The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1875: Your Highness can see today’s issue of "Changan Xunbao"

Latest website: Li Daozong walked back to the mansion. First, he took a look at Niang Zi Yan. In the past few days, Niang Zi Yan and daughter A Nuan are almost sticking together.

Although he comforted the lady by herself, she was afraid that the lady Yan knew it in her heart.

The daughter, whether he will marry a foreign land, is not the king of Jiang Xia who has the final say.

After chatting happily with his wife and daughter for a while, after lunch, Li Daozong went to the study alone.

Back in the study, his eyes swept over a brand-new "Chang'an Xunbao" and "Chang'an Collected Works" on the desk.

However, Li Daozong would appreciate any new publications in the past.

But today, he really didn't have the mood to look at those things, and he didn't even want to sit in front of the case, and went straight to the soft couch on the side, tilting it upwards.

Opened his eyes and looked at Fang Liang in a daze, several days have passed since his letter had been sent, but now, Da Lang has only returned one letter to himself.

Of course, in order not to be exposed, this kid said very vaguely, only saying that they were thinking of a way.

But now that it has been several days of work, have you figured out how to do it, and there is no news.

This makes Li Daozong very painful, but he is helpless. After all, he Li is also considered a resourceful person anyway.

After I wrote the letter, I was still considering whether there was any way to break the game.

But in the end I thought about it again and again, but I didn't have any clues. I really just watched the mission go to Luoyang, the eastern capital.

Then, seeing the beloved daughter being betrothed to the Tubo master and marrying away to a foreign land, there will be no day to meet again in this life...

Just as Li Daozong thought the more, his mood grew gloomy and frustrated, a hurried shout came from outside the house.

"His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness... Ma Zhou Ma, the minister, has something urgent to see Your Royal Highness."

Li Daozong quickly sat up, wiped his face severely, and cheered up. "Hurry up, please."

When Li Daozong arrived in the front hall, Ma Zhou was walking slowly in the hall with a copy of "Chang'an Xunbao" in his hand.

After seeing Li Daozong, he breathed a sigh of relief. "I have seen your Highness, can your Highness look at today's issue of "Chang'an Xunbao"?"

"A certain hasn't had time to watch, what's the matter?" Li Daozong looked at Ma Zhou, who seemed to have encountered something serious in front of him, in a dazed manner.

Is it possible that in this issue of "Chang'an Xunbao", what kind of detrimental thing did you do that provokes this majesty's favorite minister?

Ma Zhou took a deep breath, patted the copy of "Chang'an Xunbao" in his hand, and pointed to other words in the hall.

"Fine, since you haven't watched it yet, let's just talk as we go."

"We? Where are we going?" Li Daozong couldn't help asking.

"When you go to the East Palace, you need to report something important to your Royal Highness. This newspaper, you will understand why Ma is doing this after you take a good look at this newspaper."



As the example and model of the literati of the Tang Dynasty, after the bear child Li Xiang is not in the East Palace, the East Palace seems to be restored to its former peace and tranquility.

His Royal Highness was extremely furious and slid a small whip around to push the emperor grandson and grandson Mandong palace chaotically and finally disappeared.

People will only see that His Royal Highness, taking a gentle step, strolls in the East Palace with Princess Su, pushing the specially-made stroller, and basking in the sun.

Even in winter, when there is no wind and the sun is out, letting children come out to breathe and bask in the sun can promote bone development and good health.

Well, these words were all confessed by Brother Chu Bi. As a good brother of Cheng Saburo and a die-hard supporter of medical ideas: His Royal Highness and his wife followed Cheng Saburo's instructions and confessions very strictly.

Just when His Royal Highness and his beloved wife were strolling with their sons and daughters in the warm winter sun.

Yu Zhining copied a copy of "Chang'an Xunbao" with a black line on his face, and then jumped back to the East Palace, heading towards the Lizheng Hall.

After shopping for a long time, the husband and wife walked side by side toward Cheng'en Hall. The children who were sleeping lazily under the sun suddenly regained their energy, and started to scream. Looks hungry again.

Li Chengqian looked at these two very energetic little dolls, and he was very pleased and satisfied in his heart.

However, the more this happened, the more I missed the little devil Li Xiang, even though the bear was a bit bearish.

But at any rate, the kid has a sweet mouth, knows how to winks, can coax people, and is quite responsible.

I don't know how he lived in Luoyang, the eastern capital. Is it fat or thin? I don't know how it was.

Whether his grandparents continued to spoil him, or was annoyed by him, and screamed and cleaned him up.

Well, being the first time Li Chengqian had been separated from his son for so long, he couldn't help feeling a little bit sighed.

At this moment, Ning Zhong walked into the temple from outside the gate, and whispered in Li Chengqian's ear.

"What about Yu Zhan?" Li Chengqian was stunned, and after greeted the crown prince Su clan, he quickly walked towards the outside of the hall.

Outside the gate of Dedian, I saw Yu Zhining frowning and walking back and forth with a newspaper in his hand.

"Yu Qing, what happened?" Li Chengqian walked towards Yu Zhining and asked curiously.

"The minister sees His Royal Highness, and asks His Royal Highness to take a look at this..."

While speaking, Yu Zhining passed the newspaper in his hand.

After Li Chengqian took over this brand-new newspaper, he couldn't help but wonder whether there was any major problem in this issue of "Changan Xunbao".

With a glance, he fell on the first shocking, bold and black headline.

"Perspective of "Four Major Points of Interest in Tubo and Marriage"... Isn't this the favorite exaggeration technique used by "Chang'an Xunbao"?

After all, on the day this Tubo envoy entered the city, many people already knew about it. "

"Therefore, they heard that the purpose of this Tubo envoy was to make peace with each other, which is nothing unusual."

Li Chengqian shook the newspaper in his with a rather disapproving smile.

After all, it is really strange if there is any news in the East Palace, which is the same as the fence.

"No, no, your Highness, this is not the point, your Highness, keep reading here, you see this edition, there is this edition, and here..."

"Almost every edition has articles with various comments on the actions of the Tubo envoys."

"Like this "Lord of Tubo, a man who aspires to marry princesses all over the world".

In this article, it portrays the Tubo country lord as a...well, in short, a very rude lord. "

While talking, the two came to the side hall of Lizhengdian, Li Chengqian picked up the newspaper again and began to read it seriously.

His face was disapproving from the beginning, and gradually became more cautious, and even after seeing the back, he couldn't help but breathe in a bit of toothache.

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