The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1826: Why, deduction of salary is the old Cheng family alone...

Li Xiang smashed his eyes, his gaze swept back and forth, looking around.

"My dad said that the reason it is called "Tingqing" is because the foot is on the green grass, so it is called "Tingqing..."

At this moment, he saw the post in front of the official road not far in front.

An old postman is holding a big broom, sweeping the yellow leaves on the official road.

In an instant, Li Xiang's eyes lit up, his fingers curled up, and he pointed straight to the side, speaking loudly.

"I see, Qiuyou is called anti-pornography."

"???" Cheng Chubi was stunned, almost not falling off his horse because of a spinal twitch, leading to his untimely death.

He stared at the emperor grandson who was so excited to talk nonsense with a black line on his face. This little **** is not bad at all serious nonsense.

God's special anti-pornography, but then again, the autumn leaves do need to be swept away.

In addition, the word anti-pornography is actually a positive word with a very positive energy and an iron-blooded breath.

This sweep is naturally a verb, but the yellow character is not easy to say, anyway, it is not serious, um...

Of course the serious ones won't go to sweep it. After all, police uncles are messengers of justice.

I have to admit that the bear kid is definitely a kind of creature that is active in the juvenile period and has very strong vitality and strong survivability.

The kid Li Xiang was still asleep in the bumpy carriage, and continued to vigorously laugh and laugh after waking up.

This alone is much stronger than his father, who is obviously prone to nervous breakdown.

Hurrying all the way, finally arrived at Luoyang, the eastern capital at sunset on the third day.


In the Wencheng Hall, Li Shimin was sitting in the hall. At this moment, the iron stove had been raised in the hall, and the long copper smoke pipe was sticking out straight and obliquely.

There is almost no smell of smoke in the house, but the whole hall makes people feel warm like spring even in thin clothes.

I wanted to have this kind of enjoyment in the past, huh, sorry, only the warm pavilion, which is so expensive to build, can make people enjoy this way.

But nowadays, if one stove is not warm enough, then two, like a medium-sized palace like Wencheng Palace, only three or four large iron stoves are enough to solve the heating problem.

This makes Li Shimin also have to admit that Cheng Saburo is a crooked man... well, he has made outstanding contributions to the people's livelihood and all industries.

At this moment, white steam rose from the kettle on the iron stove, and Empress Changsun got up and lifted the kettle, and then filled the teapot in front of her with water.

Then he filled a cup of tea for the husband who was looking at the iron stove and said.

"Husband, concubine, but I heard that Lu Guogong is in the prison. He seems to be ill, and he is still very sick. Would you like to ask a doctor to visit?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help frowning slightly, stiffly.

"No, Xue Wanjun felt wronged and went on a hunger strike to protest my punishment. Why, he felt wronged?"

"I just want him to wake up and wake up, but the result? He still feels wronged.

Is it possible that there is a miscellaneous person waiting for poaching in the royal garden, so that Xiao Sizi's mount is frightened, he has nothing wrong with it? "

Seeing her husband's rather unhappy expression, Empress Changsun sighed lightly.

Indeed, from the perspective of national law, Xue Wanjun did make a mistake, and because his wife almost had a major incident, the enraged husband put him in jail.

However, there was no further disposal. It can be said that it is already undertaking a light responsibility.

Under such circumstances, the bull-tempered Xue Wanjun actually went on a hunger strike to protest.

As the husband of the emperor of Tang Dynasty, at this time, he naturally couldn't put down his figure, let alone release him easily.

But the problem is that Brother Lu Guogong is a rare general in the Tang Dynasty. If there is something because of the hunger strike, I am afraid that it will be the husband in the future...

Empress Changsun was also quite angry with Xue Wanjun. It was obviously your omission that caused my beloved daughter to almost have a serious incident.

Your Majesty is not out of private indignation, but the courtiers dealt with you according to the state, law and court. His Majesty loves your talents and only put you in prison without further investigation.

This is already a lenient treatment, okay, I don't want you not only did not understand the pains of your majesty, but on the contrary, you feel that you have been wronged.

In this way, the husband's temper will naturally rise, even if it is the talent of Xue Wanjun, but it is impossible for him to be under the coercion of his courtiers to slander the country's laws.

Empress Changsun was frowning, and Li Shimin, the emperor of Tang Dynasty, also felt very unbeautiful because of this.

At this moment, Zhao Kun, who had been guarding the outside of the hall, stepped into the hall with a strange expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, Cheng Sanlang was ordered by His Royal Highness to **** His Royal Highness to Luoyang. He has already arrived outside the palace."


The arrival of Li Xiang, a tiger-headed little baby, made Li Shimin and Empress Changsun really like it.

The little guy Li Xiang was a little bearish, but his little mouth was sweet, and the two elders were amused by the constant screams of grandpa and grandma.

Empress Changsun led Li Xiang to invite the emperor Li Yuan to go to and after Cheng Sanlang handed the letter of his Royal Highness to Li Shimin, he did not leave, but stayed.

After reading the letter from his son, Li Shimin raised his eyelids and nodded at Cheng Sanlang and smiled.

"Thanks for your hard work, Virtuous Nephew Chubi, now your old Cheng family is a big show, and you have two Taibaos."

Cheng Chubi smiled shyly and said a few words humbly, but when he saw that his Majesty had not mentioned Xue Wanjun, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Uncle, my nephew, I heard that Lu Guogong is on a hunger strike in prison. It is said that it has been a long time."

"If it weren't for General Xue Wanche's day and night, I'm afraid it would have been nothing."

Hearing that Cheng Saburo mentioned Xue Wanjun's name, Li Shimin looked at Cheng Saburo meaningfully, and spoke in a leisurely manner.

"Why, do you think the old man is wrong too?"

After asking, Li Shimin picked up the tea and took a sip of moisturizing throat slowly.

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi almost became happy.

"How is it possible? Your Majesty, you neither beat him up nor deducted his salary, you are already worthy of him."

Puff...Li Shimin had already swallowed the tea in his throat and sprayed it out.

Zhao Kun next to him quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth and coughed again and again.

Cheng Chubi had an innocent expression, but he was happy in his heart, what's wrong? Could it be that he wouldn't be beaten as a general?

Or is it that his Lu Guogong is different from Lu Guogong, and the salary deduction is exclusive to the old Cheng family?

Don't forget, Lu and Lu are both L sounds, so what's the difference?

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