The person who suddenly appeared in front of Cathy and blocked the gun for her was, of course, Richard who transformed into Nexus.

When Cathy stood in the office and excitedly described the details of the smuggling case to him, Richard vaguely expected that she might make a big mess that he couldn't fix. No, if he hadn't followed and stared, the little trainee reporter might have died on the spot.

In fact, to deal with such a few small characters, Richard didn't even need to transform, he could simply crush them with his physical fitness. The problem is that if he does that, he would have to cover his face with something to hide his identity, which makes him feel low when he thinks about it. Therefore, he felt that it would be more convenient to transform directly. Anyway, it would not cost much to maintain the size of an ordinary person.

Cathy, the little reporter, had always been pleasing to Richard. She was passionate and loved her work. She often volunteered to work overtime all night long and was more active than anyone else in running news. That is to say, she is still too young and lacks experience, but in Richard's opinion, this is the future Pulitzer Prize reserve for their newspaper. If she is carefully cultivated, she might be able to develop into someone as famous as Lois Lane next door. The ace reporter of Journalist Man.

But right now, what she lacks most is an opportunity, an opportunity.

So Richard decided he might as well give her such big news.

The gangsters were all stunned, and the elder brother was obviously a little bit frightened as well. But in front of a group of younger brothers, he, as the eldest brother, must not be timid. The guy in his hand seemed to give him some courage.

Looking for death, right?

Without even thinking about it, the big brother pulled the trigger one after another, fire erupted from the muzzle one after another, and bullets bounced off Ultraman's steel-like body one after another. One of the shrapnels flew out and accidentally hit the leg of a boy behind him. The little brother yelled Ah, blood flowed from his legs, he hugged his legs and covered the wound and groaned on the ground.

The magazine was empty, but the opponent was still standing there unharmed.

Richard reached out and grasped the barrel of the pistol. He exerted a little force with one hand, and the barrel of the gun was immediately crushed into a ball of hot scrap metal.

Now the elder brother was really panicked and stammered: You, you, you, what the hell are you?

Um, big brother, the younger brother next to him whispered, I think this guy seems to be the 'Ultraman' mentioned in the newspaper?

What? The elder brother was stunned for a moment. This name seems familiar, so I think I heard someone mention it today.

The eldest brother suddenly thought of something, and his whole face turned pale.

WOC, is this the giant who punched the monster that was causing trouble in New York into the floor and couldn't get it out?

Is this a big deal?

If you can't fight, you can't fight. If you vote, you can vote.

But another younger brother whispered: But I heard that Ultraman is not a giant? Why has he shrunk?

Who knows, maybe they are big or small.

You can see that you can go to hell, I'm still alive and well.

The eldest brother gritted his teeth, a stern look flashed in his eyes. He flashed the bright dagger, pointed at Richard and said: I don't know who you are, and I don't care! Let me tell you, I am the famous handler on this street, known as the 'Copperhead' .Want to know where this nickname came from? Then I’ll tell you.”

Richard stretched out his right hand and flicked the elder brother's forehead with his middle finger.

Don't know, not interested, don't understand.

In the blink of an eye, the big brother flew out like a cannon from the barrel, smashing a pile of wooden boxes piled in the corner with a bang, and was crushed under a pile of sawdust, making no movement.

Just a snap of a finger.

The faces of the few younger brothers were all as pale as paper, and they stood there like wooden stakes. They didn't even dare to express their anger, and they almost couldn't say silently in their hearts, You can't see me, you can't see me.

Could this be the legendary vanishing into ashes in the blink of an eye?


Richard heard the sound of a shutter and turned around to see Cathy carefully holding her cell phone to take pictures. Seeing him turn around, Cathy was so frightened that she took two steps back, her heart pounding. After all, she wasn't sure whether this Ultraman was an enemy or a friend. What if he hated taking pictures?

Richard was satisfied. Very good, very good, she was not frightened and still remembered her responsibilities. This girl is really good.

The group of girls who were previously locked in the boxes also poked their heads out from behind the bunker, tremblingly observing the situation here with their bright eyes. Now the lock that locked them up has been picked open by Cathy, and these gangsters are so frightened by Richard that they dare not let go. Technically speaking, they are free now, but no one dares to leave.

Then Richard heard something.

Richard, who possesses the power of light, has five senses that are far superior to those of ordinary people even in the non-transformed state. In the transformed state, his senses are greatly improved, and no disturbance around him can escape his senses.

Apparently they are not the only ones from the Green Snake Gang here, there is another one outside the warehouse door.

The gangster outside initially just sat in the car waiting for his accomplices, but after waiting for a long time and no one else came back, and several gunshots were heard in the warehouse, he realized that something might be wrong.

But even so, he had no idea what he would see before he came to the warehouse door.

The gangster was a little frightened. He turned around and ran back to the car - thankfully he didn't turn off the engine when he got out. He stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle ran rampant, crashing through the wooden boxes piled in the open space, and fled towards the road at full speed.

The gangster held the steering wheel with one hand and frantically took out his mobile phone with the other hand and dialed a series of numbers: Hello? Boss? I'm Danny. I'm in Warehouse No. 42. What? No, it's not those girls who ran away. But you have absolutely no idea what’s going on here.”

Before he could finish speaking, a silver afterimage fell from the sky. Ultraman landed vertically in front of the car and pressed his palm into the hood of the car. The metal hood immediately deformed and twisted under the huge force. The front of the car stopped instantly, but the rear of the car was thrown high under the action of inertia. The entire car flipped several times in the air and fell heavily to the ground. The body was severely deformed, one of the tires flew off, and the whole car turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Cathy chased after her with her mobile phone with the recording function turned on. When she saw this scene, her little mouth suddenly opened into an O shape.

She felt that she might be really ignorant. This was the first time in her life that she had seen the legendary parking of a car with bare hands outside of a movie.

problem solved. Richard glanced at Cathy one last time, then without stopping, he jumped up and disappeared into the night sky like a silver meteor.

Cathy held up her cell phone and looked up at the sky. She refused to put down the camera until the figure turned into a small black dot and disappeared into the sky.

For a long time, she showed an uncontrollable smile.

She knew that the first headline in her life had been made.

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