Bakers Water Works.

Zach Marks is a maintenance worker at the water supply plant. This is his tenth year working at the water supply plant, and he knows that the plant is more than three times older than this.

Since many years ago, there have been some rumors of infiltration in this water supply plant. To put it into detail, it's not really a very new story. It's just the kind of rumors that are often circulated in old hospitals and old dormitories, saying that there are evil spirits living in those crumbling buildings.

Zach felt that probably all buildings with remote addresses like this would breed such stories when they reach a certain age, which are used to scare newcomers and children. Old Zach never believed in those ghosts and ghosts. He thought those horror stories were nonsense and things people made up to scare themselves. He has worked in this water supply plant for ten years and knows every shadow and corner of this place very well. He can walk across the entire plant with his eyes closed. What can he be afraid of?

The time now is two o'clock in the morning, and he is leading a new person who has just been transferred to conduct pipeline inspections. Earlier, there were deep strange sounds coming from the water pipes, and a creaking sound like an old wooden door. It sounded like something was about to be broken by a heavy object.

Zach had never seen anything like this before. Is there something wrong with the water pressure?

The newcomer following him was shaking like chaff the whole time and couldn't even hold a flashlight steady. He kept muttering in a low voice: It's a long-tongued monster, it must be a long-tongued monster.

Zach asked: What is a tongue monster?

Haven't you heard? The newcomer looked at him in surprise, There have been a lot of rumors recently, saying that there is a long-tongued monster in this area, and it comes out to do evil at night. It specializes in picking out lonely passers-by, and its long tongue Once it is rolled up, people are swept into the darkness where it lives and eaten, leaving no bones or residue left.”

Zach rolled his eyes.

Do all young people these days believe this? Really useless.

Relax, kid, it's just some pipe failure. Zack said as he looked around with his flashlight, We just need to find out where the problem is now, and then we can eh?

Zach was stunned.

He shined his flashlight somewhere in the pipe and slowly walked closer.

Through the golden beam, he seemed to see some kind of liquid. He was not sure if it was liquid. In short, it was some kind of black and sticky stuff, slowly dripping from the water pipe towards the floor.

Zach had never seen anything like this before, but at this moment, he suddenly felt an extremely ominous premonition for no reason, as if every cell in his body was instinctively warning him of the danger that was close at hand.

He felt like a sheep facing a lion.

Richard sat up suddenly in bed. He sucked air into his lungs like an asthmatic.

He was sitting on his bed, and the electronic clock on the bedside table stopped at 02:11.

He was awakened by a nightmare.

It was a rather abstract nightmare, and Richard wasn't even sure what he was dreaming about. He only remembered a few sporadic sounds and some fragments of images of unknown meaning. He remembered that it seemed to be a rather dark space, surrounded by complex pipelines, perhaps a factory. He remembered a big bloody mouth with the smell of blood hitting his face, and whip-like things flying in the dark air, like ferocious snakes.

He still remembered the screams, the heart-rending screams, like the sounds of despair that could only be made when a person's fear exceeds the limit.

Then he realized something else.

Richard calmed his breathing and held out his palm. A faint white light lingered in his palm, gradually condensing into the form of a white rod.

Evolve the Truster.

Just now, his power of light was upgraded.

Now, the Evolution Trustee is shining brightly in his hands like never before, and the dark green light in its dim core is flickering on and off. Although it was a very hazy feeling, he seemed to be able to clearly feel every flash of light with his body, as if something was calling him.

Almost instinctively, Richard stood up, changed his clothes, grabbed the Evolution Truster and left the house.

2:35 a.m., Bakers Water Works.

The cordon was raised, all irrelevant personnel were cleared, and the entire water supply plant was immediately blocked. Several transport planes bearing the SHIELD eagle emblem were parked in the open space outside the water supply plant, and a Quinjet fighter remained suspended in the air on alert.

Senior SHIELD agent Phil Coulson wore his iconic suit and watched SHIELD agents armed to the teeth jumping off the transport plane. The leader of the team happened to be the agent Ward Grant who went with him to the Daily Planet for questioning last time.

Like everyone else, Ward was wearing a black combat uniform specifically designed for Aegis and holding a submachine gun in his hand. He walked up to Colson: What's going on inside?

The 'Longtongue' appeared, Colson said. Two workers were involved.

Ward frowned: Are you kidding?

Unfortunately, no. Colson said solemnly, We have been paying attention to the rumors of this 'long-tongued monster' for a while. Although it is ridiculous, it is a fact that people continue to disappear. There is something hidden in this place. Someone quite Dangerous things must be dealt with carefully.”

Ward glanced at the entrance of the water supply plant behind the blockade: And that thing is inside now?

Our experts are trying to determine this, probably soon.

It's right there.

Before Colson finished speaking, a black doctor in a white coat came over with a tablet in his arms, his expression a little unbelievable: You won't believe this. What's hidden in this has very special meanings. Incredible vitality, I've never seen readings like this. And you should check this out, this is a thermal image.

He handed the screen to the two of them, and Coulson and Ward moved closer together. There was only a large red area on the screen, and nothing could be seen.

Coulson was confused: Why is this area all red?

That's the problem! The black doctor held his breath and pointed at the water supply plant in a low voice, This means that whatever is hidden inside, no matter what it is, its volume is so large that it exceeds the thermal imaging drawing. limit. And it should be alive.”

Ward and Coulson looked at each other.

You know, Ward said, I'm starting to not want to go in there.

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