The Fourth Natural Disaster: I Rely on Players To Dominate the Star Field

Vol 2 Chapter 716: : I don't like green ones!

Ma De, he shot with all his strength to exert such a little power of 100 meters?

Where did Lao Tzu's power go?

Meizhi Jiulan suddenly glanced at the status bar, and instantly understood.

[Status bar: 99% weak! Countdown: (70:22:22)]

"Ma De, these grandsons, I'm sorry for you mothers!!" Mei Zhi Jiulan glanced over, and understood why she felt back pain and leg cramps as soon as she went online!

And now it's even weaker, like a C-rank scumbag!

Do not ask!

The question is that when I went offline, I was blown away by a group of players with blank cards!

These grandchildren are addicted to playing the law of time and space!

"These grandchildren!!" Meizhi Jiulan cried out in grief and indignation!

Then he was slapped to death by Patriarch Tianyan.

"This is the elder of the player's civilization? So weak? Hehehe, it seems that this deity really overestimated the player's civilization. I guess the other battlefields are crushed and won!" Tianyan Patriarch secretly thought, turned around and was about to leave .

There was a burst of space fluctuations behind him!

"!" Patriarch Tianyan's complexion changed, he turned around abruptly, and saw a figure.

She was dressed in a simple and unsophisticated traveler's style, and the cyan dragon scale belt around her waist was very intimidating.

"..." But Patriarch Tianyan could tell at a glance that the opponent's strength was indeed a genuine A-early stage!

"Who are you? The proud player of player civilization?" Patriarch Tianyan remembered the information about player civilization. Among the top ten talented players, there was no such person in front of him.

"Your Majesty, Wuxinbuan! One of the five generations of warrior leaders of the player civilization!" Wuxinbuan replied lightly.

"One of the leaders of the five generations of warriors? Hehehe! Go to hell!" Patriarch Tianyan sneered disdainfully, raised his hand, and a gigantic black flaming palm with a distance of one thousand meters came crashing down!

In the eyes of Patriarch Tianyan, this blow is enough to instantly kill a guy like Wuxin Buan.

After all, even the peerless swordsman Tianjiao of the player civilization was easily solved by himself.

"Puff!" However, he raised his hand inadvertently, and the Qinglong armed with his fingertips condensed his fingertips. With a swipe in the air, he cut the thousand-meter-large black flaming giant palm of the ancestor Tianyan into two halves.

"Show some real skills! I like to challenge the strong!" Wuxin smiled and turned back, the green dragon scales around the waist began to spread all over the body, the bright green gloves and armor, and the green crown sparkled .

"!" Patriarch Tianyan was a little confused.

What the hell?

The carefree aura and posture in front of him are completely different from the Meizhi Jiulan before!

Almost all fighters in the player civilization have extremely fierce auras, and the power they exert is super huge, ranging from kilometers to tens of thousands of meters!

But the person in front of him is different!

At first glance, it looks like a warrior!

The method of fighting is more like an individual martial artist!

However, can an ordinary warrior smash his own attack with a single blow?

This is impossible!

"It seems that I underestimated you! The green dragon scales are a bit mysterious, but I don't like green ones!" Patriarch Tianyan said lightly, then raised his finger!

"Demon Flame Realm!" Patriarch Tianyan's thought moved, and he activated the unique ability of the powerful Tianyan clan!

"Boom boom boom!" During the breath, the whole hall turned into a black flame world, and the temperature in the air rose instantly!

"No matter how strong you are, you will die under this blow!" Ancestor Tianyan thought in his heart!

One hundred thousand flaming spears rose into the sky, all of them were locked on Wuxinbuan, and they flew away in an instant!

"!" But a scene that shocked Patriarch Tianyan happened!

"Whoosh!" It's like taking a stroll in the garden without being distracted, and it's easy to pass through these 100,000 flaming flying spears and shoot a volley attack!

Not a single hair was hurt.

"That's it?" Wuxin cast a glance at Patriarch Tianyan, as if he didn't understand.

That expression seemed to say, just such a hot attack?

"How did he hide?" Ancestor Tianyan couldn't understand at this time. Looking at the eyes of Ancestor Tianyan, he just walked a few steps without distraction.

But none of his 100,000 flaming flying spears hit him?

"Are you really just an A-?" Patriarch Tianyan didn't understand a bit, how did the combat power of this player civilization be distributed?

Why is Meizhi Jiulan, the peerless swordsman who blows so powerfully, and the weak one is not even as good as a monkey!

This casually popped up a soldier who had no information before...

It's against the sky to this point?

"Well! I'm really just an A-!" Wuxin nodded.

"Could it be that these NPCs are so interested in titles? Could it be that they will challenge some powerful bosses in the future, and they need to go with titles? Otherwise, the other party is not willing to make a move?" Wuxin murmured in his heart.

It seems that after this war, it's okay to get a famous title, those powerful NPCs in the province always look down on themselves and don't want to make a move.

"It's against the sky that he escaped a hundred thousand flaming spears, but..."

"He is in my Demon Flame Realm, so he is fine?"

At this time, the patriarch Tianyan realized that the surrounding temperature continued to increase. It is not surprising that the body of an ordinary A- or A-level powerhouse would be burned to the ground at this time.

But the civilized soldier of the player in front of him is actually fine.

It is equivalent to saying that the power of his own flames has no effect on him at all!

How can this be?

Is the other party some kind of special Dacheng Divine Body?


The special Dacheng Divine Physique can resist it, but at least the movement will be affected a little bit, and it will be slower.

But the innocence in front of him is like he really doesn't feel anything at all.

It seems that it has to be serious!


The previous Meizhi Jiulan was a fake, and this careless, in fact, is the real arrogance?

"Your Majesty, Patriarch Tianyan! One of Tianyan's geniuses!"

"You like challenges? Very good, my deity, let you feel, what is despair!"

"Eight Yan Demon!! Now!"

Patriarch Tianyan finally used his real strength!

"Boom boom boom!" During the breath, after the devil energy boiled, the figures of the eight terrifying A-level peak auras suddenly appeared!

Each one is a pure flame element powerhouse, each wearing a flame glazed armor and holding a giant blade!


When each of the eight strong flames opened their eyes, what emerged were not fire eyes, but green magic flames --- evil energy!

"Evil energy? It turns out that you are a half-demon!" Wuxin was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized it.

Transformed half-demon!

The conversion demon among the five-test alien players is the representative!

As a high-level player, I have a clear understanding of the game background, various occupations, and race settings, all of which are basic operations!

"That's right! This deity is indeed a half-demon!" Patriarch Tianyan nodded and said domineeringly.

The real scary thing about half-devil lies in it!

I don't know what it is, and it has the power of a powerful ancient demon, which is equivalent to the player's phantom card, which increases the power of the will of the gods.

As long as it is strong enough!

Not only is it very powerful, but even summoning elemental puppets may have an army of puppets!

An A+ half-devil may control one under his command!

For example, the current Patriarch Tianyan!

With a wave of his hand, there are eight A-rank peak flame golems!

After being demonized, these flame golems are even more powerful and difficult to deal with than before!

Already close to the strength of A+!

"Don't worry, let's feel the despair!" Patriarch Tianyan laughed, waved his hand, and the Eight Balrogs

The crowd rushed to Wuxinbuan!

"Boom boom boom!" Raging flames and evil energy erupted at the same time, and the Eight Flame Demons pulled out the Raging Flame Ghost Saber, and all the sword techniques were illusory and evil, and ordinary physical training couldn't stand it at all!


"Puff!" There was a crisp sound, Wuxin was skillful and calm.

Just smash the first Demonized Balrog with one punch!

"Wow!" Wuxin tilted his head in annoyance, without looking at it, he avoided the punch of another A-level demonized Balrog, and then hit the other side with a backhand blow, directly blowing him up!

Six breaths!

One step, one punch!

The six A-level demonized flames were all beheaded on the spot!

The whole process is like flowing clouds and flowing water, almost as natural as breathing.

"???" The ancestors of Tianyan were dumbfounded!

What the **** is this horse riding?

Those are the eight A-level peak demonized Balrogs!

Why did the inattentive in front of him see through the only weakness of the demonized Balrog with every punch, and directly hit the only weak point, killing him instantly with one blow!

The sword technique of the eight flame demons, Moyan, seems to have no effect on this carelessness!

Killing the Eight Flame Demons carelessly is like a grandfather beating a grandson!

How did this horseman do it?

"That's it?" Wuxinbuan said lightly again.

Too spicy chicken!

Patriarch Tianyan is really too spicy today!

Wuxinbuan thought there was an earth-shattering extreme challenge!

As a result... that's it?

In the eyes of Patriarch Tianyan, these eight Balrogs are faster and stronger after being strengthened by devil energy, and they also have powerful regenerative ability!

But from the point of view of Wuxinbuan, these eight Balrogs have no will of their own!

Their knives, their strength, have long since blunted!

Not to mention....

Compared with the real A-level peak, it's just empty power!

This group of strong flames is simply younger brothers!

"This is impossible... how did you do it? You are so strong? You don't even have a name? Are you the ancestor of the hidden player civilization?" The ancestor Tianyan was shocked!


It's an A-? ?

Eight breaths, kill eight A-level peak demonized Balrogs in a row!

This strength is simply explosive!

And from the beginning to the end, this mindless performance is just like a mortal!


It's back to basics!

Only then did the patriarch Tianyan realize that it is only at the moment of the shot that the strength is refined to the extreme without being bothered!

Usually completely restrained, without the slightest waste and loss.

This is the embodiment of the ability to freely retract and release power and control it to the extreme!

In contrast, those fighters in the player civilization who unleash large-scale moves such as kilometers and tens of thousands of meters at every turn are indeed a group of Happy!

"The ancestor of the player's civilization..." Inadvertently, his face darkened.

If he is the Patriarch, then what is Brother Ze? ? ? He doesn't want to be picked up and beaten by Brother Ze every day like Hanilei!

If Hanilei has this kind of virtue, it's good to play as a five-test high-level player without worrying about being bothered...

"Any other tricks? Use them all!" Wuxinbufan said lightly, but it was hard to hide his deep disappointment.

From the unintentional excitement and anticipation at the beginning, to the disappointment now.


Wuxinbuan has already regarded Patriarch Tianyan as a weak chicken.

"You're courting death!!" Patriarch Tianyan was furious!

I am the ancestor of Tianyan, with a lofty status and astonishing strength!

Whether it is the realm of Lie Yan (raging flames) or the depth of the fusion of evil energy, he is the strongest in his class!

This little warrior of player civilization in front of him actually looks down on him so much?

Can this horse rider bear it?

"Boom!" Patriarch Tianyan let out a low growl, and his mighty devilish energy erupted, and he even held two strange black magic weapons, the flaming scimitar!

"This deity will let you know how powerful this deity is now!" The ancestor Tianyan made a move, and it was a lore!

"Cut!" Patriarch Tianyan raised his hand, and performed this lore move!

The two criss-crossed, 10,000-meter cross-shaped magic flames that scorched the air pierced Wuxinbuan's body in an instant!


This blow hit the past, but what was hit was only an afterimage!

"!" Patriarch Tianyan lost feeling in both arms before he could react.

Because Wuxinbuan was already standing more than ten meters behind Patriarch Tianyan.

The arms of Patriarch Tianyan had been separated from his body and flew into the air.

"Plop!" Patriarch Tianyan, who had both arms broken, knelt down on one knee, his face full of shock.

I... only saw the dragon shadow for a moment!

Then he didn't even see how the other party avoided his lore, and even cut off his arms with a backhand!

Why is this riding a horse?

I am an A+ rank, and the ancestor of the Tianyan clan!

The opponent is only A-early!

In the end, he was beaten like a grandson by the other party!


Patriarch Tianyan discovered a terrible truth in an instant!

If you can cut off your own arms without being bothered, it means...

At that time, the opponent could completely smash his own core with one blow, and give himself a killing blow!

"You... you actually showed mercy?" Patriarch Tianyan turned around and roared in horror and grief!

Obviously, Wuxinbuan intentionally spared his own life!

This is simply a great shame!

"Summon your ancient demon!" Wuxin turned around and said calmly.

Since Patriarch Tianyan is such a noob!

Then it's better to save his life and summon the ancient demon!

In the super-ancient time and space secret realm, it is always a pity to be careless. At the beginning, there was no phantom card, even if he used the dragon transformation and won the final MVP, it would be miserable!

After all, I was defeated at that time, almost hiccupped, and even Qing'er (that stupid and deceitful Qinglong) was beaten to pieces!

And the copy has passed!

No more chance to challenge!

So Wuxin wants to challenge a more powerful ancient demon to try!

After all, until now...

Not bothering and not even doing it for real!

"Hahahahaha! You will regret it!"

"Once the deity summons the ancient demon!"

"You are bound to die!"

Patriarch Tianyan spoke grimly, and said with a big laugh.

"Summon! I want to know if I can fight against the real strong!" Wuxinbufan said lightly, embracing his hands, and staring at him with disdain, as if he would not hinder him in the slightest!

"Okay! This deity, I will satisfy you!" Patriarch Tianyan grinned ferociously!

PS: I beg for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, meh.

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