The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2782: Hmm... Then I'll get a quilt for the old man...

"Cheng Saburo, you kid is still doing what you are doing, and you are not ready to come up to the old man..."

After Li Shimin boarded the hanging basket, he turned his head and saw Cheng Sanlang was still looking into the distance, and shouted unwillingly.

"Father-in-law, wait for my son-in-law, there's still a piece of equipment that can reach the sky... It's here, Cheng Fa, hurry up and give it to me."

Cheng Chubi was about to explain when he saw that Cheng Fa was already rushing towards with a large package on his back, and quickly raised his hand to take it and swiped it on his shoulder.

With such a big stride, he walked into the bamboo basket and threw this thing in the hanging basket.

"Third Master, Third Young Master, the villain didn't find the cloak..." Cheng Fa was a little anxious, but before he could finish speaking, Cheng Sanlang couldn't wait to ask someone to put the leash and start going to the sky.

Li Shimin and Zhao Kun glanced at the thing, but after hearing Cheng Sanlang's order to lift the anchor and go to the sky, they turned their attention.

"Brother, what kind of warm things did you get for His Majesty and the Third Young Master?" Cheng Da couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

Li Ke, who was not far away, couldn't help but froze his ears to eavesdrop.

"The main third son hasn't stayed in the office for a long time, so there are no heavy winter clothes at all. I thought about keeping warm, so I went to Uncle Ji and made three quilts..."

"Hehehe..." A strange laugh suddenly came out of Li Ke's mouth, and then Li Ke bit his lip fiercely.

I can't laugh, I must not let people know that I'm imagining my father and brother Chubi, who are wrapped in bed quilts and trembling in the world, so that they lose control of their emotions.

"Brother De, you have a runny nose again..." Fang Jun on the side reminded the man with a face like a crown jade, but his snot flowing freely.



Throughout the whole process, the performance of this Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was not much better than that of his own son, Li Ke.

At the very beginning, he ascended to the sky, oh no... When he ascended to the sky, his whole body was so excited that he almost trembled.

Zhao Kun, the head of his personal guard, was not much better.

This made Cheng Chubi a little suspicious that the bearded guard leader had acrophobia, but seeing his resolute gaze that even if he died, he would die in this hanging basket, Cheng Chubi gave up his plan to persuade him to go down. .

Since he is a personal character, if he doesn't stay by His Majesty's side, wouldn't he lose his role?

At this moment, Li Shimin's attention was completely attracted by the rising hanging basket, and he looked at the steaming big iron stove fixed in the hanging basket.

He kept asking Cheng Sanlang how tall he was now and why he didn't hurry up anymore, because he wanted to fly higher.

Cheng Chubi could only tell the Tang emperor patiently that this was manual control, and if he wanted to free himself, he had to chop off four traction ropes.

But in that case, where the immortal basket will fly, only God knows, if it is accidentally hung into the Yellow River, it is not clear.

If I really want to chop four ropes and let myself go, I am afraid that I will be forced to deduct points for the image of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

As the civil and military officials at his feet gradually turned into ants, the Cheng's University, which originally seemed to occupy a vast area, now seems to be just a small frame in the chessboard of heaven and earth.

And the huge Luoyang City, the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty, which looks very majestic and magnificent no matter how you look at it, is more and more exciting in the eyes at this moment.

"This is the great river and mountain of my Tang Dynasty, hey, my son-in-law, that is the Ziwei Palace in Luoyang City.

Hey, it seems to be several bridges across Luoshui, hey, it seems to be the Temple of Heaven... Xian-in-law, do you think that there is Mangshan? …”

Facing His Majesty the Tang Emperor, who was like a curious baby, Cheng Chubi could only squeeze out a polite but flattering smile.

Following the exclamation of the old husband, he cooperated and said, "Ah...yes...the husband is wise...yes, yes...the husband's eyesight is extraordinary..."

As for Zhao Kun, who seemed to be a little afraid of heights, his face was pale at the moment, and he forced his eyes to open from time to time.

Along with the gust of wind, it rushed towards his face like a knife, making His Majesty the Tang Emperor's face faintly turn blue.

After a loud sneeze, Li Shimin sniffed his nose pretending to be calm and turned to look at Cheng Saburo.

"You kid, didn't you secretly ascend to the sky by yourself? Why is this old man surprised to look like this, but your kid looks like you can't lift your spirits?"

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law can't keep up his spirits. It's just that these days, I've been running around all day, and I'm really tired."

"Well... that's right, my son-in-law, why does this old man think, ah...why is it so windy here?"

After another loud sneeze, Li Shimin quickly took out a towel and wiped his face. He didn't hear Cheng Saburo's squeak, and when he turned his head, he noticed that Cheng Saburo was squatting there and furtively folding the package.

"???" After Li Shimin and Zhao Kun saw that Cheng Sanlang had unpacked the big package, they noticed that there was no sky-high tool in it, it was clearly Te Niang's three quilts.

"This is……"

Li Shimin saw that Cheng Sanlang was very eager to hold a quilt in his hands, and his mind was a little confused.

What the **** does this kid mean? His Majesty the Great Tang Emperor, when he ascended to the sky, was he shivering while wrapped in a quilt?

If people look at that ghostly appearance, under this dark history, is the old man still alive?

"Father-in-law, hurry up and put it on. The wind in this high place is too cold and too strong. If something goes that little son-in-law really can't afford it."

"Can't you make a few cloaks?" The Emperor Tang, who was wearing the emperor's robe, looked down, looking at the quilt, and really couldn't do it.

"Father-in-law, the time is too tight. The most important thing is that the youngest son-in-law doesn't know that it is so cold in the sky. I just asked His Royal Highness King Wu to find out."

"Father-in-law, you are in a hurry to go to the sky again. My son-in-law asked that kid Cheng Fa to get some good things to keep him warm. Who would have thought that this kid didn't find winter clothes, but actually made three quilts..."

Li Shimin couldn't help but sniffed and felt it, um... he had a beer belly, thick fat, and he could stand it, he raised his head recklessly.

"...No, the old man is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. It's really indecent to wear this thing."

Seeing how stubborn his father-in-law was, Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes covertly and handed it to Zhao Kun beside him.

At this moment, Zhao Kun, who was a little shivering from the cold, was no longer afraid of heights. After taking it, he looked at His Majesty with some embarrassment.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Cheng Saburo had swiftly put on a quilt, with a very warm expression.

Then, there was another loud sneeze, and Li Shimin felt that his snot started to flow uncontrollably.

Because the wind is too strong, the snot can't go straight down.

At this time, there was a voice that sounded like the devil was tempting again.

"Father-in-law, hurry up and put it on, anyway, no outsiders can see it. As for the immortals, if they fly higher, they will definitely not be able to see us."

"Well...then give the old man a bed too."


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