Half a day after the internal test of “Elven Country”, the first game review was released online in the form of graphics and video, the publisher was a veteran anchor Komaki, and his review was reprinted countless times in the first place…

When Eve found this long article, it was already a day after Blue Star, and at this moment, the post had already exceeded one million clicks, and the comments had exceeded five figures.

Komaki still knows him, and Eve has not seen each other’s videos in his previous life, but this time, in order to grab the first place, Komaki obviously gave up the video commentary form he was good at.

Eve did not hesitate, but clicked it away with interest:

“Hello everyone, I’m the anchor Komaki. Recently, everyone’s circle of friends should have been brushed by a newly released virtual reality game, yes, it is a magical masterpiece that claims to use “thinking acceleration technology” and perfectly imitates reality – “Elf Country”!”

“Luckily, this time I was also officially selected by the game to become one of the three hundred closed beta players. This time, I won’t talk about the game strategy, after all, there are many players who have been selected for closed beta, and their strategy should be released soon, I just want to talk about my game experience with this masterpiece.

“That’s right, God. This is truly a masterpiece! A masterpiece across centuries!

“I think most people should be shocked by the promo for the game on the Internet a while ago and wonder if the game can achieve this effect, so what I want to say here is – what is said in this game promo is true!”

“First of all, it should be the most curious thinking acceleration technology. Before the game, I was skeptical of authenticity, but when I entered the game, I found it to be true.

“It’s only been half a day since the game opens for closed beta, but in the game, our real experience is that we’ve spent the whole day! To prove it, I’ve uploaded a 12-hour recording of the game to the video network, here is the link…”

“Friends who plan to use this game for live streaming may be disappointed, because of the existence of accelerated thinking, everything in the game seems to be four times faster in reality, and the live broadcast effect is very poor… My live viewers can attest to this. The following is a screenshot of the barrage broadcast at that time…”

“I don’t know what technology the official uses is, but it turns out that they do extend the game time in a sense. With this alone, no other online game can surpass it!

“And about the picture quality, after experiencing the game, I want to say that talking about the picture quality of this game is an insult!”

“The game graphics of “Elven Country” have long been beyond the description of high image quality, as the propaganda says, it really achieves ‘the most real’ and ‘thickest’! Be truly immersive! Not only that, but the scenery in the game is quite magnificent, and every screenshot is a complete explosion of most wallpapers on the market.

“Those who like scenery can take a look, I specially took a video of the primeval forest scenery in the game, you can experience it, complete the explosion of Jiuzhai, Shennong and the like!” Here is the link…”

“In addition, everyone should know my nickname, and during this time in the game, I have been looking for game bugs, but it turns out that even I can’t fault the slightest.”

“Not only that, as we all know, although there are more and more virtual reality games, and more and more attempts are trying to introduce gravity and perception, the vast majority of games are not perfect, and they can even be said to be rough, and the authenticity is too poor…”

“But Elven Nation is different, the game’s gravity engine and five-sense experience are absolutely the most advanced in the industry, and there is no contradiction. If I hadn’t known that I was landing in a game, I would have thought I had traveled to another world!

“As for the content of the game… At present, it should be to build towns that belong to elves,

After all, the main body of the script is the revival of the elven race. In fact, I seriously doubt that this will be the newbie village during the public beta…” “I have to say that the official approach of allowing players to participate in the construction of the game is indeed ingenious. It can be expected that as the plot advances, the sense of historical heaviness will become stronger and stronger. “Because of the real perception, the

experience of magic and sword skills is also extremely real, and the sense of gaining promotion is more wonderful than ever, I am not very keen on fighting monsters and leveling up, but this game has revived my interest!” Haha, although in the game I just cut down the tree for a day…”

“None of this surprised me the most, though. What surprised me the most was the NPC system of this game!

“As of now, there are only two NPCs I have seen in the game, one is a goddess named Eve Euktrashier, I have to say, this is the best and favorite character model I have ever seen, directly above…”

“Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it cool? Kneel and lick! Mortals!

“She is the incarnation of the World Tree, only appears when creating a character, and will randomly send the player two initial skills, as for what skills are drawn, it depends on the face, and other information is temporarily insufficient.” However, according to the main story that the game has given, the player’s task is to help the goddess Eve rebuild the elven family. “The current goddess is

very weak, but it is said that there will be an avatar after regaining strength, and players can look forward to interacting with the goddess in the future…”

“And the other is a believer in the goddess, the natural saint Alice Wind, a pure and cute elf sister, and the player’s initial tasks are mainly related to her. Here is a screenshot of the character…”

“In addition to these two NPCs, there is also said to be an oak guard, but I didn’t find it. Some people say that they have seen it on the edge of the security zone, as if they are exploring something, and I heard that it is very powerful. I suspect that this NPC is probably related to the plot after level 11…”

“Next, I’m going to talk about the NPC system in detail.”

“If you confuse the NPCs in this game with other games, then I think you’re going to lose a lot of fun. The NPCs of “Elven Country” are definitely the smartest AI I have ever seen! Enough to fake the real thing!

“It’s not just about the NPC’s facial movements or verbal demeanor, it’s also reflected in the interaction with the player.” If you give them green names as well, you’ll even think they’re players! I’ll show you a video…”

“This is a video of our interaction with each other when we first met NPCs. As you can see, when being teased by players, NPCs’ reactions are quite vivid, and even shyness, anger, etc. appear…”

“At the beginning, many of our players used the same old ideas to communicate with NPCs, which can be summed up as waves and returns, but as long as you complete the task well, you can hold the NPC’s lap… This is also a common problem of NPCs in major virtual online games on the market.

“But in fact, those players who hold this idea have all been favored by the NPCs of Elven Country.”

“If my analysis is correct, the official should have developed a separate emotion system and thinking system for NPCs, and even a memory function. Every action you do to NPCs will receive similar feedback to humans, and every player who has dealt with them will also be remembered by NPCs. For example, the player who molested NPCs has never gotten a good face…”

“And only by really substituting yourself into the game and communicating with NPCs on an equal footing will you gain the favor of the other party.”

“I want to… This is also the official intention, if only with real pictures and perception, then “Elf Country” is at most a masterpiece with a burst sense of substitution and excellent experience; But once you add that fake NPC system, the whole game experience is sublimated again…”

“It is no longer a masterpiece, but a masterpiece!”

“It gave me the impression that this is not just a game, but a real world full of magic and mystery!”

“That’s right, this is a game that reaches the ultimate in virtual online games, that is, to depict a real world for players! The sense of substitution has never been greater!

“Trust me, in this game, you will have an experience like no other game and start a new life!”

“Don’t say more, it’s dawn in the game, I’m going to cut down trees!”

After reading this not very long review, Eve was abrupt:

“No wonder players have taken the game a lot more seriously lately… So it was.

He then looked at the comments that followed.

Not surprisingly, this review once again exploded public opinion, once again attracting the attention of countless players, and the most talked about in the comments is when “Elven Country” will open for public beta.

Seeing this, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com Eve knew that one of her goals had been achieved:

“In the future, there will be no shortage of leeks.”

But thinking of her own consumption after the arrival of the player recently, Eve sighed helplessly: ”

Still underestimating the difficulty of connecting the two worlds, this is only less than a week of the world, I have consumed about 0.3 divine power points, and the output brought by investing in players is far from enough…”

“Alas, I don’t know when this group of fellow countrymen will turn me into a profit…” Thinking of her

divine power of less than 11 points, Eve felt that her heart was dripping blood.

“When will I save up to 100 points…”

And just as Eve sighed, he suddenly heard another murmured prayer, ethereal.

Eve identifies it and discovers that the source is Basaka, the oak tree guard of the median strength of silver that he has pointed.

At this moment, his emotions seemed to carry a hint of excitement.

Basaka? Could it be that he found something?

Eve’s heart moved.

These days, after Basaka cleared the threat within a ten-kilometer range, Eve ordered him to start exploring the area ten kilometers away. Although Eve

inherits the inheritance of the previous World Tree and some of the memories, these memories are incomplete, and Eve’s understanding of the Elven Forest is not comprehensive.

Coupled with the fact that after a divine war and thousands of years of time, the current Elven Forest has long been unrecognizable and needs further exploration.

And Eve is limited to her own weak state and cannot personally check the surroundings.

Therefore, before human players grow up, Oak Guarding Basaka is the best candidate to explore.

Thinking of this, Eve immediately contacted the other party’s faith channel and threw her consciousness over…

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