The Frenzy Of Evolution

Chapter 576 Self-Strengthening

According to many teachings, we humans and everything in the universe are controlled by the great Creator. Everything we gain, including our lives, is a gift from the great Creator, and of course everything we lose is also the Creator’s intention. Only He is worthy of our worship. The foreheads of all living beings should kowtow to Him, and the faces of all things should be bowed to His face. All things are under His authority. He is the only Lord. Nothing else except Him None of us can be our master. Everything other than him is his creation, or the creation of his creation [man]. It is not worthy of worship and absolutely cannot be worshiped.

All the benefits we receive come from the generous gifts of the Creator, and all the disasters we suffer are caused by our own actions. We all belong to the Creator, and to Him we all ultimately return.

However, is this actually the case?

In times of despair, humans once looked up to the sky and asked the many gods, how many butter lamps were lit for you? But you are missing! How many people worship you? And you are deaf to it! How many devout hearts often pray to you to avoid disaster? But, but!

When disaster suddenly strikes, you are the first to fall, and you are the ones who fall one after another. Why not tell those who have been worshiping you religiously beforehand?

Don't you know anything about it?

Why? Why do you save those living lives? Is there nothing you can do to protect yourself? When people shout your name in panic, you don't listen. When people are struggling to climb out of the ruins, why are you still buried deep underground? Think in disasters, reflect in thinking, and wake up in reflection.

A sudden enlightenment, a sudden enlightenment. The numerous gods cannot bring blessings, let alone avoid disasters. The only one we can rely on is us humans. The so-called fate is up to us and not God!

But in this doomsday period, when disasters are everywhere, this definition will have to change further. Humanity is a huge whole, and will be restricted by various constraints before the doomsday. But once the doomsday comes, all boundaries will disappear. , human nature will be revealed.

Instead of relying on others, it is better to strengthen yourself. To strengthen yourself, you need to practice with concentration. Need to adapt to loneliness and endure hardship.

Need to hold back the tears and shed the sweat. You need to know how to give up and learn to cherish. You need to have faith and put aside pessimism. We need to be humble and prudent and reject pride. We need to be more tolerant and care less. You need to adapt to the circumstances and live with a smile. In reality, all kinds of life paths must be walked alone in the end. Some people will accompany you for a while, but they will not accompany you for a lifetime. Some people will help you for a while, but they won't help you forever. And in life, it is difficult to travel through thorns and thorns. You must make yourself stronger.

When you are strong enough, you can become a superman and overcome obstacles. Talent, achieve yourself, and protect those around you. In his previous life, Duan Fei had seen too many people who wanted to risk their own lives to protect their loved ones, but the cruel reality made them realize their powerlessness and made them understand that their efforts were in vain.

But sometimes we often complain that we can't do anything, but if we only think about what we want to have or what we lack, and don't cherish what we have, then it won't change the problem at all! What really changes our destiny is not our opportunities, but It's our attitude. Duan Fei has always believed in this, which is why he is so persistent and persistent in what he believes in.

None of us have the right to make judgments about anything before it has results. Even if some things have already had results, there is still room for maneuver, and we should work hard for them. Difficulty is not a reason, nor is it an excuse to escape. It is just the result of our lack of effort.

Everything is not impossible, but there are ten thousand reasons why it is impossible, but there is no reason for its success. Work hard for hope! If the mountains don't turn, the water will turn. If the water doesn't turn, people will turn. If people don't turn, things will turn. Don't lose hope for your own future, don't lose hope for the future of mankind. Maybe your failure is just because you lack the power of persistence and perseverance.

Many people often do not have high hopes for many things because of their mediocrity. But it is precisely because there is no mental pressure to worry about gains and losses, and I actively strive for it with a normal mind, that I can achieve extraordinary performance and achieve the success I dream of. Some ordinary people who failed to awaken their abilities felt that they had become a burden to the development of the base. Some awakened people who had awakened their abilities but did not have strong attack capabilities felt that they were a hindrance to the powerful troops.

Be able to live in peace with those bad things, but not join in the bad things.

Whether it’s the past mistakes you’ve made, things you’ve had to do against your will, the darkness and evil that exists in the world, the “hell” brought by others, things you hate, despise or even hate...accept their existence and their unchangeability, Dare to look directly at it, dare to get close to it, but never blend into it.

Keep working hard for good things, but don't be anxious about failure or not getting it. Know with certainty what you need, what you can get, and how you should work hard for what you want. I feel happy when I get it, but I have to feel resentful.

Stick to your heart soberly, but not be driven by desires. Tolerate those who are more frustrated than you are, and praise those who are more proud than you are. I have tasted all the joys, sorrows and joys, but I still love the world, including its beauty and ugliness.

A person with a strong heart must have a firm belief. This belief is not verbal, but comes from the bottom of his heart. Not only in terms of knowledge, but also with deep emotions, rich life experience, and broad vision. This inner strength often means that he is extremely confident, and this confidence often comes from him. Be deeply aware of your own shallowness.

Therefore, he has a special sense of openness and an open mind. He can listen carefully to any different voices, think again with his own mind, and remain vigilant about what he is confident about. Therefore, he will not refuse to listen and think about different sounds.

Light appeared on the body of the awakened orangutan, and countless halos surrounded him. The awakened orangutan, who was depressed because of his powerlessness a moment ago, seemed to have received the call of courage from deep in his heart, and his eyes The color gradually changed from black pupils to red that exuded fighting spirit.

Let a person gain a kind of faith from the depths of his soul and gain a powerful power that comes from himself!

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