The First Order

Chapter 265

In the 108 barriers, the pedestrians on the street are coming and going in a hurry. There is no longer a bustling scene here, but everything shows a depression.

Some noodle shops on the street have been closed for a long time. Many people in jewellery stores are lining up to buy gold bars, but the price of gold in the barriers has soared.

There are often military vehicles passing by on the road, as if the atmosphere of war is not strong enough.

A curfew has begun in the barriers, and after 10 pm, pedestrians on the streets are all locked in the department of order, even if they can find someone to be accommodating.

In the past, the barriers like “human relations”. If you make a small matter and say hello to an acquaintance, you will be fine.

But now it’s different. I am afraid that those who have captured the Order Department will not come out before the end of the war.

The “relationship” thing suddenly failed.

While there was no curfew, a thin girl with a peaked cap came to a hardware store. The girl’s hair was not long, she only drooped between her chin and her shoulders, and her long, beautiful neck was faintly visible between her hairline. The clothes are fitted sportswear. When the arms are raised, the waist sportswear can also outline a slim waistline.

She tapped on the shutter door six times in a row, and then tapped again after a two-second pause.

The roller shutter door oh la la was lifted halfway up, and the girl stooped into the shop.

The boss in the shop had thinning hair, he said with a smile: “Are you from the north?”

“Well,” said the girl, complied. “Reporting.”

“Nothing special, it is said that Shenjiying had an accident on the side of Qingshi, and on the way back was mysterious sniper …”

Boss was interrupted by the girl before she said, “Change, I know this.”

Boss was surprised but didn’t ask much: “And there is, a private army annihilated the Qing special operations battalion on the front line of Tantou Mountain, which is quite a sensation. After all, everyone knows the battle strength of the private army Can you think that they can win the special combat battalion of Qing ’s? There is nothing else, Li ’s defense plan has not been obtained, and I will send it in time if I get it.

Half of the girl’s cheeks were hidden under the shadow of the peaked cap. She suddenly said, “I don’t need to tell me about such things as defense maps. I don’t participate in this war. Now I need you to help me find a boy named Ren Xiaosu.”

“Okay, I remember,” Boss whispered, “Do you have any clues?”

The girl thought for a while: “If there is anything abnormal, look for it.”

“Anomaly?” Boss said, “Nothing seems to have happened recently.”

“No,” the girl seemed to remember. “Get me the list of combatants in that private army.”

Boss froze. Does the other girl suspect that the boy named Ren Xiaosu is in the private army? Just because the private army can win the special operations battalion is strange?

What kind of person is that young boy who was so valued and highly regarded by this girl?

At this time, a middle-aged man in a white coat walked out of the laboratory at the Lee 613 Institute and said, “Take a batch of samples and come in.”

After hearing this, the beautiful secretary immediately called the sample storage room and the management of the sample room checked the time when the samples were delivered. He counted a hundred bottles of nanobots and sent them over.

One of the bottles also had a note labelled on it: after testing by a person with a synchronous coordination rate of 0, the nanobots were abnormal.

On the other hand, in the nanobots recovery factory, several operators faced the bodies of several nano-fighters, and they were going to recover the nanobots in these bodies. After that, they would unlock and flash the nanobots.

A huge robotic arm was maneuvered over the corpses, and the staff faced them all day long, a little numb.

Outsiders may not know what kind of experiments Li’s conducted, but the staff will perform the same recovery operation on a large number of corpses every day. They do not care how these corpses are generated, where they come from, and where they will go.

What they care about is whether there will be too many dead bodies tonight, affecting their time off work.

Of course, the work they do involves top secrets. After work, they can only return to the closed dormitory, and there are soldiers in charge to take care of them.

But this is also better than facing the corpse. At least I go back and have a free beer to drink. You can also watch a video or something. Life is not particularly boring.

At this moment, the robotic arm buzzed, and the body lying towards the stainless steel bed fell vertically, and a needle-like catheter was inserted into the skin at the front of the robotic arm.

The operator pressed a button on the console, but the next moment he held back: “Why didn’t the recovery succeed?”

A colleague calmly said: “Maybe something went wrong, try again.”

“Okay,” after that, the staff on the console tried to extract the job again, but still didn’t respond: “Do you want to use manual operation? The team leader will authorize it, I need manual operation permission.”

A middle age person came over, entered a string of passwords on the console, and he explained: “Enable the c2 remote online program to try.”

The manipulator still has no movement, and the middle-aged man frowns saying, “Is it still okay, can I only try the c1 remote online program, but I don’t have c1 permission, I need to apply to the presidium.”

But the operator suddenly froze: “Leader, nothing can be done, the nanobots in his body … are gone!”


The troop truck drove north to hong long long on the mountain road. Li Qing was sitting upright in the driving position and shouted: “Still Xiaosu, you are so good, how can you become a major of the regular army of Li in a blink of an eye, the future is immense. .You do n’t know, the status of the Lee ’s regular army and the private army is as different as heaven and earth! ”

Ren Xiaosu darkened his face by the side: “Don’t talk nonsense, you let me have a meeting in a stroller …”

“No, there are still soldiers sitting behind, next to the cliff,” Li Qingzheng decisively rejected his battalion commander. He was really afraid of an accident. It was OK to let Ren Xiaosu drive on the road. He really did n’t Dare to let Ren Xiaosu touch the steering wheel, even if Ren Xiaosu is promoted to battalion commander.

Dog life matters!

At this time, the private army was replaced with a shotgun, and the number dropped sharply to 511 after the battle, but now everyone is equipped with an automatic rifle, and the bullets are very sufficient. There are even four heavy machine guns.

Although this equipment is still inferior to Lee ’s regular army, not even one of the rpg rockets, it is already much stronger than other private army.

Li Qingzheng touched the steering wheel and hehe said: “Until today, I finally felt a little like a soldier! Thinking of it was like dreaming. I never expected that we could wipe out the special combat battalion of Qing’s!”

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