The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 313 Tyson and the Hulk

The dressing room of the operating room at the University of Tokyo Hospital.

Takahashi-kun, what, are you going to China? Sasaki greeted Takahashi.

Takahashi responded: Left at the beginning of next month for a three-month clinical observation.

Mr. Gaoqiao, since you came back from China, your whole person has changed, and you lack the arrogance and self-confidence of the past. I suspect that you have some kind of paranoia in your judgment on certain things.

Sasaki doesn't understand this senior a little bit. Since he came back from China, he has always been cautious and cautious in his speech and actions, and he is very humble everywhere.

Sasaki, if it were you at the time, you would do the same, and one day you would understand me. Takahashi didn't want to explain.

If you have not been completely defeated by your opponent, you will definitely have fantasies in your heart, and you will not be able to truly appreciate the strength of your opponent, especially when you used to be the top of the world.

Mr. Fujiwara's decision is also a bit inexplicable. We still need to learn from an unknown Chinese hospital? Sasaki complained.

Sasaki is two years younger than Takahashi. It is generally recognized that his talent is higher than Takahashi. Takahashi is at the pinnacle of trauma surgery, and he is less involved in other subspecialties.

Unlike Sasaki, he is not satisfied with trauma surgery, and has also dabbled extensively in spine, joint and sports medicine, with outstanding achievements.

It is very likely that Sasaki will succeed Fujiwara Masao in the future. Even Takahashi himself has to admit that this junior has overwhelmed him.

Sasaki has also seen Yang Ping's surgery video, but a video, no matter how he can't convince the conceited him, he will always imagine that he is much better than Takahashi, and he can do what Yang Ping can do.


Takahashi and Sasaki saw Masao Fujiwara coming in at the same time, and immediately greeted respectfully.

Masao Fujiwara wore a blue washcloth and took off his mask and hat: Takahashi, this trip to China is a very precious opportunity, remember, the best way to become a strong person is to learn from the strongest person. Bravely facing the strong can defeat him.

Understood! Takahashi bowed attentively.

Sasaki is very submissive on the surface, but he is not convinced and a little dissatisfied with the teacher's logic. Are we not strong?

Dissatisfaction returns to dissatisfaction. Sasaki and Takahashi are equals and can communicate without fear. In front of Fujiwara Masao, Sasaki would never dare to say what he just said.

Mr. Fujiwara! Director Tottori's upper cervical spine tumor surgery is in trouble and needs your support.

Someone chased him to the locker room, and before Masao Fujiwara took off his clothes, he followed the messenger out of the locker room.

Takahashi-kun, you are the world boxing champion, I'm afraid you will be beaten. Sasaki couldn't help but say more.

It's not a contest between Tyson and Holyfield anymore. Takahashi was helpless.

Sasaki teased: What is that?

If you and I are Tyson and Holyfield, then the other side is the Hulk? Takahashi finally found a metaphor, although not very appropriate.

Sasaki almost laughed: It's really funny!

Without this sentence, he still tried to understand. With this sentence, he could conclude that Takahashi had committed some kind of mental illness.

Takahashi didn't have time to explain to Sasaki that one day, he would experience it for himself. He really hoped that this time Sasaki would also go together and let him see with his own eyes what the best surgeon in the world was like.

Gaoqiao was in a hurry, so he made an appointment with his Chinese teacher after get off work to strengthen his language before going abroad. Since he came back from China, after several inquiries, he found an excellent Chinese teacher.

The teacher was worthy of Gaoqiao's tuition fees, so Gaoqiao passed the Chinese level 4 test in just four months.

Of course, Takahashi's talent is also the reason, but the teacher's teaching method is really efficient.

To this end, Takahashi has paid nearly 5 million yen in tuition, which is worth the money.

The teacher started by teaching him Chinese Pinyin, using dozens of letters to let Gaoqiao master the pronunciation of Chinese, and then gave him a set of textbooks and some Chinese character cards.

This set of textbooks consists of 4,000-character rhymes without repetition. With this rhyme, Takahashi mastered 4,000 commonly used Chinese characters in one month. , do not miss the time to go to the toilet.

Next, the teacher arranged reading and listening training, and four hours of language training every night, without interruption, allowing Takahashi to overcome the language barrier.

Takahashi once believed that Chinese was the most difficult language in the world to learn.

But now, he thinks Chinese is the easiest language in the world, because as long as he masters these 4,000 characters, he can read almost all articles without any obstacles.

Now, he wants to strengthen the medical vocabulary.

It's much easier than English, with the cryptic way of making words, where every medical word is a word and has nothing to do with it.

The wonder of Chinese is that they only use these 4,000 Chinese characters and use some kind of logical relationship to form an infinite vocabulary.

For example, the liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs, and heart are all organs, and most of them have the moon character symbolizing the human body in front of them, which can be recognized at a glance. It is no wonder that Japan never removes Chinese characters. What a wise choice.

Mr. Tang, hello, I'm going to China next month, and I want to strengthen my Chinese learning. Gao Qiao arrived at the night school classroom on time and bowed to the teacher.

Mr. Tang, a very young man, is just a part-time Chinese teacher here. He is studying for a Ph.D. in molecular biology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tokyo. He teaches Chinese in his spare time and earns some living expenses.

The teacher is sitting at the desk, serious and nodding lightly, very satisfied with the punctuality of the students. He hates students who are late. The teacher is very busy. After class, he has to go to an e-commerce warehouse to distribute the goods. It is not easy to make money.

Takahashi is currently the teacher's biggest customer. This doctor's customer is generous, and once made Teacher Tang think that he encountered a liar in Tokyo.

Sit down! Teacher Tang was running out of time.

Takahashi sat down. This small classroom was very quiet. There was only the teacher and him. He bought one-on-one teaching.

This is an example of a Chinese case I prepared for you. In addition to the disease course records, there are also surgical records and examination reports. You need to strengthen the reading of these materials now. Teacher Tang pushed a file bag to Gao Qiao, which was organized data of.

Takahashi opened the information, like a primary school student, lying on the desk, reading the case carefully. As someone who usually eats bento standing up, I definitely don't want to waste a minute.

Four hours a day, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., if he is late for special reasons, he stays up until 1 or 2:00 a.m. to complete four hours of study.

Of course, if this kind of lateness occurs, the training fee beyond eleven o'clock will be doubled, after all, it will delay the teacher's work to distribute goods in the warehouse at night.

Takahashi is worried that the teacher will have reservations because of the tuition fee and extend the teaching time. He promises that every time the teaching goal is reached in advance, he is willing to pay an extra tuition fee. This tuition fee will be paid directly to the teacher, and there will be no night school draws. to make.

Mr. Tang did his best and taught him everything. Gaoqiao mastered Chinese proficiently in four months.

Takahashi used a pencil to mark words that he did not understand and did not understand. Every time he read a case, Mr. Tang would explain it carefully, and Takahashi would take notes carefully.

Teacher, thank you for your careful teaching, please accept my sincere thanks! Takahashi bowed earnestly after reading the case.

The teacher returned the salute, Takahashi bowed again, the teacher returned the salute, and Takahashi bowed again——

Forget it, the teacher didn't return the salute, and Takahashi stopped bowing.

The teacher is very satisfied with your learning attitude and learning ability. Let me tell you this, the teacher teaches you Chinese, and you work overtime, not for money. The teacher has a mission on his shoulders, to teach you Chinese, this great and wonderful language. , spread to the whole world. The teacher's tone was deep.

Takahashi immediately stood up: Understanding the painstaking efforts of the teacher, Takahashi must work hard to master this great and wonderful language.

Sit down and talk, don't get excited. The teacher was very kind.

Teacher, according to Chinese custom, what should I call Dr. Yang? Takahashi decided to figure out the details before leaving.

It's best to address Professor Yang, which is more formal and respectful, the teacher suggested.

If I go to China, can I keep in touch with the teacher and ask for advice at any time if I have language or cultural problems? I am willing to pay the corresponding consultation fee. Takahashi thoughtful.

Of course, the consultation fee is easy to say. We can calculate it by the hour. If it is less than an hour a day, it will be calculated as an hour. The teacher agreed very much. He really hoped that Gaoqiao would study for a few years, preferably until he graduated with a doctorate.

With the teacher's approval, Takahashi became more confident. He thought about it, what else should he ask the teacher for.

Also, any social advice? Takahashi asked.

The teacher thought for a while: You are only studying for three months, remember some simple rules: work more, talk less; when you hear an order, act immediately; drink and clink glasses, and put the glasses a little lower than the other side; go out to eat together, grab a Pay your bills; drink quickly and without any excuses for delay; if you are in a dormitory, don’t snore at night—”

Takahashi blushed: Except for the last one, everything else can be done.

Then do your best. If you snore, apologize to your roommate the next day and send a WeChat red envelope. The teacher is very professional, and he has thought of everything that should be thought of.

Teacher, what's the matter with the WeChat red envelope? Takahashi didn't understand.

However, the time has come, it is already eleven o'clock in the evening, and it is time to end the get out of class.

The teacher sighed lightly: Since you are so attentive, then I will teach you something for free. In China, WeChat red envelopes are a universal tool to make up for small social mistakes. They are powerful and can't be satisfied after a hundred attempts. Remember, if you do If something goes wrong, I mean a small social mistake, just give red envelopes to the other party, and red envelopes to colleagues in the department, don’t be soft, take out your phone, and I will teach you well.”

Takahashi took out his mobile phone, very excited, and was very grateful to the teacher.

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