The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 29 The Inherited Light

Richard is not the kind of fan who has done in-depth research on Ultraman, but he has heard a lot about it.

Many people who have never watched the Ultraman series may have heard of the famous Ultra Star, which was set by Tsuburaya Company as a planet called the Land of Light in the M78 nebula. But many people who have watched the Ultraman series don't know that the name M78 was originally born from a small mistake. In Ultraman's original plan, Tsuburaya wanted to set the Ultra Star in the M87 galaxy. Later, due to a printing error, it was mistakenly printed as M78. Tsuburaya simply made the mistake and simply changed the setting to M78 and it is still used today. .

And by a very coincidental coincidence, the first black hole ever photographed by humans happened to be located in the M87 galaxy. only

Shouldn't that be taken in 2017?

Richard clearly remembers that the black hole photo before his passage was taken using the World Horizon Telescope in 2017 and was not developed and released to the world until 2019. How old is it now? It’s only 2008, bro! Where did Coulson see the black hole photo in 2008?

But then I thought about it, with the technology in the Marvel world, there was a rich man flying around the world in 2008 wearing a DIY steel armor. It didn't seem strange to take a picture of a black hole or something. Maybe they got involved. It’s not impossible to solve this problem within the century.

Colson looked at Richard with suspicion, his eyes showing deep distrust.

No, it’s okay if you can’t remember your house number. Can you even be wrong about where your own galaxy is?

When Coulson first learned that the newspaper owner might be the god-like silver giant, his mood when he came to visit was quite uneasy. But now, somehow, that nervousness is dissipating unconsciously, and it feels like the other person is not much different from ordinary humans.

But of course, this is just his subjective feeling. He's a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and if he's learned anything from his boss, Nick Fury, it's to never let your feelings dictate your judgment.

Please cooperate, Mr. Li, this is very important. Coulson felt a headache, Are you really an alien?

If the other party is really an alien, then Coulson feels that his impression of the noble word alien may have to change. Aren't the aliens in fantasy works all supposed to be advanced races with highly developed civilizations and sky-breaking intelligence? Why does this alien give people the impression that they will get lost if they go home?

Okay, okay, I'm not an alien. I'm an Earthling. I just have some... um... special talents. It's that simple. Richard spread his hands.

Some special talents. Coulson recalled the scene of Ultraman's battle, and his body trembled subconsciously.

This statement cannot be described in the words understatement.

You mean, you have superpowers? Coulson asked.

It's a little different, but you can just look at it that way.

So can you share how you obtained your abilities?

Richard looked at him expressionlessly.

Since you asked so sincerely, I will tell you mercifully. This is because my computer crashed while I was watching the show. Do you believe it?

Although this is the truth, the other party will definitely not buy it if he tells it so honestly.

Alas, I have a headache, and I have to make up lies again. Richard said that he really didn’t want to lie. Sure enough, this once again confirmed his point of view - no one listens to the truth these days, and everyone likes to listen to lies. It’s weird. .

But think about it, it would be interesting if SHIELD really believed his rhetoric about gaining superpowers through computer explosions. S.H.I.E.L.D. itself is fine. If Hydra, which lives inside S.H.I.E.L.D., learns of this news, they might capture a bunch of strong men for human experiments, and let a bunch of Hydra soldiers do it every day. Watch dramas on the computer, then blow up the computer manually

Don't tell me, although this sounds stupid, it's really not something that Hydra can't do. After all, those guys are crazy about wanting super soldiers. They have tried all kinds of methods over the years. What's so strange about trying out folk remedies? Even if this folk remedy is a bit powerful

Richard thought for a while and said calmly: There is something wrong with your statement, Agent Coulson. To be more precise, I didn't get the light, but the light chose me.

Light? Coulson noticed his choice of words.

Yes. Richard nodded and said, I am not the first person to possess this power. Countless predecessors before me have possessed this power and used it to fight evil. I am just He is just a successor, just one of countless chosen ones.”

This was not something he said casually, it could be regarded as the truth. The power of Nexus is like this. It will be passed down from one qualified person to the next. It is a power that will be continuously handed over and inherited. But Richard wasn't sure whether this was the case for him.

You mean, there was another Ultraman before you? Coulson was shocked. Impossible? Such a big guy has always existed on the earth, how come no one has ever discovered it? Do you think everyone is blind?

Indeed, but I never said it was in this world.

Coulson asked carefully: So it's still an alien?

Maybe, or there are people from other parallel worlds in the multiverse. But it doesn't matter if you don't understand. You just need to know that I am the current successor. And I am an Earthling myself - I have a strong sense of racial honor. The kind with a very high level of ideological awareness. Richard was as proficient as memorizing the standard answer template for a major political question.

In fact, this is the position he wants to express to SHIELD. He didn't want to hide and pretend he was just a normal person, but he also didn't want to be controlled. So he clearly told SHIELD that he was extremely powerful, but at the same time he was also a member of the human race.

Okay, I get it. Colson asked again, So about the 'fight against evil' you just mentioned, is this 'evil' related to that thing in the early hours of yesterday morning?

That thing is called an alien beast.

Alien beast?

Yes. Richard thought about the wording, I don't know the specific origin of that thing, but there should be more than one. Alien beasts have invaded one world after another. Fight these things and prevent them from destroying the world. This is the mission of Ultraman, and the reason why my ancestors have been fighting for it. In other words, it may be that the alien beasts began to invade this world, so Ultraman's light may appear here. Bar.

(Thanks to the book friends Jin Shi Xian Ren, Bu Dao Pudding, Ai Yi I, Bing Wu Sheng, Tiansha Evil Dragon, So-called Cai Gou, Otaku 160, Tekui, XUANZIWEN, Mr. Academy, and eaflon for the rewards!)

Wow~Thank you everyone for the tips! I uploaded a chapter at around 12 o'clock last night. I thought it would be updated today because it was too late. Then I opened the backend and saw that there were so many rewards. After thinking about it with gratitude, I felt a little embarrassed, so I better cheer up and work overtime. One chapter is ready. . .

Everyone must have guessed the subject matter of this book. The author is an amateur writer and wrote this book purely because of his hobby. I never expected that he would receive support from so many book friends. I have seen that the book has skyrocketed in the past two days. The collection was so moved that I burst into tears.

Therefore, the author hereby guarantees that this book will never be published and will never be updated. He will do his best to give a satisfactory explanation to friends who like this book. I also hope that everyone will continue to support and encourage me. Thank you!

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