After being managed by the soldiers and people of the Tang Dynasty, Shacheng was no longer the barbaric city it was before.

The four-foot-high city walls are all made of cement and bricks.

A ten-foot-wide moat winds its way through the entire sand city.

Four tall city gates were opened, and dozens of frontier soldiers were responsible for inspecting the city.

See His Highness the King of Han. As soon as Zhao Chen's carriage stopped, the generals guarding the city came forward and saluted.

Zhao Chen opened the car curtain and did not recognize this person.

Your Highness, Military Advisor Xu is in the army discussing matters with the generals, so he did not come to greet His Highness. The Military Advisor asked the general to apologize to His Highness. As he said that, the general guarding the city bowed his hands deeply.

Zhao Chen didn't care if anyone greeted him.

He never cared about these formalistic things.

It doesn't matter, Military Advisor Xu is busy with his own business. I'm going to take a walk around the city to see the changes in Shacheng. Zhao Chen stepped out of the carriage and said with a smile.

The general will send someone to lead the way for His Highness...

No, you arrange for them to stay in the city, and I will go there myself. Zhao Chen stopped the general who defended the city from sending someone to lead him.

When it comes to traveling, it’s all about wherever you go.

Rest when you are tired and eat when you are hungry.

What's the point of having someone lead it?

Your Highness, please. Since the King of Han does not want anyone to follow him, then he, the general who defends the city, is also happy.

Who wants to keep nodding and bowing to the side?

Qin Sanpao and others wanted to follow, but they were driven away by Zhao Chen. Only Wu Xu was left to accompany Zhao Chen into the city.

Shacheng is now a military town.

Although the number of people is not that small, compared with the cities in the Central Plains, it is still a little small.

But there are many blacksmith shops here.

Not far into the city, I heard the sound of the blacksmith hammering.

In the distance there was the sound of soldiers training.

The hustle and bustle of people buying and selling goods also adds to the atmosphere of life in this military town.

Going north is the General's Mansion in the center of the military town. It is the tallest building in the city and the strongest building in the city besides the city wall.

The gate of the mansion is inlaid with exquisite cloud and dragon patterns, symbolizing the majesty of the general's mansion.

There were serious discussions in the palace. The generals were discussing tactics and strategies. It was not known what Xu Shiji and the others were discussing.

Zhao Chen did not enter the mansion, but looked out from the general's mansion and could see a wide training ground.

On the training ground, soldiers are undergoing various training, including bow and arrow, spear, sword skills, formation, etc.

The instructors were guiding and correcting the soldiers' movements. Their voices echoed in the air, full of seriousness and determination.

Another street not far from the General's Mansion is the market in Shacheng.

There are a variety of shops here, selling everything from weapons, horses, and armor to silk, porcelain, and tea.

Merchants are shouting about buying and selling, while customers are choosing the items they need.

In the center of the market, there are often performers performing various performances, such as acrobatics, storytelling, drama, etc., bringing a touch of softness to this tough military town.

On the edge of the military town are large barracks.

Ordinary soldiers of the army lived there, and their uniform lives formed a special order. In the morning, they get up, wash up, and start training for the day. In the evening, they sang and told stories around the campfire, living a simple and fulfilling life.

In the deepest part of the military town, there is another important institution - the military training ground.

This place is where soldiers conduct actual combat training and where they simulate combat.

Here, soldiers learn how to survive on the battlefield, how to fight the enemy, and how to protect themselves and their teammates. Although the atmosphere at the training ground is serious and even cruel, it is also the honor and responsibility of soldiers.

In addition, religious beliefs are indispensable to life in military towns.

Each military town will have one or several temples or shrines dedicated to gods who protect the army.

On certain days, soldiers would worship together and pray to the gods to keep them safe during the war.

This belief not only brings spiritual comfort to the soldiers, but also invisibly enhances their unity and loyalty.

Xu Shiji managed Shacheng very well.

At least after walking around for this day, Zhao Chen saw a lot of places that made him very satisfied.

As night falls slowly, a curfew will be implemented in Shacheng.

Xu Shiji's figure appeared on the street. When he saw Zhao Chen and Wu Xu still walking on the street, he hurried forward to greet them: His Royal Highness the King of Han!

Commander Xu. Zhao Chen and Xu Shiji handed over their hands.

After not seeing each other for more than a year, Xu Shiji has not changed much.

It is inevitable that the wrinkles of vicissitudes of life will appear on the face.

His Royal Highness the King of Han makes atonement. Today the army really has important matters to discuss, so he didn't have time to go out of the city to greet you.

To express my apology, I have arranged a reception banquet in the General's Mansion for Your Highness to enjoy. Xu Shiji said with a smile.

Xu Shiji still couldn't help but sigh in his heart for this junior whom he almost watched grow up.

If His Highness the King of Han had not appeared in the Tang Dynasty, I don’t know how

When will we be able to possess such national power?

Maybe in decades, maybe in hundreds of years, maybe there won’t be this opportunity at all.

The Tang Dynasty was able to occupy Shacheng, but Goguryeo did not dare to cross the Thunder Pond, all because of the young people in front of them.

Commander Xu said such things, but he was alienated from me. To me, Military Master Xu is the elder in the family, so there is no way to praise him.

If Uncle Xu says that again, I won't go! Zhao Chen pretended to be dissatisfied.

Hahahaha, okay, okay, then Uncle Xu won't be polite to you anymore. Come on, come back with me to have a drink.

Miss Xiao Wu, come too. After saying that, Xu Shiji took Zhao Chen's wrist and walked towards the general's mansion in front.

Wu Xu followed a group of big men in armor, curling his lips and followed them.

General's Mansion.

Compared to the high-end atmosphere outside, the interior decoration of the General's Mansion looks a bit shabby.

Although it is not said to be very simple, it is not worthy of the grandeur outside.

On the outside it's for others to see, it's about face, but on the inside it's for your own people to see, it doesn't matter if it's a little bit close.

The main thing is to save money. Spending the money saved on the soldiers is more worthwhile than anything else. Xu Shiji also saw Zhao Chen's doubts and explained.

Of course Zhao Chen can understand this.

He was just a little surprised.

If I, the General of the Tang Dynasty, have Uncle Xu's thoughts, how can the combat power of the Tang Dynasty army be comparable to that of the surrounding small countries. Zhao Chen said with a smile, which can be regarded as giving Xu Shiji a rainbow fart.

Xu Shiji was very happy, but still waved his hand: I am still old now, so I can only guard this three-acre land, unlike the younger generations like Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu...

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