The First Order

Chapter 561

In the past, no one in the three southwestern conglomerates had put the subject in their eyes. Everyone thinks that this is a group of wild beasts without intelligence. When they finish handling the matter between the conglomerate, they can naturally handle the subject cleanly and clearly. in vain.

However, when Qingyi went south and returned to clean up the experimental body, Qing’s already found that the intelligent body in the experimental body was not easy to deal with.

Nowadays, human beings must treat the experimental body as the same IQ as themselves, and be careful.

For example, now Zhou’s troops did not even think that this experimental body would still be holding refugees and captives forward, making it difficult for the Captain Officer of Zhou’s Department on the city wall.

Although the Captain of the Zhou’s Ministry ordered the firing to be calm, it must be known that the refugee group still had old people and children. After this battle, the Captain of the Zhou’s Ministry was often condemned.

Not everyone can be cold-blooded, he just makes the most rational and calm judgment based on the current situation.

The heavy machine gun on the city wall began to spit fire. In the night, the fire in the barrel was like a dragon, as if it was a trailing meteor.

Everyone on the city wall watched quietly. Old Li and Qin Sheng saw the flesh and blood of the exiles blurred, including those they knew. Some time ago, they just sent the medicines, and the other party also Rebate him a basket of wild eggs.

Old Li promised that they would buy winter jackets for twelve children. As a result, the jackets had not been bought yet, but the twelve children were gone.

However, neither Old Li nor Qin Sheng prevented Zhou’s troops from firing, because they knew that this was the most correct choice. Even though Knight was upright, he had never been taught to overflow with kindness.

During the fire, the experimental body mixed with the refugees was also penetrated by heavy machine guns. When the experimental body found that humans actually opened fire directly, they immediately retreated.

They withdrew the fire coverage of heavy machine guns at the fastest speed and got into the forest.

The machine gunners frantically wanted to chase them with firepower, but this group of experimental subjects seemed to be trained, and they took irregular routes to escape, trying their best to avoid machine gun bullets.

The Captain Officer of Zhou ’s Department has kept the test subjects as close as possible, so as to prevent them from escaping, but this time the fire opened and killed hundreds of test subjects. The test subjects were in the process of flee , And let the defenders on the city wall see that the opponent’s strong body strength.

But before the garrison breathed a sigh of relief, there was suddenly a south garrison roaring in the communication channel!

“What’s going on, hasn’t this experimental body just retreated?” Someone froze.

“Not good, this is an assault!” The Captain Officer of Zhou’s Ministry gritted his teeth.

Just now, this experimental body has moved to the public, even embarrassed that many refugees, making everyone think they are going to attack the city from this side.

Zhou’s troops even temporarily dispatched a number of troops from the south and north gates, but these aided troops just marched halfway on the city wall, but got news that they were back on defense.

It turned out that although this western-looking experimental object seemed to be powerful, it was only to attract the attention of the garrison. There were other strategies behind, which were more fierce than one.

Officer Captain Zhou ’s ministry issued a command in the communication channel: “Keep me to the south, and never let the subject climb the city wall!”

Just 5 minutes ago, everyone had seen the physical strength of the experimental body. If such a monster were to board the city wall, it would take only ten minutes for melee combat to destroy the defense system of the entire south city wall.

While speaking, the Captain Officer of Zhou’s Ministry has seen Old Li rushed to the south with Qin Sheng, and even the XNUMX members of the Pyro Company followed closely from behind.

Both sides are very decisive. Once there is danger of being robbed of the city wall by the experiment, then the south is where they are most needed.

When the subjects climbed the city wall, only they could drive them back.

Ren Xiaosu watched in silence while holding a sight glass on a commanding point in the distance, but did not know what happened.

He could only see each and everyone’s fuzzy black dots on the city wall, and quickly rushed to the south. Is there an experiment body on the south?

However, Ren Xiaosu still didn’t move, and he was still wondering whether he should participate in this defensive battle.

In this rush, Knight and Pyro’s strength contrasted quickly. Two Knights ran in front, not even panting, and they pulled the distance between themselves and Pyro farther and farther, and Pyro Company in the rear. The members desperately tried to catch up with Old Li and Qin Sheng, but they couldn’t do it.

A commander of the Pyro Company suddenly said: “Don’t chase their speed, this will run us down, save our physical strength and prepare for a close fight, and don’t let the experimenter get on the city wall.”

The south garrison should be able to defend for a while, and it will take time for Knight to drive from the west to the south. It will take twenty minutes to say less. Old Li and Qin Sheng can only pray that the houshou of the south is tenacious enough, do n’t take it Was defeated!

At this point, Ren Xiaosu was also rushing to the south. He thought, if Old Li and Qin Sheng can’t stand them, they can get closer if they can get help.

Ren Xiaosu thought that even the members of the Pyro Company he had been bored of stood up at this time. If he was still standing idly by, didn’t he say that he was not as good as the person he hated?

At this moment, it seems that everyone is running wildly, and the Zhou’s troops who are backing up are running on the city wall, but they are running, Old Li and Qin Sheng are slowly surpassing them.

Ren Xiaosu also jumped between the roofs of each and everyone, but before he ran, Knight had already reached the south city wall. The moment the Old Li and Qin Sheng arrived, the subject just passed The wall climbed up, his legs stared hard at the edge of the wall, and the whole gray body flew towards the wall like a heavy machine gun. This seemed to be the thing they were most afraid of at the moment. Take the quest to destroy all heavy firepower!

But before they hit them, they saw that Old Li, like an off-road vehicle, slammed an experimental body that was still in the air and crashed into a barrier forcibly.

Ren Xiaosu immediately found the vantage point and looked at it with a target lens, but saw Old Li wide open and close. Every time he punched his hands, he would have a star-like light. Old Li was separated from the other experimental subjects by five or six meters. He was able to hit the experimental body with this star-like ability in one punch!

Not only Old Li, but even Qin Sheng has the same fighting style, that Xinghui is a dozen!

Ren Xiaosu looked at the clear scene in the sight glass. What the hell is this, are Old Li and Qin Sheng so fierce? No wonder dare to walk casually in the wilderness.

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