The First Order

Chapter 135

The tram was buzzing through the barriers. Ren Xiaosu didn’t have a ride, but he really saw this kind of “bus” for the first time.

Everyone only needs to put two dimes in the box at the entrance when they get in the car, and they can sit far away, even from the starting station to the final station.

Wang Fugui has heard about trams for a long time. After all, he has dealt with people in the barriers before, and he will always talk about the novelty in the barriers.

So when Ren Xiaosu said that he wanted to visit the barriers, Wang Fugui said that trams were the most cost-effective means of transportation.

“Brother,” Yan Liuyuan lay on the window and said, “People in this barrier will definitely not have such troubles. Life is so convenient and safe. You only need to do some light work in the barrier, and you can enjoy comparison. Refugees live hundreds of times. “

“How can a person have no trouble,” Ren Xiaosu sat next to him and laughed. “Even Luo Lan will have troubles, and this kind of thing will not decrease as the material base increases.”

“Oh,” Yan Liuyuan nodded: “Then you say there is such a person in this world, can you have any troubles?”

Ren Xiaosu said, “Yes, dead people.”

Yan Liuyuan slowly turned his head and looked at Ren Xiaosu: “On such a festive day, do you think this is appropriate …”

“Even fools like Chen Wudi are troubled,” Ren Xiaosu sighed, at this time Chen Wudi was sitting in the last row, his face was not swollen, and I didn’t know where the goods went yesterday. Who was beaten …

The streets of this fortified city are lined with breakfast xiaolongbao, tofu brain and the like, as well as hardware groceries.

There are pedestrians on the sidewalk along the street, and occasionally there are people riding Bicycle on the street.

Ren Xiaosu said curiously: “How much does a bicycle sell in a barrier? It feels very convenient to move this stuff.”

In the past, there was also a “squire” in the market town who bought a Bicycle that circulated from the barrier, but was stolen that night. The thief ran to the other barriers on the Bicycle in order to escape the hunt of the squire …

Bicycle is a luxury item in the market town.

“I will ask in the afternoon,” Wang Fugui said. “It shouldn’t be cheap. After all, resources are so scarce. You see those who ride on their own clothes are more square. It seems that they are relatively rich in the barriers.”

“Just know Jiang Wu more when I knew the way,” Ren Xiaosu regrets that none of them had come to the barriers, but Jiang Wu grew up in the barriers since he was a child.

It’s just that Jiang Wu has gone to school to report continuing to be a teacher, and it should be in barrier 13.


While on the road, Ren Xiaosu heard what someone was talking about: “You heard that, the 113 barrier has been abandoned. It is said that the previous earthquake directly knocked down the 113 barrier. Even the people of Qing Consortium fled to us. Here comes the barrier. “

“Really?” Someone was surprised. “It wasn’t said in the radio news.”

“I’m sure I won’t tell you in the broadcast,” said the man said with a smile. “But I have a friend who has a relationship with Qing Consortium. He told me that yesterday, the big shot of Qing Consortium has reached our barrier. It said that dozens of refugees were brought in. “

“Exiles?” The other person surprisedly said: “Exiles don’t work hard outside, why come in?”

Ren Xiaosu glanced at them without saying a word, and only heard another person say, “Who knows, and I don’t know if it will bring in diseases, bacteria, and pollution from outside.”

“Shh, look at the people behind us. They seem to be the refugees!” Said one person in surprise.

With such a reminder, the other people in the car looked back at them, and then the more they looked, the more they felt that Ren Xiaosu might really be a refugee.

Then Yan Liuyuan was surprised to see that they all got off at the next stop.

It’s just one stop, and there are only them left on the tram. If the driver is not going to drive, Yan Liuyuan feels that the driver has got off!

Ren Xiaosu looked at the six of them, and today they all changed into washed clothes, and everyone also took a bath with water, and their faces and bodies were not dirty.

But the problem is that the style of clothes that the refugees can buy, or the skin of the refugees after sun exposure, is very different.

“Brother,” Yan Liuyuan whispered, “I feel like the people in the barrier are not friendly at all.”

None of these barriers came to ask, just speculating that they were refugees, and they were hiding from the plague like a brain.

Just because they may carry germs outside, because the barriers have propagated to them since childhood, the reason why the refugees cannot enter is because the refugees have suffered from “pollution”.

Ren Xiaosu didn’t reply. He just said in a tranquil voice: “Elder Sister Xiaoyu, you will buy us two new clothes tomorrow. Everyone will change the new clothes and look like a barrier.”

“I don’t wear it,” Yan Liuyuan whispered and resisted, as if putting on the new clothes was bowing his head to those barriers.

Ren Xiaosu said: “Whether it is in the wilderness or in the barriers, if you want to survive, you must first integrate, understand, and then have the ability to resist, you must learn to camouflage yourself when you can not change the environment.

Wang Fugui heard this for a moment, but he didn’t expect Ren Xiaosu to apply his theory of the wilderness to the barriers, so this is treating the barriers as a place like the wilderness?

Just listen to Ren Xiaosu and continue: “Maybe we will leave the barrier one day, so be prepared.”

Yan Liuyuan heard these words as eyes shined. He knows Ren Xiaosu best, and Ren Xiaosu has taken it to heart!

And Wang Fugui said with a smile: “Let’s go tomorrow, I don’t know why, I always feel better in the town.”

“Not in a hurry,” Ren Xiaosu shook his head. “We can’t go out now, I’ll say it when I find a chance.”

At this time, the vehicle came to the terminal. Ren Xiaosu and they planned to return to the original road again. At this time, everyone saw that there were many detached houses in front of the terminal, and they also took a small courtyard.

From a distance, this area does not seem small, but it is much more secluded compared to other places.

Ren Xiaosu took the tram driver and asked, “What is this place?”

“This is the rich area of ​​our barriers,” said the driver. “All rich and powerful people can live in it. There are no tram lines, because everyone who lives here has a private car.”

When talking, the driver was shrinking back, for fear of getting too close to Ren Xiaosu.

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