The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2761: With the ships of the Han and Tang dynasties that can resist the scenery...

Cheng Chubi could only strode away from the palace angrily, and hurried straight to the mansion of Duke Li Wei.

The behavior of Yan Da's artist made Cheng Sanlang quite dissatisfied, but considering that the artist's behavior is generally maverick, he doesn't like to deal with human beings.

Seeing that he had provided a large number of calligraphy and painting works for the old Cheng family's poetry and calligraphy in the past, Cheng Sablang generously decided not to have the same knowledge as him.

Until this time, Cheng Chubi pulled the reins and finally reacted. "not good!"

"What's the matter with you, Third Young Master?" Deng Chengxin looked at this man with a bewildered expression.

"His Majesty clearly said that he would take me to find a sticker, but all of me came out, and he didn't give me a copy of that stuff."

"Do you want to go back, son?"

"Forget it, wait for the next time, go back now, that is to find the guilt yourself. Sigh..."

It seems that he is really troubled by the big problem that his father-in-law gave him, so that he even forgot about such a big thing.

Cheng Chubi knew very well that His Majesty must have deliberately forgotten...

Very depressed, Cheng Sanlang hurriedly hurried, finally arrived at Li Wei Gong's mansion, and went straight to the courtyard of the Li De Prize.

At this moment, the old brothers have already started to eat and drink, and they are very happy.

Naturally, Cheng Chubi joined the battle group unceremoniously in the sound of calling friends and friends.

Li Dezheng, who was drinking red, came to Cheng Sanlang with the cup, and was very happy.

"Brother Chubi, you are late. Come and accompany you to drink this cup for your brother."

Of course, Cheng Chubi would not be polite to Li Dezhen. He raised his neck and took a sip of the fine wine.

"Brother De Zian, I said Brother Jun said, are you going to wander around the world again?"

"Well, that's about it..." Li Dezhen smacked his mouth, glanced at the old brothers who were eating and drinking, and laughed at Cheng Sanlang.

"Brother, you must also know that as a brother, I am a person who can't be idle. Before, I couldn't control my parents. In addition to the national policy of improving horse breeds, I had to stay in Luoyang."

"Just to take advantage of this moment, my father is still in good health. Going out for a walk, in a few years, even if there is a chance, it is not good for my brother to travel far away from home."

Seeing Li De Award, the wandering ranger who insisted on using his sword to travel around the world, Cheng Chubi really didn't know what to say.

"Besides, my brother once heard the words of the virtuous brother, the Japanese country is eastward, there is a sea that is nearly ten thousand li, and after ten thousand li, there is a vast and boundless land, where the descendants of Yin and Shang live..."

"...Brother De Zian, you mean, this time, you are going to go to the east, ah no, go to the east for an adventure?"

"Yes, the end of the sky in the extreme west, my brother has already been there, then, going east, to the extreme end of the sea, to see the continent where the descendants of Yin Shang arrived, this is Li's long-cherished wish in this life."

Cheng Chubi gasped with a bit of a toothache, although he had had an idea before, to encourage this Datang adventurer to go for a stroll in that new continent.

But later, considering the actual situation today, Cheng Saburo finally gave up the idea, at least before the charts were drawn to the Bering Strait.

If you want to cross the Pacific Ocean, it is no longer called adventure, it is called death.

If it is said that the explorer who wants to go on an adventure is not familiar with himself, but the problem is that the person in front of him is the son of the Great Tang Army God.

Even if he is not seen by the Great Tang military god, he is still his bloodline and his own good brother.

Watching the good brother drive the small sampan into the abyss, Cheng Saburo really can't do it.

"I said Brother Dezhen, it's good for you to have such an idea, but isn't it too eager?"

"Brother..." Li Dezhen's eyes fell on Cheng Sanlang, and he patted the little brother's shoulder heavily.

Taking square steps, he left the noisy house and swayed outside the house, and Cheng Chubi also walked out.

"Look at the wrinkles at the corners of Brother Wei's eyes first, and the silver threads coming out of my temples."

Cheng Chubi couldn't help grinning after taking a serious look.

"Brother De Zian, are you so young?"

This made Li Dezhen stagger under his feet, and pointed at the boy angrily and hilariously.

"...Can you be a little more serious? For my brother, although I and you are the same generation, it's already the age of no doubts, okay?"

"I won't be reconciled if I don't take advantage of the fact that I can still use the sword to go to this world..."

"Especially what you said, Brother Xian, really went deep into my brother's heart."

"..." Cheng Chubi raised his hand and touched his face. I've said a lot of demagogic words. Who knows which sentence you've listened to, and it's scratching your head.

Seeing Cheng Sanlang touching his face and not answering, Li Dezhen raised the wine glass in his hand and looked at the stars in the sky.

"A man's journey should be the sea of ​​stars, the distant and unknown, so charming..."

"Okay, I have an impression of this, it should be me." Cheng Chubi slapped his mouth, he must have said it himself.

After all, this is a classic famous saying that can be used by the rough old men in later generations. I didn't say it myself, or could it be said by other transmigrators.


Facing this brother-in-law, Cheng Chubi had a headache, and the big problem of the old man in the palace had already made him a big headache.

At this moment, this big brother is going to conquer the sea of ​​stars again, and he is also the master of Te Niang's worry.

Leave him alone, is it possible? After all, his ambition to go to the New World was teased by himself.

Why are you so miserable? Why don't these guys have any peace of mind.

Cheng Chubi sighed bitterly, rolled his eyes for a long time, and finally thought of a reason.

"Brother De Zian, if you want to take risks, since neither your parents can stop you, the younger brother can't stop you."

"It's just my little brother, I think, Xiongtai, if you want to go on an expedition to the sea of ​​stars, are you ready anyway?"

"You must know that there is an old saying that bullies the mountains and never bullies the water. On land, at least you have two, but on the vast sea that stretches as far as the eye can see.

If you don't have an excellent boat, even if you have great ambitions, you are useless.

Well, Brother De Zian, you are looking at Mo Deng, brother, what I said was from the bottom of my heart, I definitely didn't want to drag Xiongtai down your back. "

"You're right, but as my brother, I know. Now that we count the pros and cons of sea-going ships, the sea-going ships of our Han and Tang Commercial Bank shipyards are unparalleled in the world."

"Our ships, even if they encounter such a big storm that covers the sky and the sun, can escape safely..."

"Because of my brother, in the past, I took a group of brothers across the ocean, went to Japan, went to Baekje, and went to Ryukyu."

"If we have such a storm-resistant boat from our Han and Tang Dynasty companies, and know the east of the Japanese island, there is still such a vast continent, hehe..."


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