The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 631: Druid's new choice

It took Xu Yichen less than half an hour to build a simple raft. There is no shortage of suitable wood and vines that serve as fixtures in the Black Forest.

The plant activation spell of the centaur increased the strength of the entire raft by one level. With the demon hunter holding one foot on the edge of the raft, the two began a drifting journey.

In the rainy season, the Black Forest has plenty of rainfall, which makes the flow of the Semme surge and the rafts are very fast.

At this rate, it may be possible to reach the estuary of the Seme River tomorrow morning, which was originally planned by Xu Yichen for five to six days.

Xu Yichen was sure that when he arrived at the estuary of the Seme River, the recovery between him and Yang Yuefan would definitely be restored.

The swift Seme River constantly beats around the small raft. The small raft built with branches is not a safe means of transportation in itself, it is completely balanced by the buoyancy of the wood itself.

Horna, on all fours, occupies the center of the raft. As a centaur, she is not much afraid of water, but she absolutely dislikes it.

The body structure of the centaur family makes them naturally repellent to swimming skills. Compared with the environment of the Black Forest, most centaur lives on the grasslands in the center of the Far South Continent.

There, the power of the centaur was unprecedentedly strong, and there were even calls for the establishment of a kingdom, and Haulna was one of them.

She has the talent to become a druid, and she did so, which caused a conflict between Harna and the family.

It was not until the people of Haulna discovered that as long as the centaur was willing, the family's pasture could grow more prosperous than other areas, and they accepted her again.

However, Horna, who has been exposed to the way of nature since she was a child, has grown more and more disagreements with people who admire plundering, the weak and the strong.

Behind the innocent eyes of the centaur, there is a heart that has left her relatives and has been home for almost four years.

In the tree-herding circle, most druids are considered good people in the traditional sense. The reason they will embark on the natural path at first is because they yearn for a natural and quiet life.

But the real high-levels are increasingly biased towards political creatures, especially when it comes to the relationship between humans and nature.

Haulna can clearly feel that the smell of gunpowder inside the druid has become stronger in the past few years. It feels like when she was a child, she saw the people sharpening and dancing spears every day for the ownership of a playground.

That is the breath of war.

Not only can Horna smell that smell, but Master Gast also feels the more and more violent aura in the tree-herd ring, which is not the aura that a practitioner of the Way of Nature should have.

I don’t know when, there has been an anti-civilization and anti-human trend in the druid circle. Many high-level druids seem to believe that the reason why this world is so plagued is ultimately the fault of civilization. .

Destroying the city, letting all things return to the past life of drinking and drinking, destroying civilization, and letting mankind become a link in the food chain again can prevent chaos from completely destroying the world.

When Master Gast enters deep meditation, he can vaguely perceive similar concepts from the vast and boundless thoughts of natural will.

This situation has awakened Master Gast from nightmares countless times. This is natural will, that is to say, it is a natural choice to oppose civilization.

In recent years, Gast has been wandering between self and nature. He does not understand why the progress of human civilization has become a reason to destroy the world.

I can't figure out why Mother Nature wants to destroy her eldest son.

Seeing the druid companions around him, he became more and more manic. The stronger the strength and the deeper the connection with Mother Nature, the more affected.

Master Gast has repeatedly suppressed the possibility of his promotion. He has not yet made a final decision. For a long time, he has been self-doubt.

I wonder if I am not qualified to walk on the path of nature, and I wonder if the choice of Mother Nature must be correct.

This kind of wandering, self-questioning has been discovered by many elders, and within the circle of shepherd trees, the voices directed at Master Gast and his followers are getting more and more.

Until one day, Master Gaster once again penetrated his consciousness into nature and communicated with Mother Nature. He tried to understand Mother Nature and tried to decipher the true meaning behind it.

He does not believe that the civilization that mankind is proud of will be the root of the destruction of this world.

At this time, a force completely different from Mother Nature was born in the far east.

That will, like sunshine, breeze, and friend, is orderly and sensible, though weak but very tough.

Natural will tried to stifle this power in the cradle, but was easily resolved by the opponent.

That power is like the where it radiates its own light quietly. It doesn't matter what other people think, just work hard.

Just tried to touch the opponent with his own consciousness, and he felt a light.

An uplifting spirit fed back his ideas to Master Gast along the tentacles of consciousness. Everything is controllable and available.

When Master Gast got to know the other party more deeply, he heard the wonderful singing, which made the entire natural consciousness network tremble again!

Master Gast was kicked out of the natural consciousness network in an instant, not just him, all the druids on the entire planet were kicked out of the meditation state at that instant.

But Master Gast has heard a few words of singing, the singing has crossed the language, crossed the species and directly affects the soul, so that anyone who hears it can understand the meaning of the song.

"There has never been a savior, nor is it dependent on the emperor of the gods! To create the happiness of mankind, it is all on our own! We must regain..."

A short sentence and a half of the lyrics made Master Gast see a light in the dark, a light that made him suddenly enlightened.

Gast patiently waited for the road that was unfamiliar to the druids to thrive. He could feel the power in the east, the land called Seris.

Therefore, Master Gast wanted to establish friendship with the Serris first. The words expressed in the lyrics made Master Gast dare not think about it, but he was sure that the Serris would be very lack of friends.

Since as human beings, the way of nature cannot accommodate them, Master Gast is willing to test the law by himself, wading out a way to set an example for the druids in the world.

Civilization is progress, not cancer.

Chaos is the enemy of the druids, and Mother Nature made the wrong choice this time.

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