The Girl in the Iron Cage: Lazy Little Beast Fei

Chapter 475: Missing Great Teacher

Di Shiyin raised his hand and took a sip of tea, saying gently: "It's not too early, when I will take you back to Luofu."

It turned out he had noticed that time!

Thanks to him, he hasn't cracked, letting himself live in Luofu ...

Suddenly his heart moved, did he make an exception because of this, he wanted to take her as an apprentice?

Did he realize at that time that she actually had a genius in her waste body?

She was groaning a little, and Di Shiyin's finger was tapping gently on the table: "Little feather, are you going to chat with me here in the dark? Do not check out?"

Luo Qingyu then remembered that the two were still penniless ...

With a smile, she stood up and said, "Wait, I'll get the silver." Turning, she wanted to leave.

His sleeve was pulled by Di Shiyin's hand, and he looked at her with a smile: "Little feather, where are you going to get silver? Wouldn't you want to throw your teacher here and pat yourself on the ass?"

Such a thing as a cunning apprentice he can definitely do!

Luo Qingyu smiled: "How is that? You can change to a second-ranking official again if you are in trouble, but it is much more valuable than this meal! I will not lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds!"

Suddenly she raised her hand like a lightning and rubbed his head: "Oh, wait here obediently, I'll come and go!"

Without waiting for Emperor Shiyin to speak, she grinned and went downstairs.

The light of Di Shiyin's eyes flickered a little, and the little finger that had originally been lifted was relaxed.

This girl seems to be getting fatter with him ...

Luo Qingyu's method of trying to make silver is very simple. Gambling houses are extremely popular in any era. When Luo Qingyu entered the city, he saw two or three gambling houses.

And her gambling has always been clever, and trying to win money is a matter of capture.

She randomly chose a family that looked more elegant and walked in. Within half an hour, she won three or four hundred and two silver.

When he came back, he was already a little rich woman.

It's enough for her and Di Shiyin to relax easily for several months.

She went back to the restaurant in a rage, and slammed open the door of her box: "Master ..."

Without saying a word, suddenly there.

The box was empty, not only did not see the shadow of Emperor Shiyin, but even the food and drinks on the table were packed.

Luo Qingyu jumped in his heart!

A heart almost sank to the ground!

What about Master? !!

Was it abducted?

Think again, no!

Although he is small now, he still has very deep intent. How can people like him be abducted?

She didn't want to think about it anymore, holding the collar of a guy next to him in the neck: "What about the guests in this room?"

The shop buddy was taken aback by her fierce look: "He ... he was taken away by the owner of Mengyue County."

"Mengyue County Master? Where is Mengyue County Master ?!" Luo Qingyu's tone was even worse.

She just went out for half an hour, how could he provoke any county master?

"Of course it is in the palace of King Lejun. Can we be the only master of the dream moon?"

The shop buddy answered tremblingly.

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