The Forbidden World

Chapter 2470: An established future

In the empty room, Inuyasha and Kagome sat quietly on the tatami, staring blankly at their impression that they should not appear in Shiraitsu of this era.

After a long time, Inuyasha was the first to hold back, and asked Shiraitsu who was eating ice cream: "Shirai, are you here?"

Bai Jingyue swallowed Bingtantian ice cream in his mouth, then smiled and asked, "Is it weird here?"

"Of course it is weird! You are a human being!? How could it be possible to live until now?"

After saying this, Inuyasha frowned, thinking of a possibility: "Did you also pass through the bone-eating well?"

"Use your brain before speaking."

Bai Jingyue sighed: "I traveled with you five hundred years ago. I remember you came back this time, or Ge Wei asked me for leave. Have I traveled with you behind the bone-eating well, Don’t you know?"

Inuyasha opened mouth and said nothing, but he couldn't say anything, because he really didn't find any signs that Shiraitsu kept up.

Ge Wei was a little tangled. She felt that it was completely okay to follow Shirai's strength far beyond the strength of the two of them, but to follow it quietly, but this was just speculation, or the inference made under the preconceived situation, there was nothing. The actual evidence is nothing but trouble.

After going back, I can find Master Maitreya and others to verify Bai Jingyue's movements, but because of this, Ge Wei feels that Bai Jingyue should not deceive them on such an easy-to-verify problem.

Therefore, Bai Jingyue probably did not lie.

This is even more surprising. If Shiraitsu is not a shuttle between time and space, how did Shiraitsu appear here? It's's impossible to live for five hundred years! ?

"Yeah, you guessed it."

Bai Jingyue and Ge Wei looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

"My life is relatively long, and no one has beaten me, so I have lived until now."

Bai Jingyue's explanation made Inuyasha and Ge Wei speechless. Inuyasha was the first to know that humans can live for so long. This is not one or two hundred years, but five hundred years! Looking at the appearance of Shiraitsu, which has hardly changed, Inuyasha estimates that Shiraitsu will not change much even if he lives for another 500 years. Is this just longevity?

"Indeed, it is not appropriate to describe longevity."

After nodding his head, Bai Jingyue said in the inconceivable eyes of Inuyasha and Ge Wei: "Accurately speaking, it should be longevity."

The word longevity makes Ge Wei look a little trance, unlike Inuyasha who does not understand the meaning of the word so much. As a human, Ge Wei is very clear about the weight of the word longevity.

"Can humans really live forever?"

"Well... Although I really want to answer your question here, I am sorry that this question should be answered by me in the past, so I will not say it. After you go back, go find me 500 years ago. ."

Bai Jingyue's words made Ge Wei slightly stunned. She suddenly realized something that made her a bit creepy: "We...really asked you, right?"

"Yeah, you go back and ask me."

Ge Wei's body could not help becoming stiff, she realized that for Shirai, who stood in front of her at the moment, whether it was Naraku or the Jade of the Four Souls, or everything in the Warring States period, it had become a thing of the past!

In other words, the seemingly unknown future in her and Inuyasha's eyes is actually a well-established matter!

Suddenly countless questions flooded Ge Wei's heart.

Did they win in the end? How did they succeed? What difficulties did they encounter in the battle with Naraku?

"Naturally, winning is winning. Am I still standing here to explain everything?"

Yeah, if their squad fails, Naraku, who has won the Jade of the Four Souls, will inevitably occupy the entire day. How could Master Shirai, one of the squad members, be active to this day? The situation between humans and monsters will not develop as it is now.

So, what's the specific situation?

"Then I can't say. After all, you who know the future will definitely try to change the past. Once history changes, no one knows what will happen."

Bai Jingyue's refusal made Ge Wei's mind suddenly occupied by fear.

According to Bai Jingyue, something happened in the future that they want to change, that is to say, did anyone sacrifice?

For a time, Ge Wei asked them all their future thoughts after the victory vanished. She was full of brains who would sacrifice in the process of dealing with Naraku.

But thinking about it, Ge Wei couldn't think of it, because she found that if there was no powerful Bai Jingyue to look after, everyone could sacrifice.

This made Ge Wei very upset because she found that even if she knew who might have sacrificed, she could not prevent it.

What is even more uncomfortable is that she can only bury it in her heart, and cannot talk to others at all, because someone must sacrifice this kind of thing, and it may cause people who might not have died to have unnecessary death wills.

"Can't you really say anything at all?"

Ge Wei asked again unwillingly, but Shirai's answer didn't change halfway.

"I'm definitely not going to say that, compared to the things in the Warring States period, it is obviously that the 500-year history is a bit more important. Instead of asking me this kind of thing that I will definitely not say, it is better to think about yourself. What should I do. This time, you guys are caught up in a terrible What do you mean?"

Both Ge Wei and Inuyasha were stunned, didn't they understand why Shiraitsu said such a thing, with the strength of the two of them, shouldn't be afraid of being involved in the war between the Nuliang group and this Shikoku and 88 ghosts?

Just Inuyasha's wind wound is enough to run rampant in this war, let alone Ge Wei, mastering the power of purification and learning with Asada Shino and Aoqi Qingzi for a period of time, once she is serious, even Nu Lianghua scooped no way to win her in a short time.

"The war between the Nuliang group and the eighty-eight ghost night trips in Shikoku really cannot help you, but the point is not this war, but the black hand behind this war. Do you really think that this is really an ordinary land grab?"

Bai Jingyue laughed and said, "In order to weaken the Nuliang group, the Yin and Yang Hall has put a lot of power into it. They will not allow such a big difference in combat strength between the two sides."

Seeing Ge Wei and Inuyasha still don't quite understand, Bai Jingyue simply gave the answer: "You have been stared at by Yin Yang Hall."

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