The God of Basketball

Chapter 740: : [Bruce is murdering basketball]

  When Li Zhen appeared on the stage of Madison Garden again, his appearance still caused the audience to scream.

  Although most basketball fans in New York have turned over to James.

  But this group of fans, this group of gossip fans, this wave of CP fans will always look forward to Li Zhen, and tears will always flow in his eyes.

  With the chorus of Li Zhen and Swift, and a close dance with Selena, the scene has gone crazy.

  People are beginning to think: What kind of relationship is this?

  Who knows?

  Unexplainable, unclear.

  The world is changing so fast, Bruce will feel right to be with any woman, and being with any woman at the same time will not make people feel weird.

  I only blame Comrade Li Zhen for his foundation in these years.

  Even Comrade Leon Dona has to bow down. The media can at best accept his unclear relationship with the twenty-year-old model.

  As for Bruce Lee, imagination knows no boundaries.

  When it comes to women, people always think that Bruce is omnipotent.


  After the concert, Li Zhen went to Swift’s manor, and he hardly concealed anything.

  The generous shooting of the media made him feel very calm.

  When there are lice on the bald head, what does it matter even if it is clear at a glance?

  When a billionaire suddenly learns that he has added another half-million dollars to the account, will his mood be upset? There will be a little bit, but there will also be a little numbness.

never mind.

  Except for the family doctor, no one cares whether Bruce is tired or not. People only care about whether he sleeps beautifully or not.

  The thing that made Li Zhen lose his peace happened at Taylor Swift's home.

  When he found Scarlett Johansson showing up here with the wives of the main house, he realized that something was wrong.

  Life sometimes has to face some sudden risks.

  Like now.

  Student Li Zhen had to bite the bullet.

  "We will meet one day. We can't just get together every Spring Festival to celebrate the New Year, right?"

  "They are all my own sisters, and the family doesn’t talk to each other. We also want to get close to the younger sisters and learn new knowledge with them..."

  Ashley Olsen is a big woman.

  Li Zhen actually twisted.

  At this time.

  Scarlett Johansson took out a strategy for breaking through to Li Zhen and told him: "Play this tonight."

   is really straight to the point.

  Li is really a bit dumb.

  When his head was dizzy, he was pushed to an indoor basketball hall. The indoor basketball hall had long been set up as a children’s castle and the constant temperature air conditioner was turned on.

  Li Zhen sat on a stroller, "Tonight, you have to drive this car to complete the customs clearance."

   Scarlett said seriously.

  Li Zhen grabbed his hair, looked at the children’s castle in front of him, looked at the baby carriage under his crotch... Let me get out of the car, this is not the way to the kindergarten! ! !

   Called not every day, called the ground is not working.

  No one will come to save himself even if he breaks his throat.


  Do evil!



  New York’s media has always been very vicious.

  Li Zhen’s singing and dancing in Madison Garden last night made them quite ironic.

   "Bruce is like this, always eager to win and tears in his eyes. When he loses the game in Madison, he will immediately get the cheers from Madison Garden."

  "A great basketball player cannot do without the spotlight. Bruce is so great."

   "Yesterday's failure turned into yesterday's helplessness. Today's invigoration is the climax of life."

   "Since you can't win the ball, why not make yourself more comfortable?"

   "LeBron James will never catch up with Bruce's free life, because basketball is just his pastime."


  Sounds like this are played on TV and in newspapers.

  Li Zhen returned to the hotel where he stayed calmly.

  He is still refreshed, even more energetic than before, and there is even more charm between his gestures.

no way.

  When you give away the most precious essence of your life, you will definitely get some extra gifts. No impact is wasted.

  Fate has already marked the price for your payment.

  Li Zhen, who endured the humiliation of the ‘Crowd’, got a big harvest in talent integration, and his talent integration directly soared to 98%.

  Knowing how fierce is, Li Zhen knew that he would not lock the door during the Chinese New Year.


  New York media.

  You have endured so long, why can’t you bear it all at once?

  You who are not ironic, you just want to ironic him Li Yunlong...Li Zhen.

  Now it’s all right, let’s stab the hornet's nest.

  After Li Zhen returned to the hotel, he went to the gym for the first time. He instantly felt the joy of increasing the integration of talent to 98%... 98% of the happiness is really unimaginable.

  That feeling can even control the explosive force of the little fingertip.

so perfect.

  There is a feeling of complete control.

  All talents are used by trace of waste, no trace of stagnation...this is an unprecedented feeling.

  Li Zhen even thinks it is enough, in the world, can he develop his talent integration to 98%?

  As for 100% of things, he dare not think about it anymore.

  Because, driving all night is really exhausting.

   is not done by humans.

  The donkeys of the production team don’t work like that.

  Due to his strength and talent.

  This kind of job, what can you do if you change to another person?

  Without diamonds, don’t take care of the porcelain work.


   Jason Kidd, Allen Iverson, Stephen Nash and the three major point guards, as well as the team's style chief Stephen Marbury, chatted with Li Zhen that night.

  Although they all think that Li Zhen is innocent, it is certainly not as unsightly as described by the media.

  Because they firmly believe that Li is really a professional player with perfect professionalism, his tenacious willpower can certainly resist those temptations. Countless past experiences have proven that he is so pious.

  How could the ship capsize in the gutter this time?

  And looking at Bruce's fierce and fierce appearance, there is no sluggishness after doing that.

  So, those media just like to mess around and make things up.

   "I just like to provoke our morale like this." Marbury said righteously, he had already been angry with the players before the meeting. Everyone thinks this is a malicious hype by the New York media, in order to suppress the morale of the Clippers players.

  This kind of conspiracy will certainly not come true.

  Instead, it enhances the cohesion of the team. After all...everyone has the instinct to pierce conspiracy, hate and frame.

  And, what happens even if Bruce goes to the concert? What if he doesn't come home at night?

   "Is there any evidence that Bruce would do that kind of thing? I guarantee by my personality that Bruce will perform at a super level in the next game!"

  Marbury even said harsh words beforehand in the afternoon.

  This is based on his trust in Li Zhen for so many years.

  In fact, senior basketball fans also believe this. Because whenever Li Zhen is reported to be involved in lace, he will perform well in the game, like a godly help.

and so. New York fans are even a little worried at this time.

   "Don't panic! The first game was just a technical adjustment. I can't let LeBron James find me and die in every game."

  Li Zhen said to the three point guards and Marbury: "I know everyone is here for the Clippers for the championship. On this point, I and everyone have the same wish."

   "Tonight, you go back to drink a cup of hot milk, take a hot bath, and sleep peacefully. Keep a happy mood, in exchange for an excellent touch tomorrow night, I will lead everyone to play a completely different game."

  Li Zhen patted Jason Kidd on the shoulder, letting him rest his heart in his stomach.

   Then he said something sweet to Iverson for a while. Say what if I can let you beat Kobe, I will definitely let everyone clean up a wave of super platinum members.

   No matter how strong the ultra-platinum is, can gold be strong?

  Gold is hard currency.

  Iverson said that he was very comfortable. As one of the leaders of the golden generation, he has both appreciation and grudges on the descendants of the 03 generation. I appreciate the successors of the NBA, but what I complain about is that these kids are grabbing the class too fast.

  It’s just that, no faster than Bruce.

  After a long talk this night, the three major point guards relaxed a little.

  After all, after the game last night, they also had a replay. The content of the replay is... the Knicks are too strong and the Clippers will come again and won't win unless there is an accident.

  Accident means that the Knicks play abnormally, while the Clippers play normally.

  Because the Clippers made no mistakes in the last game, they even played a game above the standard.

   However, the gap between strength and weakness is so obvious.

  In fact, Larry Brown, Isaiah Thomas, and Jamie Lin also met overnight, and they discussed how to change the formation to disrupt the Knicks’ super strong lineup.

   However, no matter how many nights stay up, there seems to be no way to solve the answer.

  It’s like you’re only in the second grade of elementary school. You just learned addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division are still unsolvable. You just want to get calculus, isn’t it bullshit?

  So, the final solution is: meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

   is like boiled all night for nothing.


  The next day comes soon, and the time is always so punctual.

  Jemilin’s dark circles under his eyes and Larry Brown’s yawns made Li Zhen feel distressed, and it was really hard for these two.

  Of course, Isaiah Thomas is also very tired. It's just that his black skin can't see anything, and dark circles under his eyes have always existed. It seems... men all over the world who have the same sexual orientation as Thomas have the same dark circles. b

  Maybe this is the desktop window mode of male black fungus.

  LeBron James’ pre-match interview is still low-key. After so many years of suppression, he finally learned the habit of not being proud. Although he himself is also a relatively humble person.

   To be honest, if it weren’t for James to have a knot with Li Zhen at the beginning, and the connotation Li Zhen is always yin and yang. It is really possible for Li to become good friends with him.

  After all, James can't pick out any other shortcomings. Except for a little jealousy, love to throw the pot, can not afford to lose. The person is still very good, otherwise there would be no way to become the second NBA figure after Li Zhen.

  None of the sons of Heavenly Choice are unstable with brushes.

  The old coach Wilkins also praised the Clippers. He believes that the Clippers have an overwhelming competitive spirit. He said that he believes that the Clippers will definitely carry out a strong back pressure tonight.

  It’s just that, he also said that he was well prepared, he and the players will definitely resist the Los Angeles counterattack, and win this victory steadily, just like the previous game.

  The elderly speak steadily.

   sounds convincing.

  In contrast, Isaiah Thomas’s confidence call before the game seemed a lot impetuous.

  "We are certain to win. There is no way in the world to prevent the Clippers from attacking the city in New York. We have the first man in the league. Why is the victory not us?"

  This is a bit rascal.

Reggie Miller even laughed on TV: "Thomas is a bit like a kid playing. Why do they have the first player in the league, so the victory can only be given to them? The New York Knicks also has the second player in the league, the league's first player. Five, seventeen in the league, sixty-four in the league, and 93 in the league...Aren’t they more qualified than the Clippers?"

What Reggie Miller said made New York fans very happy.

However, he later said: "The Clippers are definitely not without the possibility of winning. Bruce Lee is still terrifying. If LeBron James can't play with him tonight like the last game, I think the New York Knicks will still win. Difficult."

  A bowl of water is very flat.


  The whistle sounded, breaking the ripples.

  There is no blues girl next to Madison Garden tonight. There are James fans in the arena.

  So, the moment Li Zhen received the jump ball from Jordan, his boos were everywhere.

  Tonight, the Clippers did not learn anything.

  They are still the lineup sent to the game, Jason Kidd, Li Zhen, Gordon Hayward, O'Neal, and Jordan.

  It seems that we still have to play defensively.

  Fight like this, New York is not afraid.

  The commentator of the local New York TV station even saw the Clippers lineup and expressed regret: “We are going to win another victory without suspense. Alas! I really hope our opponents can be stronger.”

  This sentence is stinky.

   But it showed the pride of New York fans.

  In contrast, the commentators who tend to the Clippers are worried.

  Especially CCTV on the other side of the ocean.

  Director Zhang scratched his heart and scratched his liver, and he could even hear the gasping voice: eh eh eh! This is not right. How can we arrange it like this? We Chinese say that we can gain wisdom by eating a ditch, but how can Jamelin not have a long memory of being beaten. You should change the lineup at this time. Let me see, put Iverson and Carter on the floor, bang and bang, so that New York has no strength to fight back...

  Director Zhang’s words have not been over.


  The New York Knicks’ basket was the first to be hard-dried. Li Zhen fell from the sky like a god, and a tomahawk from top to bottom dunked the basket and surrendered directly.

  The fans on the sidelines looked stupid: too fast, what just happened?

  The fans in the audience also stood still for a moment. They looked up at the big screen and tried to get answers.

  However, the replay of the shot was not ready yet, they only saw the incredible face of LeBron James.

  About 10 seconds later, the TV audience first heard Reggie Miller’s scream: Oh my God! Is this still human? What is Bruce doing? Is he murdering humans’ ability to understand the sport of basketball?


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