The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1829: No, maybe your majesty is avenging his personal revenge

Empress Changsun looked at the figure of her husband and Cheng Saburo walking in a row with some doubts, and she didn't understand what was going on.

Li Mingda, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to see off Cheng's third brother, was preempted by his father.

"Nephew, can you think of a way? Don't forget, Xue Qing has been on a hunger strike these few days, so don't delay it for too long."

Uncle Li's voice came from around, and Cheng Chubi nodded, but he really didn't know what to do.

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes and decided to throw this problem to Uncle Li to solve.

"My nephew wants to ask my uncle, what kind of crime will be thrown into that prison?"

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself. "You ask the old man?"

Cheng Chubi quickly nodded his head. Li Shimin happily slapped Cheng Chubi's broad shoulder with a big slap.

"Think carefully about this. Well, if you can't find a suitable reason to go to jail. How about the old man just looking for a reason and throwing you in?"

"???" Cheng Chubi looked at the shameless Emperor of Tang with a dumbfounded look.

However, Li Shimin still analyzed the Dao seriously.

"In this way, you are not wronged? Certainly wronged, maybe it can stimulate Xue Wanjunqing's sympathy and empathy for you, and it will be more conducive to your treatment of his heart disease."

Zhao Kun on the side wiped his face vigorously, wishing to yell his majesty wise martial arts, this method is really high.

Cheng Chubi just got rid of it. I'm so wronged that I want to explode, okay? When it comes to Sao operation, your emperor is second to none.

"No, no, no, let my nephew, let me think about it, that uncle must not send it, my nephew will leave first."

Li Shimin looked at the back of Cheng Saburo, who was a little depraved, and hurried away, and yelled again very intimately.

"A virtuous nephew is like fighting a fire, tomorrow morning, the old man will send someone to send you to jail."

The speed at which Cheng Chubi flees was nearly three points faster, and Li Shimin laughed happily.

"Zhao Kun, tomorrow morning, I will take someone to Lu Guo Gong's mansion and send him directly to the prison."

"The charge is simple, this kid steals Fang Zhu from the palace."

"...Your Majesty is wise, this charge is indeed the most appropriate, but it happens to warn the boy Cheng Saburo that he should not always use the idea of ​​Fang Zhu, which his Majesty likes."

Li Shimin couldn't help but feel great, and nodded deeply. "Well said, next time that kid dares to move my Fang Zhu, hehehehe..."

In Wencheng Hall, hearing his father's happy laughter, Li Mingda rolled his eyes and murmured softly in his mother's ear.

"Mother, why did Daddy laugh so happily? It feels like you have done something bad and succeeded."

The eldest-grandson heard the whispering voice of her relatives, she suppressed a smile, and stroked the green silk of her relatives.

"At most, your dad will just make fun of your brother Cheng San, don't worry."

As he spoke, he saw the husband strode into the hall very energetic.

Rao is the empress of Changsun, who has always been prudent, and can't help but wonder at this moment.

"My husband didn't hear the good news from Cheng Saburo?"

Facing the curious eyes of Guanyin's maidservant and her relatives, Li Shimin smiled freely and sat down.

"Xue Wanjun should have no worries, Cheng Saburo told the old man that he has a way to heal."

"That's great." Empress Changsun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the words. It was also Cheng Saburo's boy who came forward, but he was much stronger than Fujun.

Li Mingda couldn't help but smile, looking forward to being authentic.

"It's no wonder that Daddy is so happy just now. I really want to see how Brother Cheng San treated General Xue's illness."

"You can't see it, the kid said, Xue Wanjunqing is a heart disease, and he needs heart medicine."

"Let the old man find a random place to put him in the prison, hehehe...cough cough, so that he and Xue Wanjunqing will have pity for the same illness, so that he can treat the illness."

"..." Li Mingda and Empress Changsun stared at Li Shimin with a smirk.

"This, isn't it necessary?" Empress Changsun couldn't help rubbing her tight eyebrows. Is Cheng Saburo crazy?

Li Mingda also had a faintly dark face, always wondering if Brother Cheng's brain was broken, how could he come up with such a bad idea.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of his beloved wife and daughter, Li Shimin coughed dryly and curbed his expressions, telling Cheng Sanlang's analysis of Xue Wanjun's condition.

This made Li Mingda and Empress Changsun speechless.

"Of course it's not really letting that kid do bad things, but it's just asking him to think of a reason that makes people feel that he is aggrieved, but can also arouse Xue Wanjunqing's sympathy."

When it comes to this, Li Shimin is very proud and authentic.

"Actually, the reason is that the old man had already thought about this kid for a long time, so he wanted to destroy Fangzhu in the Imperial Palace Forbidden Garden.

Put this kid in jail and be a neighbor with Xue Wanjunqing. "

"..." Li Mingda saw that his expression seemed serious, but he felt that his father's expression was intriguing, and he finally understood the reason for the laughter he just heard.

He couldn't help but murmured his lips secretly.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Cheng San is so In order to treat General Xue, he must find a crime and throw himself into jail."

"Okay, okay, he was trying to heal the important officials of the court. How could Daddy actually put him in jail because of a few square bamboos? Isn't it necessary to cure the disease?

Dad will definitely not treat him badly, don't worry. "

"Well, I know that Daddy is the most generous emperor."

"Ha, that's nature, for the father..."

The grandson empress on the side looked at the father-daughter couple who started to tout the horse-beating model again, and she had the urge to find a book to pass the time, but she was never finished.

Cheng Saburo, who had been driving for a few days, slept straight to the next day's three strokes before waking up.

Cheng Chubi ate the breakfast that he brought to the house, and began to think about what reasons he would be imprisoned by His Majesty.

After all, in order to arouse the sympathy and empathy of General Xue Er, a proper reason is needed.

At this moment, a family member came to report that Zhao Kun, the head of your majesty's confidante, had already come to visit.

"Cheng Saburo, how about it? Is there any way to think about it?" Zhao Kun looked at Cheng Saburo who saluted him with a malicious smile on his face.

"If you still have no choice, Your Majesty has already thought about it for you."


"Well, your Majesty is going to take you to jail for destroying Fangzhu of the Imperial Palace Forbidden Garden."

"Um, eh? Just a few square bamboos, as for?"

Cheng Chubi is just getting frustrated. This reason is too far-fetched, isn't it?

The important thing is that I have done it myself. No, maybe your Majesty is avenging his personal revenge.

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