The God of Basketball

Chapter 627: : [Who is the child's father]

Li Zhen has been in frequent contact with San Shugong recently.

Sanshugong is probably the only person Li Zhen knows who has the ability to handle huge family relationships. His father was a very prestigious rich man in southern China before the liberation. He grew up in a wealthy family and knew some intricate ways of getting along with his wives.

"You don't need to worry about it, and don't get involved. As a man, you only need to grasp some general directions. If you go to the love of children every day, you will have endless troubles."

"My suggestion to you is to build a large house, preferably a Chinese mansion, refer to the Qiao Family Courtyard. The large house is divided into small courtyards... under the eaves, but you don't want to interfere."

Sanshugong is a good teacher of preaching and teaching.

Li Zhen quickly put into action. Before the start of the regular season, Li Zhen made a special trip to Los Angeles.

He bought a land of more than 50,000 square meters in Malibu, a coastal city near Los Angeles. Then he reached an agreement with the construction company very quickly, and then hired the famous designer Mr. Bei, first went to the country for inspection, and then rushed to make a design plan. The project, which cost more than tens of millions of dollars, was completed in three years.

This may be the biggest expense Li Zhen has spent in his life.

After all, the Chinese cannot escape the food, clothing, shelter and transportation.

Especially after starting a family and starting a business, how can you do without a house?

Li Zhen is in this situation, how can he not build a super mansion?

In the past, Li Zhen still felt that those NBA stars were wasted. Now think about it... he is too naive.

Fortunately, his current financial situation has become very, very healthy. Moreover, he is about to bid farewell to the rookie contract, he can sign the fixed-frame contract stipulated by the NBA, and his annual salary will start from 16 million US dollars, which is a good cash income.

The New York Knicks could not wait to send Li Zhen an application for an early renewal.

However, because Jack Lee has been busy with other players, he did not sign it.

And...everyone thinks this is a certainty.

Li Zhen left New York without any reason.

Even if he bought a super plot of land in Los Angeles and plans to build a luxurious Chinese manor, the news of the major media is everywhere.

"Almost all superstars have real estate in Los Angeles, which is nothing. And, as far as I know, this is a good investment. Bruce has almost got the best land, and it will definitely appreciate in the future!"

Jerry West responded with a smile on his face when the reporter raised this question.

He has no worries about what will happen.

Compared to Bruce's purchase of real estate in Los Angeles, what makes him even more troublesome is the performance of the defending champion in the preseason.

Because Bruce went to Los Angeles, coupled with Phil Jackson's eagerness to launch the triangle offensive tactics, resulting in a strong dissatisfaction.

The original Concord's tight lineup was divided into several regions.

Marc Gasol even gave the media feedback: I don't know how to play.

"I'm not Paul, I don't have as many technical means as him, and I can't carry the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt." Gasol told the reporter in distress: "But Phil has been giving me spirits. Hypnotized, he thought I would be better than Paul."

Phil Jackson is still very attached to his ‘psychotherapy’.

He thinks his own set can still work, just like surrendering Dennis Rodman and getting Shaker and Kobe.

However, there is an essential problem.

The Knicks were already a championship team before he arrived, and they beat him last season.

What's more, this group of players was deeply brainwashed by Stephen Marbury. Jackson's mental counseling seems too pediatric and naive.

This is why Phil Jackson met with a collective protest when he called on Knicks players to meditate for the first time. Eddie Griffin even bluntly said that he had nothing to say: "Meditation cannot solve the problem. There is no fairy emperor in this world. Only we can save ourselves. We must believe in materialism. We need to face every problem positively. , Use collective wisdom to solve problems. Instead of pretending to look for spiritual belonging, we are all mentally healthy!"


The Zen Master encountered Waterloo for the first time.

He found that no one bought the soul chicken soup he had cooked.

The Knicks are a group of realists, and they are high-spirited and self-contained.

It is very different from other teams he has been with.

These people are smart and cunning, and there are few things that can tempt them.

They talked about the international situation, crude oil prices and the Nasdaq index in the locker room.

Although there will be some comments on Miss Universe, and the positive distribution of female hair level and happiness index.

However, everyone on the Zen Masters team understood: These guys are completely different from any previous team.

They don't even look like blacks anymore. How can a black be so sober.

When Eddie Griffin was able to discuss the differences in social systems between the East and the West while playing the saxophone, when Zach Randolph was not talking about dancing skills, and talked about the difference between faith and historical nihilism... Phil Jackson clearly felt My talents are shallow.

At the same time, Jackson's challenge also comes from the stadium.

The Knicks are strong and strong, and their lineup and talent are at the forefront of the league.

However, this is not a traditional strong team.

In the 2/3 position, they don't even have a single player who can hold the ball. Matt Barnes, Francisco Garcia, Gallinari and even Jeff Rees are all authentic shooters or defensive players.

This is far from the triangle offense advocated by Phil Jackson.

In the penalty zone, although Zachrandorf has the ability to play singles, he is not sticky now. He is more willing to use efficient offense to solve problems...Last season, he even gave up the habit of brushing offensive rebounds.

Efficient collaboration is the magic weapon for the Knicks to maintain their winning percentage.

The core of the tactics is Li Zhen, who starts the offensive, and the other players work together to form the best firepower network in the league.

So, when Phil Jackson forced a triangle offense in the preseason, and Li Zhen was not there.

Lost all 7 games.

And they all lost by more than double digits.

Every game was pressed by the opponent, and the Knicks were unable to fight back.

This made the media dumbfounded, and everyone couldn't believe it.

Suddenly, doubts arose.

"In a way, chemical reactions are more important than tactics."

When Li Zhen returned to the team, he answered questions from reporters.

This is the voice from the Knicks' regular press conference on October 13, 2009.

This allows many media to interpret the intriguing meaning.

Some media began to hype the Knicks' generals discord, and used the topic to play, the rumors about the triangle offense is not suitable for the Knicks, and even concocted news that many Knicks players are dissatisfied with the new coaching team.

These news became more diffuse after losing to the Dallas Mavericks in the opening game.

At the same time, Jamelin terminated his contract with the team. He gave up an annual salary of more than 2 million US dollars. He turned and went to Pittsburgh, where he will get a job as a head coach, although the salary is only half of the Knicks. .

This is a decision he made after careful consideration.

Li Zhen still kept him the night before he left.

But Jemilin said: "I feel like I can't learn new things in the team. Although this decision will cost me immediate benefits, I believe that my talent will become more valuable after full exercise. And , I think... we will definitely meet again in the future. At that time, I will be the head coach with the sole authority."

Although Jamie Lin showed a peaceful breakup gesture, he was generous when interviewed by the media and gave the Jackson team face.

However, leaving itself is a silent protest.

Although Jamie Lin enjoys the team's high salary, his position in the locker room is getting more and more marginal, and he can't even decide a small pick and roll alone.

Then, leaving is a logical thing.

Eddie Griffin went to Jerry West's office after Jamie Lin left. He reminded the president that the Knicks' previous system should not be completely denied.

Jerry West received him warmly, but did not follow.

However, in the following November, Phil Jackson made some changes. He tried to let Li Zhen play freely.

The record quickly improved.

Of course Li Zhen is not very comfortable with the triangle offensive system, although he can, and can be described as proficient.

However, his scoring skills and shooting rate are still not as good as Kobe, Jordan, these super shooting guards who can make a name in history.

His score can only be said to be enough, or slightly richer than enough.

Let him open up singles like Jordan and Kobe, and form a tactical advantage.

Doesn't this mean nonsense?

Li Zhen's greatest strength lies in his overall planning ability and his breakthrough points.

But the triangle offense really has no requirements for the point guard... This is a system of dividing the area and playing singles.

It is not produced for the pursuit of a ‘1 to 0’ offensive state, but to design the best ‘1 to 1’ mode, allowing the attackers to easily get rid of the pincer attack.

After a slump in October, the Knicks in November moved forward and gradually stabilized their position in the top four in the Eastern Conference.

However, for the Knicks' regular season results, other teams in the East no longer have the slightest sense of superiority.

Especially the Cleveland Cavaliers who have suffered so hard, their media dare not tease.

The Boston Celtics and Orlando Magic are even more honest.

Atlanta is deeply immersed in the emotions of the deep-bodied woman who was defrauded by Swift.

After the start of the season, Atlanta fans were horrified to see a big-waisted Swift. The Turtle, who just signed a ten-million-year long-term contract, has a showdown... He feels that he will have nothing to worry about for the rest of his life.

So, unable to control his mouth, he swelled into another rain man, Camp.

Although he was still able to jump and jump, his reaction was half a beat slow after all, and his court performance immediately deteriorated.

The whole city began to sigh: guilt! Why did we give him such a long contract in the first place, or full guarantee? Why? ?

Swift was very calm.

This summer he learned from Jack Lee a wise saying that made him feel very peaceful: how much blessing you have, how much slander you have to bear.

Therefore, all I earn is money that is scolded.

When Swift figured this out, he became more at ease.

Jack Lee became famous because of this signing.

The worse Swift is criticized, the more recognized Jack Lee's ability is: the agents who can make the basketball club sign unequal treaties are good agents.

The general manager of Atlanta has already resigned because of the contract.

He hated Jack Lee utterly.

But in Chicago, it's a completely different scene.

Derrick Rose broke out this season. After introducing Thibodeau as the head coach, the Bulls quietly completed the upgrade. With Derrick Rose and Jokinoa’s dual-core play on the inside and outside lines, they have rushed to the second place in the East. s position.

This new force is very fierce. It is not halfway through the season and has double-killed the Cavaliers led by LeBron James at home and away.

Adidas took advantage of the trend to make publicity, saying that the new king of the East is already single, and the future East Coast will be separated by the two super guards of Rose and Li Zhen.

James was so angry.

He was extremely disappointed in Cleveland, watching the young people behind him surpass himself one by one, and his aura of glory, the chosen son, was gradually diminishing.

He couldn't bear this kind of situation happening one after another.

At the end of November, even an important person who did not want to be named revealed that LeBron James was seeking to be traded.

Suddenly, the alliance vibrated.

LeBron James is still the undisputed first person in the league today. Although he often loses when facing Li Zhen and Rose, no team will refuse his arrival.

Including the New York Knicks.

Jerry West even publicly stated: If LeBron is willing to come, of course it is the best thing.

But after he said this sentence at the end of November, he never mentioned it in public.

Because he rebounded under great internal pressure.

How could the Knicks' locker room accept James?

James is here, where should Bruce Lee be?

Although the whole world knows that James came to New York and joined hands with Li Zhen.

But at the same time, all New York fans know it. Bruce can never be with James.

Therefore, even if James is more attractive. Moreover, his team even took the initiative to throw an olive branch: for example, the establishment of a new company in New York.

However, no one in the New York media showed a gesture of acceptance.

Then, as James declared righteously in December that he would not leave his hometown, this was regarded as a farce.

When the time enters December.

Anne Hathaway's belly couldn't hide either.

When she attended the movie promotion in November, she was suspected that she might be pregnant while wearing flat shoes and loose clothes.

And when her December medical report was published by unscrupulous media, it immediately caused an uproar.

The American entertainment circle immediately set off a public opinion frenzy of'Finding Where Is Dad'.


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