it was exposed...

Cheng Chubi smashed his mouth and had to say that the hexagonal shape with strong contrasting colors is more artistic than the round shape.

But seeing the powerless expressions of the princess and the prince, Cheng Chubi could only explain it with a temper.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, the baby will recover very quickly, as short as two or three months, and the longest time is only half a year, and their skin color will be the same."

Li Chengqian carefully placed the daughters in his arms on the couch.

Looking at the black and white hexagonal shape of the girl's eyes blankly, the whole person's mentality is not good.

"...You mean, these two little dolls have to wear this...this shape for at least two or three months?"

Seeing the faint glances from the prince and the princess, Cheng Chubi was rather thick-skinned, but at this moment he also scratched his jaw shyly.

"In fact, it is not impossible to solve it. Let the two little majesty not wear blindfolds for a few more days.

Then the skin color will become balanced, but in that way, the minister is worried that it will hurt the eyes of the two little magistrates. "



"One to three..."

"One to nine..."

"One to one..."

"One to two..."

"I can't afford to..."


Li Chengqian counted the cards in his hand, and then sullenly placed the one made up of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eighty-nine.

Cheng Chubi and Yu Zhining had no choice but to fold and admit defeat.

Cheng Chubi threw the card in his hand and raised his thumb to Li Chengqian with a deep emotion.

"His Royal Highness, your card skills are getting more and more superb. If you continue to do this, alas... I'm afraid there will be no more days."

Li Chengqian, who almost lost even his pants yesterday, is still very sensible, and he just heard this flattering.

In any case, Li Chengqian still feels beautiful in his heart for being able to be praised by Brother Chubi.

"Brother Chubi is joking, my card skills are compared to you, brother Chubi, but it's not as good as you. It's just that I have good luck today."

The Tibetan Wine Pavilion was finally completed as quickly as possible under the overtime work of a dry construction worker.

Let the three of them finally have a good place to play cards, but the paint smell is a bit heavy.

Of course, everyone is just for leisure, taking lunch just now for leisure and entertainment.

After all, they are all adults, so you can't delay serious matters just to play cards.

Just as they were playing with gusto, an **** rushed over, still holding a letter in his hand.

Ning Zhong, who was standing at the gate of the courtyard, heard that it was an autograph sent by Lu Guogong, saying that it was sent from Luoyang Kuaima on urgent matters.

He naturally didn't dare to neglect, after all, Cheng Saburo was someone he couldn't afford to offend. He accepted the letter from Xiao Cheng Taibao's father and walked into the hospital.

When Cheng Chubi heard that it was a letter from his father, he quickly put aside the card in his hand and accepted the letter.


After only scanning two eyes, Cheng Chubi couldn't help taking a breath, his eyes widened, and he didn't expect that such a thing would happen in Luoyang.

The strangeness of Cheng Chubi also attracted the attention of Li Chengqian and Yu Zhining.

Soon, Cheng Chubi read the letter. After hesitating for a while, he passed the letter written by his father to Li Li Chengqian saw the detailed description in the letter. He was also taken aback.

The father and mother, queen, and Xiao Sizi went out of the city to Fanghuayuan to enjoy the autumn, because General Xue Wanjun, who was in charge of security work, did not thoroughly clean up the miscellaneous staff in the palace.

As a result, Xiao Sizi’s mount was frightened, and almost something major happened. Under the anger of his father, Xue Wanjun, who made a mistake in his work, was convicted and imprisoned.

As for Xue Wanjun, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty who was imprisoned, Xue Wanjun was furious. In his anger, he didn't eat or drink. It was his brother's persuasion that he only took a small amount of soup.

Now that the physique is getting weaker and weaker, General Cheng told Cheng Saburo, and Xue Wanche, who was worried about his brother's deteriorating health, came to the door for help in person.

Therefore, General Cheng Dacheng wrote a letter asking when Cheng Saburo could leave for Luoyang. If he could, it would be best to treat Xue Wanjun.

Don't let the shareholder and Paoze of the Hantang Commercial Bank hack himself to death because of such a trivial matter.

After watching, Li Chengqian couldn't help but close his eyebrows and asked when he met Cheng Saburo.

"General Xue Er has a strong personality. If he doesn't eat or drink, he may not be able to support much at all. Brother Chu Bi, do you have a way?"

"If you don't eat or drink, it's not impossible..."

Cheng Chubi smashed his mouth, and their old Xue family, one and two Quante Niangs are bull-tempered, and they are all the kind that don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

So it's not surprising that such a situation occurs, but this Xue Wanjun's vigor is too much, right?

Why, want to follow Zhou Yafu's starvation to death?

PS: On the last day of this month, the bosses who still have monthly tickets, remember to vote.

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