The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1880: Even if it’s a big bully, it’s still powerless

The Empress Changsun, who had already arrived in the Wencheng Hall, saw her husband sighing with a sad face.

Can't help but comforted softly. "Husband, this is no way. After all, if Xue Yantuo doesn't suppress it, he will be able to succeed in the future, I am afraid it will be another East Turk."

"Yes, but it is not Xue Yantuo who is bothering her husband, but the Tubo side."

Li Shimin sighed faintly, and stroked his eyebrows.

"On the Tubo side..." Empress Changsun was stunned, looking at her husband's expression, and quickly reacted.

"The husband meant that Wang Jiang Xia's side..."

"Yeah." Li Shimin nodded his head slowly and heavily.

Empress Changsun nodded suddenly, and couldn't help but sigh lightly.

Nowadays, among the clan girls of the right age for marriage, I am afraid that A Nuan's age is more suitable. The other clan girls will have to be married until they are married.

Either they are too young to be suitable at all.

But Na Nuan is the jewel in Li Daozong's palm, and Li Daozong's love for this girl is just like her husband's love for Xiao Sizi.

Jiangxia King Li Daozong is the same clan brother of the husband, and he has a very good relationship with him, and he is also a rare person in the Tang clan with both civil and military skills.

If you want to get married, you have to make A Nuan a princess in order to marry Tubo.

But in this way, I don't know what Li Daozong will be sad, no wonder the husband is so entangled and embarrassed.

But the problem is that apart from A Nuan, there are no maidens of the right age, so they can't find the daughters of ministers and workers and register them as princesses for marriage.

If this is the case, I am afraid that it will be self-defeating, and Tubo is definitely not happy. If this matter is publicized, it will be the Tang Dynasty who will lose face when the time comes.

Li Shimin let out a suffocating breath and looked at his beloved wife Guanyin, whose expression was also very tangled, thoughtfully.

"But this is a major event in the country. As a Datang world, I can't just because A Nuan is Dao Zong's beloved daughter..."

"The husband doesn't need to explain, the concubine knows what you mean, or should the concubine write a letter to Yan first, communicate with her first, and let her persuade King Jiang Xia from the side?"

"No need to wait until tomorrow, after the dynastic discussion, let's talk about it, now Dao Zong is assisting in Chang'an..."

"Tomorrow, my husband will send Li Ji to Chang'an to replace Daozong, let him come to Luoyang, and my husband will personally have a good chat with him."

"Husband..." Empress Changsun gently patted her husband's generous shoulders. She knew very well that her husband felt very uncomfortable.

But this is also something that can't be helped. There is something in the Tang Dynasty, even if it is the royal family, it needs to be paid, even if the price is very heavy...


The north wind blows and the snowflakes flutter. The heart of Lu Dongzan, who is braving the wind and snow, is like the air outside the carriage, and it is cool.

From time to time, he raised the curtain and looked out of the car, urging the driver and the delegation to speed up.

If it were not for the large number of contributions in the envoy, Lu Dongzan would really wish to turn on his horse, and jump directly to the eastern capital of Luoyang.

The news in the "Changan Xunbao" was finalized with the emperor of the Tang Dynasty before the Tang Dynasty was fermented.

But at the moment, this Fengxue Zhentian is not an ordinary girl, but she is traveling day and night. Now the envoy team is exhausted, and this has just arrived at Tongguan.

There is still almost half of the journey, although the members of the mission are very tired, and many people have even been slightly frostbited.

However, Lu Dongzan had no choice but to harden his heart and continue to urge the team to speed up and rush to the eastern capital of Luoyang.

Facing the knife-like cold wind, Lu Dongzan, who had been blowing for a long time, heard the voice of the deputy envoy Sambuza from inside the carriage.

"Prime Minister, come in, the wind outside is too strong..."

Lu Dongzan lowered the curtain of the car and sat in front of the small iron stove standing in the carriage, holding his hands. Although the stove was not big, it was warmer than those carbon stoves.

This thing was bought by Sambuza when he went to hang out in the West Market. It is a good treasure that is specially used in the carriage to keep the passengers in the car warm in winter.

The structure of this iron stove is completely designed to be suitable for long and turbulent trips.

It can also be fixed on a carriage, even if the carriage is bumpy, it will not have any effect on the burning of the iron stove.

And there is also a specially-made kettle on it, which can be firmly fixed on the top of the iron stove without falling over due to bumps.

It allows passengers to keep warm while not being too dry, and they can also have hot water for drinking.

At this moment, Sambuza picked up a cup of tea that had just been poured, and handed it to Lu Dongzan, who was travelling with him, and persuaded him.

"Prime Minister, no matter how impatient we are now, it is useless. No matter what, it will take a day or two to reach Luoyang."

"I know this, but the problem is that the sooner it arrives, the easier it will be to solve the important task entrusted by your majesty."

"Otherwise, when those articles begin to ferment in Datang, the old man is worried..."

Sambuza nodded in understanding. "Yes, I didn't expect that those people from Xiangxiong Country are so despicable, they would actually use these methods to to destroy my marriage between Tubo and Datang."

"Don't worry, the old man has already sent the messenger and hurried back to the country to remind your majesty that there are problems among the important ministers of Xiangxiong who have returned to Tubo..."

Hearing this, Sambuza frowned in a low voice.

"Oh...but in this case, the subordinates are worried that if your majesty really investigates this matter carefully, it will definitely arouse people's anxiety."

"That's better than the rebirth incident in the future. Brother, you don't know. My Tubo can capture Xiangxiong. It's not that our strength is stronger than Xiangxiong."

"It's that we are good at planning, but Xiang Xiong is foolish and foolish, only knowing that we are brave and relentless, so that we have this defeat."

"Now, it has become the Xiangxiong country of my Tubo genus, but there are still many people who are resentful, even secretly colluding..."

"If we can successfully negotiate with Datang, and Datang is willing to make a relationship, it will definitely make the country lord's momentum rise. At that time..."

The voices of Lu Dongzan and Sambuza just echoed in the carriage, even if they were slightly transmitted outside the carriage.

But it was quickly covered by the howling wind and snow, and disappeared.


Early the next morning, Li Shimin, the emperor of Tang, with a solemn expression, lived high behind the imperial case.

And a lot of important court officials are starting to discuss according to the content of yesterday's finalization, after yesterday's unified thinking.

Among the important civil and military officials, even those who are unwilling to be close to each other can only reserve their opinions.

At most, he stood up and expressed that Tubo and his relatives may not mean that they want to live peacefully with Datang sincerely.

Maybe this is just a means they want to paralyze Datang.

In particular, General Cheng's loud voice is the clearest, but unfortunately, even if he is a big bully.

The matter that your Majesty has decided, his General Cheng is also unable to return to heaven...

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