The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Vol 2 Chapter 146: step 1

"Star Wars: The Fourth Scourge (

146、The first step

Coruscant basement 20 floors.

In this residence, which is much more spacious and luxurious than before, Francis Underwood stood by the window, watching the almost never-extinguishing lights on the basement of Lausanne outside the window, one after another. smoking a cigarette.

He had already smoked in the middle of the night, the ashtray in front of him was full of cigarette butts, and the rising smoke even attracted the public security inspection. The people from the inspection team came over on a hoverbike, gave Francis a strange look, and left without saying a word.

Claire Underwood became the hero he wanted to be, and now the media and newspapers outside are reporting heavily. And under his secret manipulation and guidance, those media directly portrayed Claire as a hero who resisted the power of the trade alliance and made a voice for the backward planet in the outer ring.

But Francis Underwood was not happy in any way, because the process of reaching this goal was too tortuous and dangerous, and even Claire had to take risks and use bitter tactics to finally achieve the goal.

However, he also knew that the only way for him to repay Claire was to keep going, go further and become stronger.

It was his promise when he and Claire got married.

What Claire needs is not gentle reassurance, this woman's desire for power is even stronger than his own. If she can't stand in the spotlight, it will be more uncomfortable for her than death.

A figure came over, naturally took a half-smoked cigarette from Francis, put it in his mouth, took a deep breath, and then extinguished the remaining cigarette butts, "This is the last one tonight. "

"You should rest in the hospital." Francis didn't look back, just said lightly.

"Although the position of the microbombs has shifted a bit, the damage I take is still manageable. The doctor said I need to rest for a few days, but no. I have to show up tomorrow to make a statement so I can stay with the trade union. There's no room for Rune Hark to leave the stage so early." Claire and Francis stood side by side, looking out the window together.

She paused and asked again, "How about you? How's it going?"

Francis closed the cigarette case and said: "This matter is enough to make our fourth civilization get more attention. What I need next is to talk to Planet Rodia, Planet Jabim, and Planet Semills. These planets that have just established friendly relations will further cooperate. The blade fighters eliminated from the military, I am going to sell some to the planet Rodia, their food channels need more escort."

"Where's Palpatine?" Claire asked.

"If nothing else, he will come to me soon. I have also heard some winds in the Galactic Council recently. Speaker Finnis Valorum was under investigation and impeachment for accepting bribes. His life is very difficult. Better yet. So, he's going to push a bill...a tax on the Outer Rim," Francis said.

"Hehe... Do you know Frank, what amazes me is that the Galactic Republic has been established for more than 20,000 years, yet there is still no way to levy taxes in the outer ring star region. How ironic."

"That is because of the trade alliance and other business giants, the outer ring star area is basically a business district controlled by them. More than 90% of the outer ring planet's external communication and exchanges must go through the giant enterprises such as the trade alliance. Therefore, If Speaker Valorum can successfully implement this bill, then it will be a feat for the Republic, and all quality control over him will become weak." Francis sneered at the corner of his mouth, "But... this The proposal is digging meat in the trade union."

"It's no wonder that the Trade Federation prefers to settle down on my mutual aid fund. It seems that they are also feeling the pressure from the Galactic Council. If Palpatine comes to you, what will you do?"

"The manager still can't be contacted, but he has a series of anticipation of Palpatine's political strategy. So if his judgment is correct, Palpatine wants to be a peacemaker in this matter. Guys, both sides are not guilty on the surface, but secretly helping the Trade Union to make Phoenix Valorum lose face." Francis said.

"how about you?"

"After this incident, Palpatine may invite us to participate in this proposal, because the existence of the mutual aid fund allows us to have some say in the outer ring planet. So this proposal will be our entry into the galaxy. The beginning of the political center." Francis smiled lightly.

"In this case, it's not worth the pain I suffered." Claire said with a smile.

"Oh dear, if there is a second option, I will never do it." Francis shook his head, but the two of them still looked out the window side by side at the It didn't mean to give a hug.

"When you become the Prime Minister of the Empire, come back and apologize to me."


On Sojoran, two months later.

The lavish and enthusiastic party has long since ended, but there are still some guests staying on the planet. They are the lucky ones who have reached some agreements with the host here, Hego-Damask II, and need to continue to have in-depth discussions.

Hego is chatting with the ugly big bug Mrs. Bixi with a glass of wine. They are discussing how to divide up the industry on the planet Malastar. The young leader of the Scarlet Dawn, Dryden Voss, also participated.

Whether it is Pixi or Voss, they are both emerging leaders of organizations in the galaxy. What they have in common is that they are ruthless, omnipotent, and powerful.

Hego likes to deal with such people very much. His way of life is to constantly cultivate such new powers to challenge the old order, always maintain the turbidity of the Milky Way, and then constantly absorb nutrients from it.

During the conversation, Heige's eyes swept across the ancient castle on the side of the mountain from time to time, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

In his perception of the dark side of the Force, the chaotic dark will in the direction of the ancient castle had long since disappeared, replaced by a dead silence.

Even in the perception of the Force, there was a dead silence there, as if there was nothing. It seems that there is an existence that has absorbed all the things in it! Those dark wills that remained in the ruins of the castle have all disappeared now!

In that direction, it was as if there was a cocoon wrapped in the power of the dark side, which was constantly converging, converging, converging, and then...

Break out of the cocoon!

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