The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2837: Speaking of Cheng Sanlang, it seems like a good girl who goes a bit off topic...

For this, many generals have some small complaints in private. After all, Li Ji is the chief of Pyongyang, and that kid Cheng Sablang is only the deputy chief.

Why should the chief executive listen to that kid Cheng Sablang? Even if there is no gunboat and go straight to A, it is impossible for Baekje Chang to be the opponent of the Tang navy.

However, due to the British public's prestige and provoking Cheng's family, he was not able to live through the years of notoriety.

At most, everyone whispered in private, and dared not take the jiwai on the table.

Standing on the deck of the battleship, Li Ji couldn't help but recall the strategy of raking grass and fighting rabbits that Cheng Sanlang came up with. Until now, he still feels that the kid is simply a genius of Te Niang.

Even if that kid still has a lot of tricks to hide, Li Ji knows very well that his tricks are not very open, but they will definitely work well.

It is precisely because of Li Ji's repeated calculations in his heart that he felt that according to this kid's strategy, the Tang Dynasty, which was already invincible, might really be able to do more and gain greater benefits.

As for those vulgar warriors under his command, who only thought that Lao Tzu would be the first to charge and take the first power.

Li Ji shook his head helplessly. No wonder there are few famous officials and generals in this world. The main thing is whether you are willing to use your brains or not. Of course, there is also the most fundamental condition, that is, talent.

Thinking of this, Li Ji stroked his long beard and was very sighed. His own boss, Li Zhen, can still get five points of his true inheritance. As for Li Siwen, he is really far behind.

Fortunately, this time, Cheng Sanlang shot in time and finally saved Dalang's life. Now, Li Siwen has the opportunity to take credit.

As an elder, no matter how cheeky you are, you must know how to weigh the pros and cons.

I just don't know if Cheng Saburo's bold plan can make a good start.

If everything is as expected by that kid, then why is it wrong for me, the chief executive, to be responsible for cooperating with that kid?

Beneath him, the gunboat transformed from that building ship was moving unhurriedly on the sea.

The speed of the various ships around him are far above this building ship, but in order to take care of these more than ten building ship version cruisers, they can only control the speed of the ships to accompany them.

General Wu Zhonglang, who was on the side, looked at the dozen or so building and improved gunboats in the battleship group, and couldn't help but feel a stumbling in his heart.

The main ones that Cheng Saburo took away were the fast, powerful, and most importantly, new-style cruisers that were quite flexible.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that these improved gunboats under his command were very fragrant, but now Wu Zhonglang, who felt not so fragrant, couldn't help but whispered to Li Ji.

"Commander, why don't you discuss with that Cheng Saburo, those new giant ships, at least give us a few ships."


Hearing these words, Li Ji couldn't help but be amused, and patted General Wu Zhonglang on the shoulder, speaking earnestly and earnestly.

"Brother Wu, don't look at it either. There are nearly fourteen cruisers and warships transformed here."

"The number of cannons gathered up is even more than the seven, and then you want the old man to let him evenly distribute them for us?"

"Believe it or not, it's fine that the kid doesn't agree. If he agrees, hehe... Maybe he will take more advantage from other places."

"No, what else can we do to make him fight cheap?" Wu Zhonglang pouted secretly.

"If he says it's okay, let you give him half of the navy, even if it's one-third, are you happy?"

Hearing this, Wu Zhonglang rolled his eyes, is this still a question? Of course not happy.

Li Ji did not continue to entangle with him on this issue, but motioned him to enter the cabin with him.

"Come on, please tell the old man about the strength of Baekje's navy, and also, where is the sea area in the northeastern part of Tanluo Island suitable for large-scale naval battles..."

Li Ji, a famous Tang general who has been in the army for half his life, used to fight land battles. This is really the first time he has encountered naval battles.

In order not to damage his reputation as invincible and invincible, he had to learn a few tricks from this Dengzhou navy general.


Jincheng, riding a fast horse, went straight into the Jincheng Palace. After a few days of restless waiting, the Queen Shande, who was in her forties and milfs, finally received the arrival of the Tang Navy. Outer pier news.

"It came so quickly, Lian Zong Su Jue really deserves to be my new Luo Nengchen."

Queen Seondeok showed a relieved expression, and after a few words of emotion, she asked the messenger.

"I don't know which important Tang official is the coach who came here?"

"Reporting to the Queen, it is the third son of the famous Tang general Lu Guogong Cheng Yaojin, Taisun Taibao, Dong'e County Count, Consort Duwei, Jin Ziguanglu Doctor, Qingzhou Dadufu Biejia, Pyongyang Road Army Deputy Chief Cheng Sablang Cheng Chubi."

"..." Listening to Cheng Sanlang's series of stinky and long titles like an old woman's foot-binding cloth, it is absolutely unbelievable for each title to be placed on a young talent alone.

With so many titles, safety rests on this Cheng Chubi, how can he not let the monarchs and ministers of Silla Kingdom look sideways.

Queen Shande's eyes suddenly lit up, she raised her hand and stroked her smooth forehead, thoughtfully.

"Cheng Saburo? I remembered. A few years ago, when I had not cut off the contacts between Silla and Datang, there were a lot of great achievements about this young talent in Datang that really spread to our Shilla..."

"There is even a literati of Tang Guo, who compiled his story into a book, and wrote a lot of romance books..."

An important civil and military official in Silla, he looked at the Queen Seondeok who had been in power for many years with a very indifferent expression. He always felt that what the Queen said seemed to be a bit off topic.

Fortunately, Queen Seondeok also realized what was wrong with her, smiled a little embarrassedly, and quickly regained the queen's majesty.

"Since it is this famous Tang talent who has been in the world for a long time to lead the army to come to I am also relieved a lot."

"I don't know which Qing family is willing to go to the wharf to greet this Deputy Director Cheng on behalf of Gu?"

Soon, after a group of civil and military officials discussed it, the head of the Hundred Officials of Silla, Jin Pidan, and other representatives of Queen Seondeok went to the pier to welcome the Tang Navy fleet.

Jin Pitan was sitting in the carriage, and at this moment, his whole person seemed much more relaxed.

The descriptions of Cheng Sablang that Queen Shande told before, had been in love with the Tang Dynasty since childhood, and was deeply fascinated by Confucian culture.

He wished he could be a citizen of the Tang country, and Jin Pitan was even more familiar with Cheng Sanlang's brilliant record.

Especially the various romances of Cheng Sablang that Queen Shande could see, it was he who instructed Lian Zongsu to purchase from Tang merchants.

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