Before long, after entering the M8 star area, a fleet within the battleship group no longer converged in one place, but flew in all directions.

This acted according to the original plan.

This fleet will disperse into the M7 star area, or even the M8 area, to carry out scattered attacks and expand the battlefield to a situation where the goblin race and the orc race can't care about each other.

In a short while, the battleship group that gathered 150,000 warships was already gone.

They are carrying out their military operations one after another.

For example, in the Hardy Empire, tens of thousands of warships, with an unstoppable momentum, rushed straight into the M8 star area.

For example, the fleet of the Alliance of the Sun Never Set, with an invincible posture, is about to prepare to crush the non-human races on the edge of M7.

All in all, at this moment, the various fleets of the human race are performing their duties.

The fleet of the Huangzhen Empire is different.

The battle of 20,000 ships is divided into star destroyers and assault ships.

They are also going to the central area of ​​the M8 star area, but they are different from the fleet of the Strong Empire.

Because according to the plan, they will have a battle in the central universe of the M8 star area, and then use the strong fleet as a springboard to enter the M7 star area, and then use the Sunless Alliance fleet as a springboard to enter the central area of ​​the M7 star area. Let the two star areas of M7 and M8 be ignited.



The two races of goblins and orcs are already the current dignity of the enemy.

They found a large number of warships assembled by the human race!

Sure enough, the worst thing finally happened.

"We must defeat the human race, or we will be finished."

"The other party is coming fiercely and has already expressed his intention."


Because things have become more and more critical, in a very short time, the two races of goblins and orcs will have a unified opinion and must defeat the human race, otherwise both the goblin race and the orcs will be removed from the universe forever. Among them was extinct.

They all understand the truth about the death of lips and teeth, so they will fight without leaving any spare energy.

For a time, the two star regions M7 and M8 were even more turbulent, completely depressed and crazy before the war was approaching.

This is a war of races, and often the end result of such wars is either enslavement or extermination.

At the same time, the Protoss and Zergs also received information about what happened in the M7 and M8 star areas, and immediately began to implement the actions that had been planned long ago.

This war is bound to be upgraded to a more advanced war!


Over time, all parties are acting.

Finally, the war waged by the human race officially started in the M8 sector.

This is an encounter!

More than 100,000 warships assembled by the Goblin race encountered a human fleet.

Note that it is a human fleet, a fleet of more than a hundred warships.

Compared with the 100,000 warships of the opponent, they appear to be extremely lonely. Even as long as the battleship group of the Goblin race locks the opponent and only needs one round of attack, they can easily turn the opponent into cosmic trash!

"This is the battleship group of the human race?"

In the Goblin battleship group, many captains were surprised.

According to the news received before, the human race has assembled all the warships. It shouldn't be the only thing that shouldn't be the only thing.

Suddenly, these high-spirited goblins felt that their IQ had been humiliated.

And this human fleet that encountered the goblin battleship group was shocked for the first time, and unexpectedly encountered the goblin battleship group.

A flagship in the human fleet, the adjutant asked: "What shall we do?"

The commander frightened and said: "What can we do? Of course we have to withdraw. With so many warships on the other side, we can't beat it no matter how fierce it is."

The order to retreat was immediately issued. Following this, the fleet immediately fled as if oiled under its feet, and sent the news that they had encountered the Goblin battleship group to other fleets.

At this moment, the goblin warships almost witnessed the withdrawal of the human fleet they had just encountered, and did not choose to pursue blindly, because what was happening right now was too weird.

Why are there only so many warships?

What about other warships?

When many goblin elders were puzzled, they were even more afraid to act rashly.

If it is a war with other races, it is okay, but if a war with the human race occurs, then you have to be timid and cautious, otherwise a carelessness will fall into the conspiracy and tricks of the human race.

Therefore, it is the best choice for them to take strict precautions.

"Hehe, the human fleet that just ran away must be using conspiracy and tricks to lure the enemy into deep, waiting for us to enter the ambush circle."

"Resolutely cannot pursue."

"After learning the lessons of the last big defeat, we will never be fooled again."

The battleships of the goblins were stationed under the stars in this way.

Many goblin elders even agreed that this is the most secure method at present, one word is stable, and it must be dragged after the orc warships arrive, and then find the human warships and start a decisive battle with them.

However, this is just wishful thinking of the Goblin race.

In short time, they received news that the planet was attacked, and more attacks from the human fleet broke out. There was even a warning from the goblin home planet, saying that a large number of fleets were found to be moving towards. The mother star is gone.

Goblin battleship group: "..."

He knew the plan of the human race in an instant.

They are ready to attack more.

The abominable human race is really cunning. As soon as the war starts, the opponent has firmly grasped the dominance of the war.

This is forcing the battleship group of the Goblin race to not continue to disperse and support each planet.

Thinking of dispersing to fight, the consequence of that is obviously very detrimental to the battleship group of the Goblin race. After all, the last war was because of dispersing the warships, which ultimately led to failure.

Right now, the warships are going to be dispersed again.

Even if the conspiracy is the goblin battleship group that doesn’t want to jump off, but in the face of the cruel facts, they have to grit their teeth and beat the conspiracy If the battleship group is not dispersed, the battleship group will not be able to jump. At the same time rescue those planets that have been attacked by humans.

For a time, many warriors in the battleship group of the Goblin race showed extremely resentful expressions.

"Go and destroy those human fleets."

"Why is there such a despicable race in the universe."

"I'm so angry."

"Hurry up and disperse the battleships and go to rescue, otherwise, if you go too late, I am afraid that the planets of the Goblin race will be baptized by the human race all over the time."

The battleship group of the Goblin race is extremely anxious.

Orders are issued, and they are divided to support various places and destroy the daring human fleets.

Time is running out. The hundreds of thousands of warships have scattered and started flying in all directions. They are going to stop those human fleets from attacking the planet of Goblin.

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