The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 308 Two birds with one stone

In the vast world, there is no wonder that an intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus can actually run around in the spinal canal.

If Director Qin hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he certainly wouldn't believe it. How big is the spinal canal, how could it be possible to run around with such a large piece of tissue.

Yang Ping explained the case to Xiao Su all the way, and Xiao Su became more interested the more he listened, and pestered Yang Ping to break the casserole and ask to the end.

Just after returning to Keli, Director Qin personally called to thank him and made an appointment with Yang Ping for dinner, with a very modest and polite tone.

To bring the relationship closer, it seems that you must eat. This kind of entertainment does not match the personality of Yang Ping, who is happy, but people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves.

In the afternoon, I asked Xiao Guoqiang to come over for a re-examination. His nerve growth had already crossed the wrist and reached the back of the palm. There was no sign of entering the plateau phase. The hope of restoring the sensory and motor function of the whole hand is very high.

It took 30 years for this kind of case to be published in the top international journals, but now it can't be done, the times are different, and the trend of technology is no longer here.

Due to the necessary debridement of the stump of the blood vessel and nerve during the operation, and in order to reduce the tension of the blood vessel and nerve suture, the necessary shortening of the bone was performed during the replantation.

Each interface is shortened a little, and the entire right upper limb is shortened by about five centimeters compared to the left side, which looks very uncoordinated in appearance.

But Xiao Guoqiang didn't care, he was satisfied that he could save this arm, and it was better to be shorter than nothing.

Yang Ping finished the examination for Xiao Guoqiang and told him: In the future, we can do orthopedics, and extend the forearm, palm and fingers proportionally, so that the right upper limb can be restored to normal length, but it can't be done now, it will take at least a year.

Can it be extended? You said my arm can be as long as the left one? Xiao Guoqiang didn't believe it, thinking that Dr. Yang was comforting him.

But Xiao Guoqiang understands that Dr. Yang never lies in medicine. If this is true, he can obtain an arm without too many flaws in appearance.

Don't be too happy, you have to wait for your nerve function to fully recover. At this last distance, it is still unknown whether the nerve can grow past. The success rate is very high, but it cannot be ruled out that it will stop at a certain point. Yang Ping's words are very objective, He had a general idea in his mind for Xiao Guoqiang's treatment, taking it step by step and advancing it slowly.

I'm going to get married on May 1st, and I invite everyone to be lively and lively. Xiao Guoqiang said happily, turning his head to look at the gentle and considerate fiancee next to him.

The shy elementary school teacher next to her has blushing cheeks and a shy look. Heroes match beautiful women.

Continue to do functional training in the rehabilitation department until the nerve function is fully recovered. Yang Ping told him.

Xiao Guoqiang is very obedient. He still wants to return to his job as soon as possible. Although it is dangerous, he likes this job very much and has a great sense of honor in doing it.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the mobile QQ mailbox indicated that there was a new email.

Yang Ping opened it and saw that it was not spam. There were actually three emails from AJSM in the United States, all of which were AJSM reviewer reply emails.

One was just received, and the other two were received at 12:00 noon and 1:00 noon respectively, but I didn't pay attention to checking them.

Converted to US time, it should be more than twelve o'clock in the evening, one in the morning, and five in the morning.

Americans are so desperate? not sleeping?

The responses from the three reviewing editors were brief:

Excellent, you solved a puzzle.

Unbelievable, you summed up the data we wanted.

Congratulations to you, and congratulations to me, I haven't seen such a manuscript for a long time.

The three editors did not have much revision opinions on the article, but only corrected some grammatical habits and said that they would arrange for publication as soon as possible.

AJSM, the average review period is three months. Now it is only one month, and the editor has replied, and said that it will be published as soon as possible. Yang Ping doubts whether it is a fake magazine that is a high imitation.

One of the reviewers was actually Professor Robert. Yang Ping searched for the personal information of Professor Robert. This professor is the director of the Sports Medicine Center of the New York Special Surgery Hospital and the current president of the North American Society of Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery.

AJSM, the journal with the No. 1 orthopaedic impact factor, actually hit two articles at a time, which is unprecedented.

Yang Ping found Song Zimo and told him: AJSM's review editor has responded, and both manuscripts have been approved at one time. The editor said that it will be published as soon as possible.

Song Zimo was also a little disbelieving: AJSM? I replied now, right? There are many fake magazines cheating money now, so you won't vote for high imitations? Didn't you ask for US dollars?

These days, doctors have also become the target of scammers, because promotion of professional titles requires papers, and many doctors are so busy in clinical practice that they have no time to write papers.

How to do? purchase!

As long as there is demand, there will be a market. This is an open secret. Near the examination room for each professional title exam, the snowflakes of the business card show that the market is hot.

Some scammers have also introduced new methods, from journals to websites, to make a whole set of fakes. It is said that the printed paper of the journals is better than the real ones.

And the package price is launched, as long as you spend a few thousand yuan for an inexpensive, you can successfully publish your paper, claiming that it can be checked online, and you can be promoted to a professional title without worry.

For doctors who don't usually publish papers, this is such a worry-free thing. Whoever gives this money is not earning it, believe it, so they call the money.

People are very trustworthy, the papers are published on time, and they pretend to send you journals, and the high imitation website can indeed check the papers.

It was only when it was promoted to the title that it was found out that this journal was actually fake and a high imitation.

Yang Ping showed Song Zimo his e-mail address. Song Zimo helped to collect these materials. Song Zimo carefully checked it again and found that it was accurate. For a top student whose doctoral thesis was published in The Lancet, he would not make such a low-level mistake.

If the journal is real, it's done, and it kills two birds with one stone!


Song Zimo stretched out two thumbs.

Fatty Liang was a little distressed, and now there are rumors in the hospital that he was chasing the flight attendant on the plane.

Aggrieved, Fatty Liang just thought he was pretty, so he looked at him a few more times, then he was moved, he asked for a glass of orange juice, he was said to be chasing after a flight attendant, and in the end chasing was said to be harassment.

The love object who had potential hope now began to doubt Liang Fatzi's character, so a little bit of potential success was strangled in the cradle.

These people are really mindless. The toad wants to eat swan meat, and he doesn't look at the toad's quality. If Song Zimo is chasing the flight attendant, it might be true.

But what kind of IQ the rumors want, just follow the cool.

Brother, I'll help you check it out. I'll slap whoever stabbed him out. Zhang Lin comforted.

Yang Ping saw Fatty's dejected expression: Fatty, why bother, I've been sulking these days, according to me, you have to thank this person, this rumor has invisibly raised your worth, it's just tailor-made for you marriage advertisements.”

Fatty thinks about it, really, doesn't this imply his infinite charm, just now the worry disappeared immediately, you let it be strong, the breeze blows the hills.

Yes, senior brother is right, you have to thank this person— Zhang Lin supported this view.

Yang Ping's eyes swept away, and Zhang Lin immediately avoided, daring to speak.

Director Han appeared at the door of his office. Lao Han is now a resident at the Orthopaedic Research Institute and rarely comes here.

Come on, Xiao Yang, sit down!

Lao Han made a special trip to find Yang Ping. The doctoral exam is about to start. He wants to give Yang Ping a two-week vacation and let him make a surprise.

The doctor's exam is about to start. How long do you want to take leave? If you speak, I will approve it, and you will get a good score. Lao Han groped for tea.

Let's have some Sabah black tea, you bought it, let's try it together.

This was brought by Yang Ping to Malaysia for surgery, and Lao Han was not willing to open it yet.

You don't need to take a vacation, just go to work normally, just take two days off for the exam. Yang Ping hadn't thought about taking a vacation.

In fact, I have been preparing for any vacation for a long time. Besides, I really need to strengthen my review, enter the system space, and concentrate on reading books for a few months. Isn’t it a matter of a few thousand points, and now I am a person with poor points.

At first, I thought this system was a weak chicken, but the more I went to the back, the more I found out that this system is a Thanos level, and the system library alone can make learning unlimited.

No vacation? I see that you spend every day in the department for surgery, and you usually sleep soundly at noon. I haven't seen you reading, so I go back to read at that time in the evening. How can you do it? Seeing that you are full of energy in the morning, it's not like working overtime to read. You said you took the test yourself, I didn't help you get an exemption this time? Lao Han expressed his worries, strong hands-on ability does not mean strong test-taking ability.

Don't worry, it's just a doctor's exam. With just a few papers, it can be difficult. Yang Ping comforted Lao Han.

Old Han stared at him, his tone was as domineering as he was doing surgery.

Drinking tea, is this black tea ok? Yang Ping was panicked by him.

Lao Han looked back: You really don't need to take a vacation?

No! Yang Ping was calm.

How's the paper? Is there any news? Every time Lao Han came, it was a regular supervision.

The two papers submitted to AJSM have been reviewed and approved, and the editor said that they will be published as soon as possible. Yang Ping said lightly.

Have both passed? Old Han thought he was joking.

AJSM, the journal at the top of the orthopedic pyramid, one is good enough, and two are hit at the same time? how is this possible.

But for this kid, there are a lot of things that he has never seen before, and he has never seen him perform many surgeries, and he is more powerful than anyone else.

Admitted to a doctorate, the paper is published, I will help you and Dean Xia to improve the job offer.

Director Han said slowly.

There are more low-level and high-employment hospitals in private hospitals or general tertiary hospitals. There are relatively few such provincial-level teaching tertiary hospitals. According to the normal process, Yang Ping wants to be promoted to deputy high school ahead of schedule. I am afraid that these papers are not enough.

If there are papers in Science and Nature, it is similar, but these journals are generally the results of basic research, and few clinical articles are published.

You really don't need a vacation? Director Han confirmed again.

Yang Ping is very sure: It's really not necessary!

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