The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 21 The adults behind the scenes?

The viper came in force and ran away with its tail between its legs. The whole process only took a few minutes. Speaking of which, the other party was clearly targeting Richard, but Richard just dealt with it casually and made no effort at all. Instead, he acted like he was just a spectator watching a theater.

In fact, it's all the blame on the Viper for seeking his own death, even if it's looking for trouble, it still has to drag Fisk into it. As a result, Richard, the real boss, didn't even say a word, and Fisk was dismissed by these clowns without saying a word.

Can you believe the double attack?

After tonight, it is estimated that there will never be a Green Snake Gang again in New York City.

At the end of the interlude, Fisk sighed and shook his head: It is because of the existence of such people that this city has become so degenerate. This kind of people are the root of the city's ills. As long as such people still exist, the streets It will never be safe and people will never dare to speak up for themselves.”

That makes sense, so Brother Jinbing, are you planning to surrender to the New York Police Department?

Fisk withdrew his gaze and suddenly looked straight at Richard. Richard noticed that his eyes seemed a little different from before, becoming more difficult to read.

Fisk drank the rest of the red wine in one gulp and put down the glass.

Let's get things out of the way, Mr. Li, he said. I'm a very private person, so I rarely talk about my real business with people. But considering you and your background, I think you already know that, so we won’t beat around the bush anymore.”

Richard was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect this. Is Kingpin planning to be honest with him?

You should know the real me, what kind of person I am outside the public eye, so you may think that what I say tonight is just a thief cry to catch the thief. But I assure you, every word I say is true. It comes from the bottom of my heart. I hope from the bottom of my heart that this city can change for the better. What this city needs now is not a clean mayor, nor a hero who fights crime, no, no, neither. This city needs A guy like me, and only a guy like me, really understands how it works.”

Richard said nothing.

He now believed Fisk wasn't lying. Maybe Fiske is right. All criminal activities are unified under the control of one person. In terms of results, it might really make the city better.

But now he is more concerned about, why did Fisk say this to him?

Fisk continued minding his own business: As I just said, I may have some big plans recently. This city will definitely undergo changes, and it will be reborn and usher in its most perfect posture. But here Before, he paused and became serious, as if this was the main topic of the conversation, I need to know what 'the Big Man' behind you means.

Richard was confused: What sir? Which one?

There is no need to hide this, Mr. Li. My energy may not be comparable to the people behind you, but in this three-acre area of ​​​​New York, my ears and eyes are still relatively good. Fisk said leisurely, In fact, it's not just me, other powerful people in New York have guessed something.

Richard continued to be confused, and he spread his hands frankly: I really don't understand what you are talking about.

Okay then. Fisk thought for a while and said, Then let's talk about it one by one. Let's start with, um, Blake from the city hall before. You filmed him being unfaithful to his wife, right? I remember he hired a couple of hit men - the best - to get rid of your photographer. You see, other people may not have access to the inside story. But this city is like my back garden. Nothing escapes my eyes.

Richard thought about it for a while. Well, that seems to be the case. But those idiots are still the top killers? Richard remembered that he casually threw a few of them into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish, and did not notice that they were any different from the others. The photographer didn't even know that his life was being remembered until the end.

Then the killers disappeared - so completely invisible that not even my ability could find any trace of them. Our best experts told me that it was done so cleanly that it was even a little unusual. As for Mr. Black from the city hall, the evidence that he hired someone to kill someone was discovered a few days later, which was a little too smooth, don’t you think?”

Richard was noncommittal.

Seeing that he did not comment, Fiske continued: Then there is the time of Adam Hensch. Adam Hensch was exposed by the Daily Planet as a pedophile during a large-scale project and had violated hundreds of young people in the past ten years. Girl, that was a real scandal. But Adam was no small fry. He had a member of Congress as his backing, which is why so many people knew about his behavior over the years, but no one spoke up. After the incident, he insisted The Daily Planet deliberately fabricated evidence to slander him, and threatened to make you pay the price. But look what happened to him in the end? He was beaten to death by four inmates in just three weeks after being imprisoned.

Richard was also impressed by this. He remembered that Adam Hensh was extremely arrogant at the time. That guy even pointed at Richard's nose and swore that he didn't even know how he died? But in the end Adam went to jail.

As for being beaten to death by his fellow inmates, Richard swore that it really had nothing to do with him. Pedophiles are quite unpopular even in prisons, and it is not uncommon for them to be beaten by inmates.

But when Kingpin mentioned it like this, why did Richard think it sounded like he had hired someone to kill this guy?

He is the owner of a serious newspaper! Is he the kind of guy who would pay to kill people?

Besides, who does he want to kill and doesn’t need to pay for the murder?

Wouldn't it be enough to fly directly to someone else's house and drop it into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish? Do you deserve to spend this wasted money?

Finally, there's Silver Mane. Fisk crossed his fingers and rested his fleshy chin. I know that old guy. He is not someone who will be easily scared off. So no matter who is behind you, he must be with you. We are not on the same level, right? Who is your backend? Is it some large multinational organization? Like

Fisk narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice unconsciously, as if the word he was going to mention next was taboo in itself.

.Like the 'Hand'?

Richard was speechless: What kind of rubbish is the Hand?

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