Watching everyone get into battle positions

The environment looked at Hanilei and nodded, indicating that the battle was ready.

Hanilei understood, stood up, and waved his hand.

"Brothers, follow me"

"The high play of the 3 teams, turn on the light armor, come with me, and face it head-on." Curator Mei did not show weakness.


With an order.

Everyone picked up the lightsabers, opened them all at once, and jumped down.

And the swarm also responded.

A pair of dark blue and red eyes flashed with bloodthirsty cold light.

They face the charging player head-on.

The first to bear the brunt is the frontal troops headed by Curator Mei.

Thirty players turned on various light armors and charged with swords.

The light and shadow in the lair are intertwined, and every time the sword body hits a thorn insect, it will slash it.

The teams on both sides immediately joined the battle

The player is holding a lightsaber, and it is a mindless sweep against the swarm.

Formed the trend of three breads.

The scene was once chaotic.

The movement made by the player alarmed the leader bug in the depths of the ground.

It hissed.

Get up and lead the remaining troops to support the outpost lair.

With the appearance of the leader bug, the players' eyes lit up.

The environment commander said, "Boos is out, the main force should focus on the fire, and the troops on both sides will open the light armor to fight against the swarm and provide cover."

The leader insect, which is two laps bigger than the elephant, has a cold glow on the spikes on its body, and a faint blue light all over its body. A blue light wraps its body and carries the players' focus fire forward without being hurt.

Step on it with one foot and send away a few high-level games, which greatly increases the pressure on everyone.

Meizhi Jiulan frowned, the leader bug under the nether energy mask couldn't break the defense with a lightsaber at all, and if he continued to step on him like this, the team's rhythm would be disrupted.

"This thing is a nether energy shield, a kind of energy shield, which can be broken by using weapons of the energy series." Kai explained and immediately took countermeasures.

"The nuclear explosion player quickly blasts the energy shield, and the team will bear the loss of rank drop."

"Look for cover, blast warning!"

The rushing players cut off the entangled thorn bugs one after another, retreated back, and looked for cover.

Immediately, several nuclear explosion players who had been watching the battle for a long time absorbed the nether energy mine one after another.

The five human-shaped light bulbs ran towards the leader bug.


The dazzling light illuminates the entire cave like a flash bomb.

The difference is that this is a flash bomb with huge power boosted to F+!

The whole cave shook for a while, more powerful than the power of F-detonation.

Directly swept away the swarms of insects in the cave.

The bleak energy shield of the leader worm barely supported it.

Actually able to resist five F+ self-destruction, the environment squinted, "Di Shen, it's up to you"

"Look at me!"

Looking at the nether energy mine in his hand, Didi Wei is preparing to absorb it.

An idea flashed in his mind.

If instead of absorbing it, injecting light energy into the nether energy mine, what would be the effect? ? ?

As soon as inspiration comes, as soon as the idea comes, just say it!

Didiwei took out the hoarded nether energy mine and filled it with light energy.

The nether energy mine gradually lights up, and you can clearly see the collision and conflict between the two internal energies.

The outer shell gradually cracked.

It was about to explode, Didiwei groaned inwardly.

He hurriedly threw it towards the leader bug.

The nether energy mine fell in front of the leader bug, bounced a few times, but did not respond.

? ? ?

Didiwei was stunned

Everyone was also stunned.

What is this doing? The environment covers his forehead.

The leader insect's blue eyes showed a trace of disdain and stepped on it with one foot.

Suddenly, a bright light flickered under his feet.

In its astonished eyes.

The nether energy mine exploded.


The huge power is comparable to that of an F- player who blew himself up.

But this is enough to shatter the shield of the leader worm.

The brilliance scattered across the sky.

"Di Shen's cowhide."

This scene made all players excited.

They all started to cover the leader worm with firepower. The leader worm without the energy shield swayed left and right in a fierce attack by the players.

"Good opportunity" Hanilei kicked his legs

Lifting up his light armor, he raised his lightsaber and stabbed the leader insect in the eyes.


The sound of entering the body sounded.


The leader insect roared miserably, shook his head frantically, and tried to throw him off.

But Hanilei hung on its head like a leech.

Taking advantage of Hanilei to contain the leader bug

Meizhi Jiulan identified the flaws and used the sword of ancestral light.

The dense lightsaber swung, leaving scars on the leader bug.

The scar stimulated the leader insect, its eyes were ferocious, and its whole body was full of blue light,

"His" The leader worm roared, condensed nether energy, and fired a nether energy cannon. The light of the nether energy cannon illuminated the entire cave, and blasted directly at the player with tail flames.

"Boom" nether energy exploded like a liquid, sputtering all over the place.

Some players donkeys rolled around to avoid them in time, and some of the direct people who didn't escape were gone.

"Why is this thing like plasma and corrosive?"

A player howled, some nether energy splashed on him, and began to corrode his equipment and skin. After a while, the person disappeared and was resurrected.

"Other players, go to the nuclear explosion!" The environment gave an order

The players turned into death squads and jumped towards the leader bug.

There were bursts of rumblings, and the chief worm was also swaying, shaking the entire cave.

Let the leader bug feel the horror from the madness of the players.

The wounds on the leader insect's body became more and more, and the speed of launching the nether energy gun began to decrease.

The range of motion can be said to be getting lower and lower. The creatures in front of them can't be killed at all. They even bombed it at close range in a suicidal way. It felt powerless and roared.

Seeing that the leader bug seemed to be dying, the players became even more mad, and all rushed towards it.

"Boos killed me first, don't grab it!"

"I feel that this boss is going to explode high-level weapon materials, lie grass, give it to me!"

In such a continuous frantic attack by the players, the leader worm successfully fell into the players' suicide attacks.

When the leader worm fell, a group of fanatical players swarmed up, and for a moment, the leader worm's body was divided into countless pieces and put into the players' backpacks.

The remaining insects and beasts were also killed one by one. The entire cave was full of pits, and there were nether energy corrosion and the players' cannonball craters. UU reading

Players are cleaning the battlefield, and the corpses of insects and beasts are full of pots, and they can definitely be exchanged for a good price when they are brought back.

As they continued to deepen, the fat brain worm appeared in front of the players, and it huddled in a corner.

"What is this?"

"It looks like a lump of meat."

"It's soft when you poke it, oh, it's quite fierce."

"If you kill this thing and count the ball, it's not worth it anyway."

The players whispered to each other around the brain worm in the corner.

A lot of players tied it up.

Looking at the surrounding situation, the environment has reached the end of the nest.

He fell into thought and reached out to touch the ground.

Grabbed a handful of ice **** and rubbed it.

I have a conclusion in my heart.

Call a group of people.

Pointing to the ground in front of him and "digging"

Although the players are strange, this wave of attack on the worm nest, a battle commanded, has indeed won the hearts of the people.

Immediately, he greeted people to dig up.

After a while, blue light illuminates the entire cave.

"I'm going, there are a lot of nether energy mines!!"

A digging player has stars in both eyes.

At first glance, the underground of this cave is full of nether energy mines hoarded by thorn bugs.

"Ding, team income: leader bug corpse*1, (advanced) thorn bug corpse*53, thorn bug corpse*1745, nether energy mine*8888."

Team Announcement: The team led by Hanilei successfully destroyed a small leader worm's nest, and all participants will be rewarded with 10 light energy crystal blocks, and the arsenal weapon forging qualification certificate (inactive

PS: The recommendation ticket is given to this book, leaving a lingering fragrance in your hand, collect a little bit, and the explosion will not stop.


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