The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1965: If your majesty agrees, your subordinates are willing to be the first **** for your m

Lu Dongzan looked at Sambuzha's thin-looking back, and glanced at the two vulgar Tubo martial artists.

He sighed very sighfully, and said in a voice that only Sambuza and himself could hear.

"Actually, when Brother Yu walked into this room, I was still hesitating, but now, I already understand what I should do."

Lu Dongzan stood up, adjusted his robes, and bowed respectfully to Sambuza.

"Thank you, brother Tunmi, and thank you for helping Brother Yu make up his mind..."

Then Lu Dongzan's voice was abrupt as usual, and he said loudly.

"Also, after brother Tunmi returns to Tubo, remember to tell the lord of the country, if you want to achieve great things, be a wise person and a villain, the superior, don't be too careless in doing things..."

Sambuza, who turned his back to Lu Dongzan, replied in a dull voice for a while.

"Don't worry, your words, if I live, I will definitely bring them there."

Qin Ling, who was arranged by his father to squat at the door, could only watch everything that happened in the house, until he saw his father Lu Dongzan saluting towards Sambuza.

Although the whole person's complexion was solemn, but he seemed to have relieved the burden of his heart, and his steps seemed so firm and powerful.

"General Zhao, please tell your majesty, your subordinates, please see your majesty."

After seeing that Zhao Kun strode away, Qin Ling approached his father, and glanced at the three former compatriots in the house, the enemy of today.

"Apa, Sambuza is like that, why are you..."

Before Qin Ling finished speaking, he was frightened by his father's serious gaze and swallowed the rest of the words back.

"Brother Tunmi, his face is cold and warm. Although he can't change his face, he has also tried his best to hint at being a father..."

"Let's father and son stay in Datang. I only hope that Tang Huang, his majesty, can really value being a father as he has shown."

"Apa, did you agree?" Qin Ling's eyes lit up, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

"Then what do they do?" Qin Ling raised his hand and pointed at the three people in the house.

In the side hall of Wencheng Hall, only Li Shimin and Lu Dongzan sat facing each other, and Zhao Kun, the head of the inner guard, stood on the side.

At this moment, Lu Dongzan bowed to the ground towards Li Shimin and spoke.

"Your majesty, your subordinates hope that your majesty can agree to the two conditions of your subordinates. If your majesty allows them, your subordinates are willing to stand in front of your majesty and an official in front of the door for your majesty to drive."

Li Shimin stepped forward, picked up Lu Dongzan, and looked at the good minister who was about to get his hands. The joy on his face couldn't hide.

"What conditions does Qing have, just speak up, and if I can allow it, I will certainly allow it."

"Your Majesty, please punish Tashi and Tsering, and ask your Majesty's envoy to Encourage Tunmisambuza to bring these two heads and corresponding members of the envoy back to Tubo." "Furthermore, let's be here. Drive out the other guests so that the Tubo people can see the clues, but it is easy to reveal themselves."

"The son is reasonable, anyway, the medicinal effect of these condiments can definitely be grasped by the son, at most, it is to let those people sleep well, and there will be no bad things."

The shopkeeper had a black line on his face, and his beard frequently grew. confirmed……

In all likelihood, those few famous and notorious, from time to time will make some ridiculous big news nobles, I am afraid that they are peeping at their own restaurant with a gentler slaughter of customers.

However, from the point of view of the generosity of the small Cheng Taibao's money, as long as the price is sufficient, he is not unwilling to follow the boat.

At the moment when the shopkeeper was thinking about it, in the private room upstairs, General Zhaxi was eating a large piece of meat and swallowing wildly.

Feeling a sense of sleepiness for no reason, he involuntarily yawned.

Seeing General Zhaxi's tears came out, Sambuza shook his head and yawned rather sleepily.

"It seems that I really woke up too early today, I didn't rest well last night..."

Hearing this, General Tashi was also deeply impressed. That's right... I was worried all day, and I didn't slept for long all night.

In addition, today the genius Ma Maliang woke up and quickly packed up, and rushed for another morning's journey. Not sleepy, but novel.

It's just that while he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a plop.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw an embassy official who was chewing on his head and fell directly on the side of the case.

He lay down on the soft cotton floor, and then remained motionless.

Everyone was stunned. Soon, they heard the even breathing of the envoy official lying on the floor.

This was a sigh of relief, but Sambuza couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

"That's not right... The old man has never been so sleepy even if he reads all night, feels, feels..."

Before he finished his words, the Sambuza also fell head-on there, and he was like a signal.

The officials of the envoys are falling to the ground one after another, and the generals have also begun to falter.

A general hurriedly earned himself a bit, trying to stand up, but felt that he was already weak in his limbs.

"'s not right, it's very wrong..."

A flash of lightning flashed in Zhaxi's mind, and the face of the shopkeeper who had just been pleased with a smile was almost covered by darkness.

Only the big mouth with missing teeth was revealed, and a weird grin was revealed.

In the back kitchen, in the steaming big pots, the limbs of some people are tumbling...

"Black shop! Black shop!" Tashi hissed He struggled to get up, stumbled out of the private room, and shouted with all his strength towards the bottom.

"Wine and vegetables are poisonous, this, this is a black shop!"

Below, those businessmen who had not drunk but also started yawning because of eating and eating, and members of the Tubo envoy all heard this heart-cracking yell.

With a dumb face, they subconsciously raised their heads, and saw this short and sturdy man with luxurious clothes and a red face on the plateau.

Unsteady, he stood in front of the railing on the second floor, his feet were soft after he screamed out of the black shop.

The whole person rolled down the stairs like a gourd, and screamed directly onto the floor of the lobby on the first floor.

The blood-stained Tashi swayed to stand up, and finally lay down weakly on the ground.

The trembling fingers lifted up, and finally smashed to the floor feebly, his head so slanted, his eyes seemed to be open and closed, as if he could not stare at him, but also as if he could not wake up. The whole person rolled down the stairs like a gourd, and screamed directly onto the floor of the lobby on the first floor.

The blood-stained Tashi swayed to stand up, and finally lay down weakly on the ground.

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