Since speed is not Amora's specialty, the fact that the opponent is faster than herself does not put much psychological burden on Amora. She is still confident in her own strength, and she believes that at least in Midgard, the most backward small place among the nine realms, she should still have the capital to go sideways.

However, out of caution, Amora did not underestimate this silver opponent. She crossed her palms, and dark green clouds swirled between her palms. The powerful magic power quickly accumulated and turned into a dark green energy mass visible to the naked eye, brewing and taking shape in Amora's palms like a ball of light wrapped in clouds.


With a scream, the magic power seemed to turn into a torrent, drawing a long bright trajectory in the night and shooting towards Nexus below.

Amora didn't know the depth of the opponent, but as soon as she got started, she showed off one of the most powerful offensive spells at her disposal. In her opinion, there are only a handful of mortals in Midgard who can take this move. Even if an ordinary Asgardian can resist this move with the physique of an ordinary Asgardian, he will still be disabled without dying. I am afraid that only people like Thor, the God of Thunder, can resist this move. Only blood cows with thick blood and high defense among the gods can be eaten forcefully.

According to Amora's original plan, this move was just a feint, using an attack spell full of powerful magic power to force the opponent to dodge, and what would follow would be the real killing move. Amora has already calculated at least three follow-up methods, one of which is more cruel and powerful than the other. As long as any spell hits, it should be enough to smash the opponent to pieces.

Unexpectedly, Nexus had no intention of evading at all. Instead, he simply accelerated forward and faced the torrent of magic in the air faster.

Amora was startled.

So brave? Who taught him this head-on tactic? Are you afraid that you didn't learn from Asgard?

Amora felt that she had been slighted, and her blood suddenly surged.

You look down upon my mother's magic, right? Okay, today I'm going to see if my spell is stronger or your head is stronger.

Amora no longer held back, and directly increased her hand to the maximum output. The torrent of magic power released from her palm suddenly seemed to be twice as powerful, and even the light and special effects seemed to be more brilliant.

With his right hand in front, Nexus held up her spell bombardment with one hand. The surging magic power spread out in his palm like water hitting a rock, and it didn't seem to cause even the slightest impediment to his progress. He marched forward despite the impact of spells, just like the boss in Dragon Ball fighting against the turtle sect of Qigong with his physical body.

Amora's expression changed instantly. Damn it? This seems... a bit embarrassing?

Seeing that the situation was not good, the witch hurriedly withdrew her hand and seemed to float back a few meters in a hurry. In less than half a second, Nexus was only an arm's length away from her, and he only had to reach out to grab her. Unexpectedly, Nexus didn't look at her at all. He suddenly turned around without warning, and sprinted towards the empty place in the night sky.

His right hand shot out quickly, and his silver fingers seemed to grasp something firmly from the void. The translucent silhouette seemed to appear out of thin air with the swirling green smoke, and Amora's swan-like snow-white neck was firmly held in Nexus' hands.

Although Amora has the extraordinary physique of an Asgardian who is invulnerable, she cannot withstand Ultraman's exaggerated hand strength. Her snow-white neck was turned red from being pinched, and her breathing was extremely difficult. Her long legs wearing high boots subconsciously kicked up in the air. From a certain perspective, it was still a different kind of scenery.

But Richard didn't care at all. Amora is as beautiful as a finely crafted work of art, but beautiful flowers are often thorny. Especially a woman like Amora, who always uses her beauty as a weapon, likes to have men (or male gods) around her, and is extremely vicious-hearted, is sometimes more deadly than those upright villains who have no strength.

Anyway, Richard had never even thought about this witch for a second. Anyone who wanted to get involved with such a dangerous woman would definitely be bored.

Amora's attack spells didn't work, but she actually had an idea. Before taking action, she cast another confusion spell in advance and arranged a simple illusion barrier around herself. Once the opponent gets close enough, the barrier will take effect. Her true position will be blocked by the barrier and replaced by a false magic illusion. In this way, she could take advantage of the opportunity for the opponent to attack the magic illusion and then judge whether to continue fighting or try to escape.

But she didn't expect that Richard wouldn't accept her trick at all. Richard, who transformed into Nexus, had eyes that could see through almost all disguises. He saw through Amora's magical illusion at a glance, and this little trick was completely ineffective on him.

Amora was caught in his hand, unable to move. She tried hard to pry Nexus's wrist, but with her Asgardian arm strength, she was completely unable to move the other man's arm even a little bit.

Okay, okay, you win, I surrender. Amora said with difficulty through her teeth, Let me go and I will tell you the reason.

This happened to be the question Richard was going to ask her later. He was very sure that he had never seen Amora once so far, and he felt that the other party had no reason to target him.

The only possible explanation is Loki, who seems to be the only Asgardian who has a grudge against Richard. In addition, Amora and Loki are also Asgardian villains and have worked together in the original comics, so it is not surprising that they help each other.

At least Richard didn't plan to kill her until he found out who was instigating it.

And his brief pause gave Amora a chance. The witch's gaze was sharp, and her beautiful eyes instantly showed fierce murderous intent. Magic power floated all over her body, like a strange green flame, and even her golden hair flew up with it. It was as if infinite magic power was gathered into her jade-white palms, and a blow filled with all her strength hit the red energy core on Nexus's chest!


The strong green light triggered a violent explosion, and the shock wave mixed with magic spread in the air, briefly dyeing the entire sky green.

Amora is worthy of being a witch of enchantment, and she even had a backup plan after her illusions failed. This move is the most powerful of all the spells she learned from the famous powerful witch Camilla. It can be said to be a real trump card, and it also consumes a lot of money on herself.

But this guy should be blown to pieces by now, right?

When the green smoke screen gradually dissipated and the silver body reappeared in sight, Amora's eyes widened.

This TM is definitely cheating, right?

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