The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 435: Don’t get used to it

Zhao Chen said he was confused.

Even though he did nothing, he was disliked by the emperor.

Just throw it to yourself from the front to the back.

A man riding a bloody horse fell far behind the large army.

For a moment, Zhao Chen felt that he was chasing sheep.

It's just a pity that the spring hunting place is in the northern suburbs, and the team also leaves the city through Jingyao Gate. Otherwise, if it were Mingde Gate instead, the toll could be collected a lot.

Zhao Chen fell at the end of the team one by one.

Along the way, we can meet many girls from Chang'an who are out of town for an outing, and their curious eyes are constantly cast towards the group.

He was blocked on both sides by the imperial guards who were accompanying him. ??

But he soon saw Zhao Chen, who was at the end.

Look, that's not Mr. Zhao who caused a lot of trouble at Mingdemen a few days ago!

Yes, yes, that's the county official. He is indeed handsome and handsome, with a dashing appearance.

Why is it that County Duke Zhao is the only one walking at the back? Shouldn't he be in front with the other nobles?

Tell me, can Mr. Zhao get a good ranking in this spring hunt?

Probably not. I heard that Duke Zhao has always been weak and has never practiced martial arts. To be blunt, everyone in this team should be stronger than him.

When Zhao Chen heard the little girl talking about it, he felt quite happy.

But then why did the conversation suddenly change?

How come you are the weakest?

Too much!

It's simply outrageous.

Looking at the group of academy students in front of him, Zhao Chen drove his horse forward with great dissatisfaction.

In the chariot, Li Shimin looked at the Qianniu Guards who were opening the way, and suddenly looked back at Zhao Chen, who was at the back.

From a distance, I could see Zhao Chen looking unhappy.

Haha, Maid Guanyin, look at that boy Zhao Chen's bitter face. He's not happy. Li Shimin said to Queen Changsun with a smile.


He signaled her to look back quickly.

Queen Changsun turned around and saw that Zhao Chen's face was a little dark. She laughed softly and said, This child Zhao Chen didn't want to come here several times during this spring hunting. I feel that he may be worried about his performance in this spring hunting. Ugly.”

There are other things that this kid will worry about! Li Shimin felt even more happy when he heard Queen Changsun's words.

Ever since he met Zhao Chen, Old Li Tou had never seen anything that could trouble Zhao Chen.

This made Lao Litou feel very hurt.

Because compared with Zhao Chen, the things he was proud of in the past were so worthless.

This is nothing, we, Lao Litou, are not people who can't stand others being better than themselves.

But Zhao Chen didn't give him any face, and insisted on being proud in front of him, Old Li Tou.

This made Lao Litou very unhappy.

This time, we can finally see Zhao Chen helpless!

Empress Changsun shook her head helplessly. In front of Zhao Chen, the emperor always behaved like a child.

He always gets angry with others.

But the emperor was really happy when he was happy. Just like now, Empress Changsun estimated that the emperor would have to go to the hunting ground in the northern suburbs to laugh.

Although the fifty-mile journey is indeed not far, it is still a long journey for this team that is equivalent to an outing.

They walked less than twenty miles in one morning. When it was approaching noon, Lao Litou sent someone to find Zhao Chen.

He asked Zhao Chen to make lunch for them.

Zhao Chen directly said that Lao Litou, you are shameless.

When he was not in use, he was thrown far away by himself. He fell into the back of the queue all morning without even a single question.

It’s time to eat now,

Oh, are you just thinking of yourself?

Zhao Chen directly refused to the eunuch who came to deliver the message.

The eunuch did not dare to offend the ancestor Zhao Chen.

After all, this ancestor was too favored.

The emperor was very dissatisfied with Zhao Chen's attitude and decided to come over in person to discuss with Zhao Chen.

Li Shimin walked over alone and looked at Zhao Chen who was leaning on the horse's belly. He said in his heart that he was not envious, which was a lie.

This sweat and blood also showed human nature, so he knelt down on the roadside and let Zhao Chen's head rest on the horse's belly.

Zhao Chen was holding a grass leaf in his mouth. When he saw Lao Li walking towards him, he turned his head to the side unhappily.

Lao Litou's face turned dark at that time.

When he looked back, he saw everyone behind him staring at him. When he looked over, everyone turned back nervously, pretending to be doing their own thing. .??.

Boy Zhao, I'm hungry, please get me something to eat! Li Shimin squatted in front of Zhao Chen and whispered.

I'm afraid that those bastards behind me who are listening here with their ears pricked up may hear what I said!

Li Shimin felt that his attitude was good enough, and he even said that he was a little humble.

There was no way Li Shimin wanted to see the cook who followed him out of Shang Shu Bureau.

Zhao Chen, a ready-made good cook, would be really sorry for himself if he doesn't use it.

Not interested. Zhao Chen blew on a grass leaf without even raising his eyes.

That indifferent look made Lao Li angry.

Wei Zheng looked at the movement here from a distance, and when he saw Zhao Chen's limp appearance, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

Zhijie, look at your Majesty, he will probably come back in despair, haha! Wei Zheng whispered to Cheng Yaojin, his face full of teasing.

To be honest, I wouldn't be happy if your Majesty left me at the back. Cheng Yaojin said, stroking his black beard.

Isn't that right? Your Majesty's behavior is typical of kicking you when you're done.

But you can't get used to it. Qin Qiong also nodded.

Look, His Majesty is back, and his face doesn't seem to be very good. Wei Zheng saw the emperor walking back and immediately said to the two of them.

The two turned around and saw the emperor returning with a dark face.

It looked like he had touched his nose.

Hey, don't stare at His Majesty...

What are you looking at? Later, all of you, get to the back!

Before Wei Zheng finished speaking, the emperor stared at them all.

He pointed at the three people and scolded them.

Wei Zheng said that he was very innocent. When he was kicked to the back of the team by the emperor, he ran faster than anyone else.

Old Li Tou was so angry that he didn't even eat lunch and urged everyone to get on the road quickly.

I told you two immortals to stop staring. Are you comfortable now?

On the horseback, Wei Zheng's horse was so frightened that it jumped to the side.

If you don't follow the official road, you will stick to the corners.

The key is that he, Wei Zheng, can't even control it.

Not to mention, it hurts when the branch scrapes against my body.

Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong looked at each other, feeling extremely annoyed.

I didn’t want to be with Zhao Chen from the beginning.

Unexpectedly, the one who managed to survive in the end was left behind by the emperor.

That Zhao Chen, can you please stop staring at the coward under me? I don't want both father and son to perform the same thing. Cheng Yaojin expressed that he felt guilty.

Don't dare to get too close to the sweat and blood.

It's okay, Xiaohong is good. Zhao Chen patted the horse's neck and said with a smile.

Sure enough, after Zhao Chen patted the sweat and blood, the horse stopped squealing.

For a moment, Cheng Yaojin even felt that this horse was as bad as Zhao Chen.

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