Nakdong River.

This is the border between Silla and Baekje, and also the battlefield between Silla and Baekje.

This war has been going on for half a year, but no one can do anything about it.

On this day, the Silla and Baekje armies faced off again in front of the battle.

In the distant ancient battlefield, the two armies faced each other, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

The Silla army and the Baekje army were arranged on the north and south sides respectively, each occupying a mountain forest, and they were at war with each other.

The soldiers of the Silla Army wore green armor and waved Silla's unique scimitar with a rainbow of momentum. The Baekje army troops were no less generous. They wore bright silver armor and held three-foot-long spears in their hands, showing extraordinary momentum.

The drums of the two armies were beating loudly, and the soldiers held up their respective flags and glared at each other.

It can be seen from their eyes that this war is not only about glory and territory, but also about their faith, honor, and the honor they represent behind them.

In the center of the formations on both sides, the two generals Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu each stood on tall war horses, silently watching each other.

They are all god-like existences in the hearts of their respective soldiers, shrewd and decisive.

But no one knows that both of them are from the Tang Dynasty.

At a certain moment, Cheng Chumo suddenly shouted and rushed towards Qin Huaiyu.

Qin Huaiyu had no expression on his face, he raised his spear and struck, causing the horse's hooves to fly and stir up a cloud of dust.

This duel is a contest between two armies and a contest between two heroes.

For a moment, the cavalry was like a dragon and the spears were like a tiger. On the battlefield where the two armies faced each other, the totems of the Silla army and the Baekje army seemed to come alive in an instant, intertwined together, and a thrilling battle began.

But after this battle, when they returned to their respective camps, their generals temporarily disappeared from their respective camps as before.

No one knows where they went.

A small stream thirty miles north of the Nakdong River.

Cheng Chumo was grilling leisurely

With the mutton, the mutton fat is sizzling, with a rich aroma, wafting into the distance.

You guys come faster than me every time. In the distance, Qin Huaiyu jumped off his horse and walked towards Cheng Chumo with a smile.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would have believed that they were still fighting to the death on the battlefield in the morning.

Come on, have a taste. My craftsmanship has become very good recently, and I'm not inferior to Zhao Da at all. Cheng Chumo tore off a piece of mutton leg meat and handed it to Qin Huaiyu.

Qin Huaiyu was not polite at all and took it and chewed it.

Everything on my hands and face was covered in suet.

Yes, but it's a pity that Zhao Da is not lucky enough to eat your roasted leg of lamb. Qin Huaiyu burped, put down the lamb, and gave Cheng Chumo a thumbs up.

Hehe. Being praised by Qin Huaiyu, a smile appeared on Cheng Chumo's face.

They have been here for nearly a year.

After every battle, they would come here to have a little gathering.

The dispute between Silla and Baekje is not very big, and the two sides are only fighting on a small scale. Both countries have plans to train their troops.

This just suited Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu's wishes, and they went to Silla and Baekje to help each other.

He has also accumulated a lot of combat experience.

I heard that Goguryeo is preparing to join forces with Japan to carve up Silla and Baekje. Qin Huaiyu suddenly said.

I've also heard that the King of Silla is very worried now. He has been sending letters asking for my opinion in the past few days. Cheng Chumo nodded.

The same goes for the leader of Baekje. He asked me if I could ask the Tang Dynasty to send troops to help. Qin Huaiyu also nodded.

By the way, is Zhao Da arriving soon? Qin Huaiyu suddenly asked about Zhao Chen's whereabouts.

He learned from Cheng Chumo a few days ago that Zhao Chen

Ask him to send a cavalryman to Crane City to help.

It happened that Cheng Chumo recruited a group of cavalry in the Tang Dynasty who were ready to go to the battlefields of Silla and Baekje.

Then he let them go to Crane City.

It's probably been a few days. Zhao Da sent a letter the day before yesterday, saying that he has arrived in Shacheng and will be here for a few days to recuperate. Cheng Chumo continued to nod.

Hearing that Zhao Chen would be coming in a few days, Qin Huaiyu couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

He and Zhao Chen had never seen each other since they parted ways in Gaochang.

Until Zhao Chen encountered difficulties in Qianzhou and Quanzhou, Qin Huaiyu often blamed himself for not being able to help Zhao Chen.

But fortunately, Zhao Chen has always been able to turn danger into good fortune.

I don't know what Zhao Da's attitude is towards the Japanese country. I remember that the Japanese princess called me Su...

Suwo Qinghe.

Yes, Su Wo Qinghe has always been in love with Zhao Da. What if Zhao Da supports Japan in carving up Silla and Baekje? Qin Huaiyu was a little worried about Zhao Chen's attitude towards Japan.

But Cheng Chumo shook his head and said: Zhao Da can't do that. I remember that he never seemed to like the Japanese country very much. Otherwise, why would Zhao Da not react at all to a beautiful fox like Su Wo Qinghe?

Besides, what happened in Quanzhou made Zhao Da very dissatisfied. He should not defend the Japanese country.

hope so.

Zhao Da will have to give a clear answer then. If he... Qin Huaiyu stopped mid-sentence.

In fact, he also knew that if Zhao Chen really defended the Japanese country, what could Qin Huaiyu do?

Thinking of this, Qin Huaiyu's mood was obviously a little low.

Okay, okay, don't you still believe Zhao Da? Cheng Chumo persuaded Qin Huaiyu, handed Qin Huaiyu half a leg of lamb, and poured a glass of wine.

Hearing Cheng Chumo's words, Qin Huaiyu was stunned.


Thinking that he had known Zhao Chen for so long, when had he ever let me down?

You're right, I think too much.

Come on, let's drink! Qin Huaiyu shook his head with a smile, raised his glass and clinked it with Cheng Chumo.

The moonlight is dim, in the ancient hall.

Swaying in the night, like a silent ancient beast.

The candlelight in the room reflected the bronze ornaments and shimmered.

Smelling the aroma of agarwood permeating the air, it seemed that even breathing became cautious.

Three old men sat around the round table, their faces gloomy.

They were wearing gorgeous silk robes, but the color was like fallen leaves in autumn, giving off a bleak atmosphere.

Everyone's eyes sparkled, as if they were hiding deep secrets.

And on their far right was Yeon Gae So Moon, who had not been seen for a long time.

We must take action. A thin old man whispered.

His eyes were fixed on the center of the table.

There was a sealed letter placed there, and the content of the letter was like a sword, hanging over everyone's heads.

However, we are not sure whether it is wise to do so. A fat old man responded, his eyes narrowed to a slit, as if he was full of doubts about any action.

We must take risks. Another old man said firmly, Only in this way can we maintain our position.

They whispered, sometimes arguing, sometimes silent.

The letter was like a mountain, weighing on their hearts, making their faces become more and more serious.

Their plans echoed in the night, and the moon outside the window seemed darker.

Their voices hovered in the air, as if there was a kind of magic, filling the entire secret room with an atmosphere of tension and conspiracy.

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