The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 409: Buy some firecrackers and celebrate tonight

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The Boling Cui family was suddenly defeated, and eighty-two people from the Cui family died outside Chang'an City.

Let everyone feel the breath of danger.

The emperor stayed up all night, thinking with Empress Changsun about ways to excuse Zhao Chen at the court meeting tomorrow.

The prince stayed up all night, thinking about whether he should take this opportunity to completely drive Zhao Chen out of the court, or even put him in jail.

King Wei didn't sleep all night and stayed in his secret room all night.

The officials in the court didn't sleep either, thinking about how to kill Zhao Chen or how to save him.

Zhao Chen was the only one sleeping soundly in his room.

The next morning, Zhao Chen got up.

The weather seemed a bit gloomy, but there were no raindrops falling.

Uncle Fu got up very early. He knew that his young master was going to court today.

This is a great honor for the Zhao family. Everyone who can stand in the court is a big shot.

The son of their family only spent less than a year.

However, today is different from before!

Sir, Uncle Fu will be waiting for you in the mansion today. Uncle Fu and Zhao Chen said with a smile.

Forbes was much older than last year, and the frown on his face became thicker.

Didn't Divine Doctor Xue invite Uncle Fu to stay for several days? I should go today. Zhao Chen said with a smile while drinking porridge.

Doctor Xue should be Uncle Fu's best friend in Chang'an. He has invited Uncle Fu several times in the past few days, but Uncle Fu has never agreed because he was worried about Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen finally came back and heard that Zhao Chen was going to be called to the Tai Chi Hall for questioning.

How can you still think about playing?

It's okay. I'll bring you a jar of wine when old Xue comes back. Master, please eat slowly. Uncle Fu said with a smile.

Even if he was worried in his heart, the old man would not show it on his face.

Outside the palace, all the ministers are standing here, waiting for the palace door to open.


When Zhao Chen arrived, there were already people standing around.

Everyone who was still talking about it stopped their discussion and looked this way when they saw Zhao Chen.

Many people had a sharp look in their eyes.

Haha, this Zhao Chen really dares to come here, maybe he thinks that His Majesty will support him this time. Someone whispered, with a look of pride on his brows.

Zhao Chen does have some abilities. No wonder His Majesty cares about him so much. If it hadn't been for the advice of the ministers this time, I estimate that His Majesty would have suppressed him again.

Zhao Chen has been blessed with good luck for so long. This time, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he will still fall into the dust.

Hmph, we must find a way to make Zhao Chen admit that he killed Cui Yan.

That's natural. No matter how powerful he is, he can't be the opponent of so many of us.

Zhao Chen, how was your rest last night? Cheng Yaojin walked up to Zhao Chen and patted him on the shoulder.

Very good. Zhao Chen smiled, with a relaxed look on his face.

Haha, I like to see such an expression on your face. Seeing you like this makes me feel relieved. Cheng Yaojin put his hands behind his back with a look of relief on his face.

No matter what the result is, the momentum cannot be weak.

Just silence them...

Don't worry about them. Those boys are being taken care of. The key is that you are here. You are fine and everything will be easy. Qin Qiong stood aside and said to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen nodded.

Cheng Chumo and the others all have their own family helpers, and no one dares to offend them.

As for Zhao Chen himself, if he couldn't pass this level today, that would be a big problem.


Your Majesty has a decree, all officials

Enter the dynasty. The palace door was suddenly opened, and the eunuch shouted in a high voice.

Qin Qiong wanted to give some instructions, but she stopped at this moment, patted Zhao Chen on the shoulder and said, Be careful and go in.

There are many people coming to the meeting today.

Basically, everyone who can come comes.

The queen, the prince, the king of Wei, and even Xiao Li Zhi also came here today.

The officials stood in two rows, waiting for the emperor to speak.

Today's court meeting, not to mention other matters, eighty-two people of the Boling Cui family, including the head of the family Cui Yan, were killed outside Chang'an City overnight.

All my dear friends say that Zhao Chen is a murderer. Today, I will ask you all whether it was Zhao Chen who killed this person.

Someone, let Zhao Chen come in.

Li Shimin sat above, speaking expressionlessly, and then waved his hand for Zhao Chen to enter the hall.

Everyone looked towards the entrance of Tai Chi Hall.

Zhao Chen was seen walking slowly from outside the hall, calmly, and some could even see a faint smile on his face.

Bold Zhao Chen, as the founding county magistrate, you actually killed eighty-two members of the Cui family. What are your intentions?

Zhao Chen had only taken two steps when an official rushed over and hit Zhao Chen in the face with his fist.

If it had been hit, it would have been bruised for at least a few days.

Zhao Chen really didn't expect these people to be so crazy.

But how powerful can a middle-aged man who doesn't work hard, who doesn't distinguish between grains and grains, and whose body has been emptied by wine and sex, be.

Zhao Chen had never practiced, but he could easily dodge such a punch.

After taking a slight step back, the middle-aged official's fist was empty. Perhaps he used too much force and continued to rush forward.

Zhao Chen raised his foot and kicked the middle-aged official on the butt.

Not surprisingly, middle-aged

The official fell to the ground and his nose was bleeding.

Zhao Chen, how can we allow you to be so presumptuous in the imperial court! An official from the Yushitai immediately stood up and accused Zhao Chen of his behavior just now.

As for the middle-aged official's behavior, it seemed that he was intentionally negligent.

Old guy, although I, Zhao Chen, have never practiced, I think I can still break your bones with two punches. Why don't you let me try? Zhao Chen walked to the Yushitai official and patted him with a smile. shoulders.

The Yushitai official is an old guy. From the looks of it, he is much older than Wei Zheng.

After hearing Zhao Chen's words, the expressions of the Yushitai officials changed, but when they looked at the emperor, he showed no expression at all.

Of course I didn’t dare to speak anymore.

After all, Zhao Chen killed Cui Yan at will and broke his bones. Isn't that just a matter of talking?

Your Majesty, let's ask County Duke Zhao about Cui Yan first. Fang Xuanling and Li Shimin said with cupped hands.

If the commotion continues like this, I don’t know how long this matter will take.

Zhao Chen, Cui Yan is dead, do you know? Li Shimin stood up, slowly walked to Zhao Chen, and said in a deep voice.

That's something everyone is happy about. I was thinking about asking the bookstore to buy some firecrackers today to celebrate in the evening.

Your Majesty, and all of you adults, why not come to Wangyou Bookstore to enjoy the fireworks at night! Zhao Chen said with a smile.

Li Shimin was stunned when he heard this.

This kid is not shy at all, he is eager to let everyone know that he wants Cui Yan to die.

Although everyone knows it, they can't say it like this.

Sure enough, before Li Shimin could speak, an official stood up, pointed at Zhao Chen, eyes wide open, and said, Your Majesty, Zhao Chen hates Cui Yan so much that he had people smash up the Cui family's shop the day before yesterday, forcing Cui Yan to We can only leave Chang'an.

It must be Zhao Chen who killed everyone in the Cui family.

Your Majesty, please make the decision for the dead.

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