The latest website: "Fish clan? Feifeilei?" Ji Yongji and other bosses looked at each other!

The fish family of this star system is actually the foreign aid that Lord Guan Qin said?

Then he frowned: "This..."

"Hey, look down on Ben Yu?" Hanilei smiled, slowly getting to his right hand, and snapped his fingers!


Between breathing, more than 70 figures appeared behind Hanilei!

It is the Guangming Imperial Army headed by Yaozheng, all of them are B-rank existences, and each of them exudes an extraordinary aura!

"Bright Imperial Army??" Ji Yongji and other bosses' faces changed.

The general level of the Guangming Imperial Army, these guys are nothing if they are screwed out alone.

But if they gather together, this scale is a bit troublesome!

"Now, let's talk about the next thing!" Hanilei snapped his fingers again, and dozens of the shadows of the Imperial Guard of Light faded away.

"Your Excellency Jiyongji, this is the existence of the tens of billions of fish and aquariums in the bright galaxy, Feifeilei fish-man king!"

"May I tell you, although the high-end combat power of Yaotian's rebel forces was killed by my player civilization, but it was this Feifei who killed the foundation of the rebel army and killed hundreds of millions of Yaoguang's rebels. Lei Fish King!"

"In this star system, the orthodox Yaoguang Clan headed by Yaozong and the Fish Clan headed by Feifei Lei will become the overlords of this star system in the future! Therefore, Your Excellency Ji Yongji had better not underestimate him too much!"

An outer focus rabbit said lightly.

"!" Jiyongji suddenly broke out in a cold sweat!

This amount of information is simply too much!

Ten billion fish clan?

Jiyongji has been operating in the black market of Addison for a long time, and he knows that the most numerous races in this Alpha star system are not the Yaoguang clan, but the fish clan that are ubiquitous in this star system!

And because of the slave trade, there are fish tribes everywhere in this star system!

Even under their hands, there are many fish tribes doing coolies!

"!" Jiyongji's face kept changing, and he thought of another more terrifying question!

Although there are not many members of the Yaoguang Clan, it is less than three billion, but compared with the entire Alpha star system and other star system civilizations, this number is much smaller.

For example, the total number of humans occupying only one Celestial Blue Star is already close to 7.6 billion.

The Yaoguang family is the boss of the Alpha star system, but there are only less than three billion. It is conceivable that in this star system of a few light years, this can only be described as a vast area and sparsely populated!

Moreover, the Yaoguang Clan is rich in high-end combat power of C+ to B ranks, but in terms of overall number, it is still not enough for other civilizations with tens of billions of people. After all, everyone consumes energy to kill you!

So this is the disadvantage of the Yaoguang clan, the population is insufficient!

But the fish clan is different. The number of them all over the star system has already exceeded 10 billion, or even more.

After all, every year Yaotian Rebel Party would sell a large number of slaves to the Volan Empire faction in exchange for a lot of money to cultivate their power, so they did not curb the population of the fish tribe.

After all, although the fish population has a large population, the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, there is no high-end combat power, and it needs to be enlightened.

This is deadly in the battle of the super power world, and it is easy to be squeezed by slavery!

However, if the Yaoguang clan and the fish clan cooperate with each other, the advantages of both sides will complement each other.

Then cooperate with the support of player civilization behind it, and the five forces behind it!

Add time.

Then for other civilizations, it is the wolf!

"Hey!" Jiyongji thought of this, and he couldn't help gasping for a hot fart!

"I'm very sorry! Dear Feifei Lei! I sincerely apologize for my previous attitude!" Jiyongji lowered his head.

"It's okay! Let's start the next negotiation plan!" Hanilei nodded in satisfaction.

"The fish clan will loan you ten trillion original stones at a time. Next, you will come forward! Everything that follows can be done according to our wishes!" Guan Qin said lightly.

"Ten...Ten trillion rough stones?? How could the fish clan have so many rough stones?" Ji Yongji's pupils shrank, this is not a simple number!

"So many Yaoguang dignitaries have betrayed the party, so naturally, basic operations, basic operations!"

"This.... God! Well, if this is the case, then everything will follow your orders!" Ji Yongji looked at Hanilei's eyes, extremely shocked!

"The 30-day interest rate is 15%!" Hanilei on the side added.

"Yes!" Jiyongji nodded and quickly completed the first transaction with Hanilei!

"Then, happy cooperation! My partners (Waijiao Rabbit) will assist you in the follow-up work!" Guan Qin got up with a smile and stretched out his right hand, and the two sides shook hands to reach cooperation.

"Guan Dada!!" Hanilei winked at the side, implying something!

"You kid! Bring it here!" Guan Qin smiled and shook his head.


"Guan Da, I have a large amount of materials seized from the Yaoguang rebels here. Although there are very few materials above C rank, but a large amount below D rank, all of them can be provided to you. There are also a large number of deep-sea mines and planetary mining. , and all kinds of seafood ingredients, absolutely fresh!"

"However, the front line was stubbornly resisted by the rebels. I also need a lot of technological equipment to arm the murloc army, as well as teacher education resources to help the murlocs open their minds!"

Hanilei took out a list and handed it over, grinning.

"Hahaha, it's just your kid who can do earth-shattering things. We just have a shortage of materials and minerals here. I call the shots, and the country has reached a procurement agreement with you!" Guan Qin laughed.

"Long live Guan Da!" Hanilei cheered.

With Guan Qin nodded.

It also means that the huge fish army and the national army have officially formed a trade alliance!

These countless materials, energy items, and the savings of Yaoguang's rebellion that have been entrenched in the Alpha star system for thousands of years will be continuously transported to the hands of the national army!

On the contrary, under the unified system of the national team, organized and disciplined powerful productivity, various standard technological weapons, battleships, and food, etc., are continuously transported back to the fish clan army, and the teacher education helps the fish people to develop. wisdom!

Both sides can benefit enormously from this trade.

At the same time, Hanilei also ordered to postpone the siege of the fish clan army to the rebel planets around Chubby!

At the same time, what happened next was beyond everyone's imagination, and even shook the high-level civilization behind the entire Addison Black Market, and also made the power relationship between the various civilizations and player civilizations in the Addison Black Market reach a freezing point.

"Black market material industry stores sell for only 15 million!"

"Black market arms industry stores sell for only 30 million!"

"Two food and beverage stores are packaged for only 13 million!"

On Star Eddie, various black market stores have begun to sell.

After all, there is no business at all now, a bleak one.

And as long as the space station of the player's civilization is still there, then there is no way for these shops to survive at all!

Instead, sell the shop, exchange for the rough stone, and give it a go!

"We bought this store!"

"I want this one, and that one, come and sign the contract!"

Ji Yongji and other black market bosses have followed the instructions, seized this opportunity, constantly suppressed prices, and bought frantically!

In just one day, Ji Yongji and other bosses bought almost half of Addison's industry at a low price!

But this high-profile acquisition also alarmed a group of black market bosses such as Wolan Civilization!

Wo Chongzhuo (projection) frowned slightly: "What is Ji Yongji of the Republican faction doing? Where did he get so many rough stones?"

"I think there is something strange about this! After all, according to my subordinate's report, some businesses have not suffered any losses! If they plan against us with the player civilization, I'm afraid..." A high-level projection from other civilizations said.

"Well! Let me know first, don't sell the property for the time being, and observe the situation!" Wo Chongzhuo nodded, and then called on the black market bosses not to rush to sell the property under Edison's command!

And these black market bosses also noticed a trace of unusual taste, so they stopped selling.

"Stop selling? It seems that these civilized black businessmen still have some brains! It doesn't matter, then, let's start the second step!" Several Waijiao rabbits received the news from Jiyongji, and they started to order directly without rushing. the second command.

In a short period of time, tens of millions of murloc construction teams appeared out of nowhere. Under the command of black market bosses such as Wo Chongzhuo, they dispersed and started infrastructure construction!

The original black market stores of major industries have been transformed into luxurious villas in various fish styles!

At the same time, a large number of green plants are laid on the ground, and artificial lakes are excavated, gradually forming a scenic area.

This wave of hype, the high-level civilized people behind the black market are all dumbfounded.

Fish style villa compound, green plants pave the ground, lake excavation!

What is all this about riding a horse? ?

These things may be useful for ordinary intelligent races, but for power users, where can't they set up a landscape room?

"It's really a bunch of idiots. Although Eddie is a transit station planet, there are a lot of adventurous and traveling stars who come here to rest and replenish supplies, but they are all passers-by. Who would settle here for a long time to buy a villa? Dreaming!"

"Besides, looking at the style of these villas, it seems to be the style of the Chubi star fish clan. Are they planning to sell them to those fish people? Hahaha..."

Wo Chongzhuo and other high-level officials laughed with disdain.


The group of black market bosses below also laughed.

"Don't worry about that idiot Jiyongji, just this IQ, and he still does business, at most one month, this guy will definitely lose a cent!"

Gu "The top priority now is to use the collected funds to acquire the technology in the hands of players, and start building a new industry that belongs to us!" Wo Chongzhuo sneered.

"Please don't worry, I'm already negotiating with some players and bosses in the food street in the space station! We have already set an extremely exciting price, and several player bosses can't sit still and start negotiating!"

"The boss of Xinghai Lao can't hold it anymore. After a few more rounds of quotations, they will definitely be able to acquire their formula!"

"As for the materials, we use rare and exotic beasts of the same rank and calcined with different fires, which can completely replace the ingredients of insects and beasts!!"

All the bosses started talking.

The various business methods and skills on the food street have long been learned by their unannounced visits. As long as they are improved and improved, even if the players are civilized and open a new store, they will definitely not be able to compete with themselves!

"What about the others?" Wo Chongzhuo and other high-level officials asked.

"The principle of the Vesta circus has been seen by us. It is an illusion made by the power of holy flame. I have sent people to invite illusion masters from other civilizations. They can show the so-called Vesta. Phantom, we can too!"

"As for the ice wide fall, it is nothing more than the power of the ice shadow mood, and the plasma liquid, etc., we have already spent money to add it, and invited the B-rank ice shadow powerhouse to imitate the same. It's easy!"

The bosses spoke again, and there was a strong confidence in their words!


They lost the previous business war!

However, how can a group of small players from the player civilization fight against the joint power of commercial capital groups from other civilizations?

If you can't win the ideas and routines, then copy and modify it, it is better than yours, then you will definitely win!

"That's not enough!" Wo Chongzhuo sneered.

"Huh?" The bosses were surprised.

"Arrange ships to intercept visitors from the universe at the periphery of the space station, and all of them will be drawn into our store at all costs! From the source, cut off the customer source of which player civilization!"

Wo Chongzhuoyin smiled.

"High! It's really high!" All the black market bosses gave thumbs up and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hehe, fight with me?" Wo Chongzhuo's mouth twitched.

So next...

"Welcome to the tourists ahead, please come to Addison to stop and rest, it is absolutely high-quality! Free cleaning of the battleship once!"

"This strong man, please come to Addison's store..."

"This guest...what space station? It's all scum, come to my Edison new store, and give me a 20% discount!"

Outside the Addison Star, tens of thousands of cruise ships appeared, wandering back and forth, pulling a steady stream of visitors from the universe to the Addison Star store.

On the other hand, there are a lot of black markets in Addison, and there are many store industries that imitate players' ring space stations.

Such as hot pot gourmet restaurants, such as pedestrian streets, such as Pinnacle Arena!

Since then, the black market of Addison has gradually improved, and it seems that the situation is developing in a good direction.

But suddenly...

"Huh?? What is that?" The men who were soliciting customers outside the store were surprised.

There is a large wave of murlocs approaching outside the ring space.

"It's a fish man!!"

Soon, these pimped younger brothers discovered that the comer was actually a murloc!

"Don't worry about them, how much money can the fish people have?"

"It's estimated that I can work here because I can make money here!"

These little brothers who were pulling guests didn't pay any attention to these murlocs approaching the space station.

"It's so exciting, King Lei actually asked us to implement this plan, I don't know if we have enough raw stones..."

"It's definitely enough, King Lei said enough, it's definitely enough, do as King Lei said, absolutely right!"

Hundreds of thousands of fish people are excited, turning into torrents to the various black markets.

"Wow, so many delicious foods? All of them! Some of this fish are raw stones!"

"D-tier technology arms? Give me 10 million!"

"What? A cooking pot to improve strength? First come 1 million copies! In addition, this is the future 100 million purchase agreement!"

"Ice Kuoluo? Milk tea? One million copies first!"

After hundreds of thousands of fish people poured into the space station, all the tourists were stunned, spending frantically and purchasing!

Every murloc has a scary amount of rough stones on his body!

Although most of the murlocs are responsible for handling and carrying goods, these murlocs are just hundreds of millions of raw stone orders when they spend casually!

Just outrageous!

"The idiots outside soliciting customers, why didn't you invite the fish clan? Hurry! Now! Immediately! Immediately find a way to fool these fish people into our place! If you can't do it, get out of here!"

The black market boss who heard the news immediately exploded with anger, and scolded all the younger brothers outside soliciting customers, and then naturally arranged a large number of people to enter the space station to fool these murlocs and let them come to spend!

Not long after, with the efforts of a group of black market bosses, tens of thousands of big money murlocs were successfully fooled into their black market commercial street!

As soon as these murlocs opened their mouths, these black market bosses were in a mess.

"I'm tired of playing today, and I want to buy a fish-style luxury villa compound, do you have it??"

"Benyu wants lake villas, do you have them?"

There are tens of thousands of murlocs, each wearing a C+ master masterpiece suit, dozens of blind storage watches hanging on their hands, and a pair of sunglasses, just like a local tyrant.


A group of black market bosses answered dumbly.

"What? The prosperous black market Eddie Star, which is jointly built by the major civilizations, has nothing, is it such a spicy chicken?" These murloc local tyrants complained in dissatisfaction.

At this moment, such a scene appeared in various black markets, and the black market bosses headed by Ji Yongji started to sell.

"Dear fish guests, we have high-class fish-style luxury villas here, as well as villas in various styles of super-large lakes, etc.!" Ji Yongji jumped out and said skillfully.

"What? Rough stone for you, take me to see the house!"

"Don't ask, I want all the fish!"


When tens of thousands of murlocs heard it, their eyes lit up, and without saying a word, they were all taken by Ji Yongji and other major black market bosses to consume!

"Jiyongji! You are blatantly robbing customers!!" a black market boss scolded angrily.

"Hehe, you can only blame yourself for being stupid. The fish clan now has a sky-defying murloc king, who has led the fish clan to become a race that rivals the Yaoguang clan. I don't know the news that the entire star system has gone crazy. Is it an idiot to plagiarize other people's food street and pedestrian street in that silly hat?" Ji Yongji smiled disdainfully, turned and left with the fish people.

"What?" The black market boss looked bewildered.

what happened?

Apart from the fact that the player civilization settled in, the main force of Yaotian was destroyed, and the new king of Yaozong was about to ascend the throne, is there any major event happening? ?

So he hurriedly reported it to the top.

"What? Speed ​​sent someone to investigate!" Wo Chongzhuo frowned!

Soon, an amazing news was reported!

"What?? The new fishman, Feifei Feilei, led the fish clan to rise with amazing commercial means! Destroyed the Yaoguang rebels in the Cupid Uprising, and captured the surrounding satellites one after another? Now they are cooperating with the Yaozong Guangming forbidden army, and they are attacking the Yaoguang rebels before and after. military??"

"Yaozong, who is about to ascend to the throne of the King of Light, has announced that the murlocs will conclude an alliance contract with the Yaoguang tribe, acknowledging the fish tribe's status in the light galaxy, and on an equal footing with the Yaoguang tribe!"

No wonder Jiyongji will be so excited to build fish-style villas. Feelings learned about the fish-people's preferences from certain channels and arranged them in advance!

Damn it! Information occlusion is a business taboo! !

"Such important news, why don't I know?? What are you all doing?"

Wo Chongzhuo and other high-level executives looked gloomy!

"!" The black market bosses looked at each other in dismay. Recently, they have been so miserable by the player next door, and the things in front of them are eagerly waiting to be dealt with. How can they pay attention to this kind of news!

Soon, there was news from his subordinates.

"Boss, those murlocs are all planning to settle in Aidi Star, all of them are not good enough, and they want to buy the villas of Ji Yongji and other major black market bosses! Moreover, the transaction volume has exceeded 5 billion rough stones! There are only tens of thousands of murlocs!"

"With the surrounding food pedestrian street made a lot of money! Those murlocs became Ji Yongji's regular customers!!"

Listening to the report from his subordinates, the faces of the senior leaders such as Wo Chongzhuo were more uncomfortable than eating poop! !

There will be more feedback in the future, and finally a group of high-level officials have broken the defense!

"Boss, many foreign tourists say that they have eaten too much hot pot recently, and they are a little tired of it. They are unwilling to come to us for consumption! After my investigation, this is related to the release of many new products in the space station!"

"Boss, our competitive arena, the customer feedback said that it is not as fun as the Wuchao Peak Arena next door, and the number of people is not shocking enough, what should we do??"


At this time, many younger brothers came to report.

"Pfft!!" A group of high-level executives were finally sprayed with blood!

steal incense

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