Implantation of the iliac bone block, occupying the position of the 9th thoracic vertebra, restores the sequence of the spine and corrects the kyphosis.

In the future, the 8th thoracic vertebra, the 10th thoracic vertebra, together with this iliac bone block, will heal together and become a fixed whole.

This completes the second and third missions of spine surgery, Orthopedics and Stabilization.

Anterior lateral plate fixation, irrigation of the operation area, drainage tube placement, layered suturing of the surgical incision, and closure of the thoracic cavity.

The leather you sewed last time, will you sew again this time?

This is my patient!

Do you talk about martial arts?

We sew together, and we'll give you half of the line?

Don't argue. In the future, the patient will sew the skin. Two people will sew at the same time. It is easy to accidentally hurt each other. Yang Ping reprimanded them.

Zhang Lin began to sew the skin proudly, holding the needle in his hand, using the force of his wrist, turning his wrist a little, the horn needle entered vertically into the skin and came out vertically.

Tie the knot! Zhang Lin urged.

Xiao Wu was unwilling, put the needle holder back into the turning plate of the sharp tool, and started to tie the knot.

Yang Ping's surgery does not like to use sutures to sew the skin, he prefers manual sutures.

Song Zimo reminisced about the operation just now, and thought for a while, if it wasn't for Yang Ping's more careful investigation just now.

This patient can only sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, and just such a small operation can change a person's destiny.

Doctor, it is really like walking on thin ice, how important is a serious attitude.

Conscientiousness stems from a high sense of responsibility and awe for one's own profession.

Although, in this condition, after the operation is completed, the nerve function has not recovered, and it is also regarded as normal.

Decompression only creates conditions for nerve recovery, it cannot guarantee that it will recover.

However, it is very difficult to explore the anterior spinal artery, which requires both experience in spinal surgery and replantation of severed fingers. In fact, there are very few such doctors.

Professor Zhang Zongshun appeared in the operating room, and he would personally take care of the patients he received in his outpatient clinic, if the condition was serious or complicated.

Professor Zhang! Everyone greeted respectfully.

Professor Zhang nodded, walked to the reading light to watch the film, and asked Yang Ping, Xiao Yang, how is the situation during the operation?

About 2,000 milliliters of pus was sucked out, and the spinal cord was severely compressed. The compressed material in the spinal canal was removed, and a thorough decompression was performed. The 9th thoracic vertebral body was removed, the iliac bone block was implanted, and the anterior steel plate was fixed. Yang Ping respectfully report on surgery.

Professor Zhang adjusted his glasses: There is no sign of embolism on the MRI. It should have been embolized after the MRI. Did you probe the anterior spinal artery?

Probe. Yang Ping accompanied Professor Zhang.

Professor Zhang pondered for a moment: Very good, remember that with great ability comes great responsibility. Every operation must be done to the best of our ability. It is an operation for you, and a whole life for the patient—

Elder Zhang, I remember it. Yang Ping said respectfully.

Tuberculosis, once thought to have gone away from us, is not, it has signs of a comeback.

Bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms have never stopped fighting against human beings. Humans have studied various drugs to eliminate them. They have tried their best to resist these drugs and avoid human execution. This confrontation is endless. Super bacteria are Born out of this struggle.

Professor Zhang is always able to look at things from a perspective outside of medicine, such as from a philosophical level.

In 1882, the German biologist Robert Koch discovered the Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and mankind began to embark on the journey of conquering tuberculosis.

Later, inspired by cowpox, during the First World War, French bacteriologist Albert Cammet and his assistant Jean Jielan developed the BCG vaccine for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis. Only then can humans prevent this disease.

In 1943, Ukrainian-American scientist Waxman developed the anti-tuberculosis drug streptomycin, so that tuberculosis can be treated.

You know, before this, tuberculosis was also an incurable disease, regarded as the number one killer of mankind.

Only by being able to prevent and treat, human beings can truly conquer the monster of tuberculosis.

Now the rise of tuberculosis, a large part of the reason is the emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Superbugs are the tough ones among drug-resistant bacteria.

Many people are contributing to the birth of superbugs.

When you have a cold and take anti-inflammatories indiscriminately, you are doing your part.

Antibiotics are now strictly regulated, and a doctor's prescription is required to buy medicines at pharmacies.

In the past, any pharmacy could buy antibiotics at will. As long as you have a cold, you should take a few anti-inflammatory drugs. In fact, the common cold, scientific name for acute upper respiratory tract infection, is mostly caused by viral infections and does not require antibiotics.

There are still patients waiting in my outpatient clinic. I will go down first. This patient's neurological symptoms will recover slowly. The recovery process will be parabolic, first aggravating and then gradually reducing. Explain to the patient clearly.

After speaking, Professor Zhang looked at Fang Xiaoyun's monitoring data again, asked Fatty a few words, and left the operating room with his hands behind his back.

Yang Ping is also thinking about this. After the compression is released, the spinal cord will edema, and the neurological symptoms will increase. After the edema subsides, the neurological symptoms will slowly recover.

After the skin was sutured, Zhang Lin used alcohol gauze to sterilize the surgical incision again.

Fifth brother, is it okay, this level? Zhang Lin was very satisfied with his work.

It's still a little late, I'll sew it for you next time. Xiaowu didn't buy it.

The dressing was applied to cover the incision and the surgery was completed successfully.

The recovery from anesthesia is very fast, and Fatty's estimation of the operation time and the control of the amount of anesthesia are very accurate.

Fang Xiaoyun, wake up, the surgery is over.

The fat man shouted at Fang Xiaoyun, the suction device cleared the secretions from the airway, and the tracheal intubation was successfully pulled out.

Doctor, will I be paralyzed? Fang Xiaoyun woke up with the first words.

It's not just her, everyone is afraid, as long as you lie down on this bed, there is no one who is not worried, and some people will worry about whether they will be able to wake up when they lie down.

The operation went well, let's recover slowly after the operation. Yang Ping comforted Fang Xiaoyun.

Give her standard anti-tuberculosis treatment after surgery.

The infectious disease department has been consulted for a plan.

Fang Xiaoyun launched the operating room, and her good colleagues have been waiting.

Doctor, how is the surgery?

Very smooth!


The colleague carried a backpack and followed the cart: Don't think about anything, recuperate in peace, I took a few days off to take care of you.

This sister is really good, not many friends, but sincere feelings.

You sisters are good, what unit do you work in? Zhang Lin gossip and asked Fang Xiaoyun's colleague.

The girl blushed immediately, as if she was embarrassed to say it, and after hesitating for a while, she said, A foot bath center, very formal, not that kind of-

She could just make up an answer to avoid other people's guesses, but she didn't.

They wash the feet of the guests and perform foot massages. They are people living at the bottom. They also have their own dignity, their own lives, and their own friendships.

Very good, foot bath actually requires a lot of knowledge, right? Yang Ping helped her resolve the embarrassment.

Yeah, regular massage of the acupoints on the feet can play a role in health care, especially for people with sub-health status. The girl said confidently.

Fang Xiaoyun has not joined the chat because of lack of energy after the operation.

In a few days after the operation, the symptoms of numbness and weakness of the lower limbs will increase, and then gradually reduce, so don't worry too much. Yang Ping told Fang Xiaoyun and her colleagues.

I explained it before the operation, and now I emphasize it again, so as not to cause panic.

I had two surgeries today, which were good. After bed, everyone went back to the doctor's office.

Aren't we getting together on the weekend? It's been a long time since we got together. Song Zimo suggested.

Yes, it's been a long time since the brothers have sat together for a drink. Even if they don't drink, drinks are fine.

You arrange the location. Yang Ping was not familiar with these.

Song Zimo suggested: There is a bar in the city called Nianfeng recently. I heard that it is very popular. I haven't been there. Let's go and see it together.

I haven't been there, I'll try it out. I've heard of it. Xiao Wu has also heard of this bar.

Just go here, I am the host, everyone has worked hard recently. Yang Ping decided on the spot.

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