The First Order

Chapter 402

In fact, Zhang Xiaoman’s suspicion was correct. The machine gun position itself was terminated by the shadow of Ren Xiaosu. When he set off, he always started to let the shadow explore the way to avoid ambush.

After some mistakes, Ren Xiaosu learned how to be more careful and cautious.

But this is not something that is particularly gratifying, because someone taught him with blood.

A person’s level of understanding is equal to the depth of his suffering.

The positions of Erlian and Sanlian are a bit far away. The distance between the three companies is always about two kilometers, and the control range of Ren Xiaosu’s shadow is only one kilometer, so he cannot help other companies.

At this point, Zhang Xiaoman suddenly said, “Keep going, we are still one day away from Shichuan Town. Don’t relax, you may encounter an ambush again at any time.”

Zong placed the refugees and the private army at the forefront. A heavy machine gun could cause heavy losses to the frontline troops in the 178 fortress. This is the strangeness of the war in the age of hot weapons.

Zhang Xiaoman asked Ren Xiaosu as he walked, “I’ve always been curious, don’t you seem too interested in promotion?”

“Well,” Ren Xiaosu said, “I’m probably going to the Central Plains after this battle.”

“Wait,” Zhang Xiaoman suddenly felt a bit wrong: “You said that you would leave the 178 fortress to the Central Plains after the battle?”

“That’s right,” Ren Xiaosu said. “Looking for family members. When you wrote your testament the day before yesterday, there was another person who could write a letter, and now I don’t even have a person writing a testament.”

“Did it happen to Zong?” Zhang Xiaoman said.

“Yes,” Ren Xiaosu calmly said.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoman suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Ren Xiaosu had dealt so hard with Zong’s family and had taken the initiative to undertake the main attack quest. It turned out to be hatred.

Although Ren Xiaosu did not show any pain, usually everyone clearly felt the loneliness of Ren Xiaosu.

For example, when everyone is sitting around a bonfire, Ren Xiaosu will sit alone and watch the stars.

For example, everyone will laugh and chat after eating, but Ren Xiaosu still looks at the distance by the big tree by himself, not knowing what he is thinking.

Ren Xiaosu looked like a bloody man the day he came down from Guan Shan, and Zhang Xiaoman noticed clearly the anger that was disappearing from the other side.

“Did you kill the bandits in Guanshan?” Zhang Xiaoman said about the disappeared Guanshan main force.

“No,” Ren Xiaosu shook his head. “I killed my younger brother.”

Zhang Xiaoman froze for a while, Ren Xiaosu is already so fierce, there is still a younger brother who can destroy Guanshan bandits? What kind of family is this …

Of course, Ren Xiaosu didn’t explain too much.

“But you’re gone. Didn’t the commander just arrange you for a sharp knife?” Zhang Xiaoman wondered.

“Does the commander arrange me to come to Jiandaolian for any purpose? It is the most dangerous place I ask to come,” Ren Xiaosu wondered.

“Um, it’s okay,” Zhang Xiaoman said. He thinks everyone may be thinking about it. A person who will leave Fort 178 after the war, how can he be the commander of the fort?

Or does Commander Zhang have other ideas?

Along the way, a total of three ambush positions passed, but without exception, these machine gun positions were all endured.

Ren Xiaosu suddenly asked: “Zhang Jinglin can’t fight, why do you all listen to him?”

This is the doubt that has always been in Ren Xiaosu’s heart. The group of rough men in the northwest admire the powerhouse most, and although Zhang Jinglin has had a feat to save people, it is not enough for the Commander group to kill the bill?

Zhang Xiaoman shook his head: “I don’t understand, but some people have said that the commander should not have sword energy. Killing is what we should do. The commander’s job is to tell us who to kill and how to kill.”

Zhang Xiaoman reported to Zhou Rain Dragon via a communication radio station that when they had reached the target meeting point, Zhou Rain Dragon was shocked: “The second and third companies were still blocked on the road, how did you get there? Didn’t you have an ambush on the road? “

“The ambushes we encountered were all cleaned up by mysterious supernatural being,” Zhang Xiaoman told the truth, “we don’t know who did it.”

“Isn’t it Ren Xiaosu?” Zhou Rain Dragon asked.

“We suspect he did it, but he has been with us,” Zhang Xiaoman said. “Campmaster, do we have to support the Second and Third Company?”

“No, the company has its own route, and the plan cannot be messed up,” said Zhou Rain Dragon. “They are not under great pressure, but they are delaying some time that’s all. The ambush enemy is not a veteran.”

“So what do we do now?” Zhang Xiaoman asked.

“You should first be familiar with the terrain and be prepared to conquer Shichuan Town. When the second and third companies meet with you, other battle sequences of the striker battalion will also arrive the day after tomorrow,” said Zhou Rain Dragon and hung up the communication.

Zhang Xiaoman commanded: “First team, second team and third team rest first, and teams four or five do simple fortifications with me to prevent the enemy of Shichuan Town from sneak attack.”

I have to say that I do n鈥檛 care how Zhang Xiaoman normally eats or drinks in the forward base. On the battlefield, he is a qualified company commander. What he should do during the war is not vague.

Ren Xiaosu looked at Shichuan Town in the distance through the dense forest, and saw that the abandoned town high-rise buildings had collapsed long ago, and the rest were ruined 2-Layer buildings.

Zhang Xiaoman said on the side: “The reinforced concrete that human beings depend on cannot survive the attack of time. As long as there is no renovation and reconstruction, high-rise buildings will collapse in XNUMX years. There will be no buildings here in XNUMX years. Human cities Far less sturdy than expected. “

“People are still there,” Ren Xiaosu said suddenly.

Zhang Xiaoman paused for a moment, and then said with a smile: “That’s right, people are still there.”

Because it is near Shichuan Town, there should be no bonfire, otherwise it would be hit by artillery in Shichuan Town.

After listening to this reason, Ren Xiaosu expressed his understanding, and then in the middle of the night he was okay, and he ran far away to light several piles of bonfires. Sure enough, the fire was just starting to burst, and the shells in Shichuan Town locked the piles of bonfires There was a round of crazy shelling.

Zhang Xiaoman and the others sat behind the bunker, listening to the sound of the cannon, bewildered, wondering who the enemy in Shichuan Town was hitting.

When Ren Xiaosu returns slowly, Zhang Xiaoman said curiously, “Why did you go?”

“Oh,” Ren Xiaosu explained, “Don’t you say that a bonfire will attract shelling, I ordered a bonfire. I thought it would be good to waste their cannonballs. The army in Shichuan Town is a lone army and there is definitely no ammunition supplement Maybe it will reduce some casualties? “

Ren Xiaosu originally tried that’s all, and never thought it would succeed.

And Zhang Xiaoman pondered, and did not know how Ren Xiaosu’s brain circuit grows.


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