The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 321 Brain-computer interface

Gaoqiao arrived at the department on time at 6:00 in the morning. According to Zhang Lin's request, after finishing his work, he began to help him make tea.

He weighed twenty-nine tea grains with an electronic scale, and then recorded it in his notebook. He decided to start with today's weight and add and subtract according to Zhang Lin's satisfaction until he found the best tea weight.

Gaoqiao also recorded and calculated the time of making the tea, the time of making the tea, the time Zhang Lin went to work, the cooling rate of a cup of tea, and Gaoqiao made calculations to ensure that Zhang Lin could drink warm when he went to work. But not hot tea.

In Japan, Takahashi also has a little knowledge of the tea ceremony, but after all, China and Japan are different, and Dr. Zhang's simple brewing tea requires meticulous experience to brew a satisfactory taste.

Taoqiao, you bought the electronic scale to make tea? Li Guodong thought he was doing an experiment.

After Takahashi finished brewing tea, he was very satisfied with his work, rubbed his hands and said, Yes, these tea leaves are of different sizes, and it is difficult to measure accurately by counting the particles. Only by accurate weighing can it be accurate.

This Japanese is too determined to do things, just make a tea, and actually use an electronic scale with an accuracy of 0.001 grams. This is to make a cup of tea with an experimental attitude. Li Guodong is an eye-opener.

Gao Qiao helped Zhang Lin to make tea so devotedly without any complaints. From being arrogant and rude to now being humble and obedient, Li Guodong couldn't believe it.

Xu Zhiliang also came to the department early to report that he was a doctor of orthopedics, but he could not find a decent professional job after graduation. In order to stay in a better hospital, he changed his family and entered the emergency department. Today, he finally got his wish. Opportunity to enter orthopaedics, re-do this line.

He nodded and greeted everyone with a smile. Some nurse girls, some of whom knew him, covered their mouths and snickered, because he stuttered, and I heard that the pants he was wearing had holes in the buttocks, which is more unusual in the hospital, and some secretly looked at his buttocks. , but it was covered by a white coat, and I don't know if there was really a hole.

Professor Zhang Da's life is now very moist, sitting at his desk, the tea has changed from hot to warm, and it has been placed on the desk, he unscrewed the lid leisurely, and took a sip: Yes, there is. Progress is still a little bit thicker.”

Takahashi, who was standing beside him, listened intently to Zhang Lin's feedback, immediately wrote the feedback in his notebook, and began to appropriately reduce the amount of tea leaves tomorrow.

Being looked at secretly, Xu Jieba disapproved, and automatically stood in an inconspicuous corner to study the erected human skeleton alone.

Yang Ping came in from the door, and everyone immediately stopped their work, stood up, and said in unison, Dr. Yang, morning!

Over time, something called prestige gradually settled in everyone's heart. Xu Zhiliang was bowing down to study the skeleton, standing up straight, and greeted him with reverence.

To be able to show his talent under such a person, he has no regrets in this life, Xu Zhiliang suddenly became high-spirited and emotional.

There were several surgeries in the morning, including lumbar disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, pelvic tumor surgery, and one for percutaneous kyphoplasty. Yang Ping asked Xu Zhiliang to perform the operation. He wanted to see his surgical level. He was on the stage. Look, there won't be any security issues.

As soon as Xu Zhiliang underwent surgery, it was like a completely different person. He was confident and calm, spoke and moved neatly, without stuttering at all.

Zhang Lin couldn't believe it, this was Xu Jieba. There were times when Zhang Lin didn't listen to the commander of the chief knife, and was scolded by Xu Jieba. Yang Ping just laughed when he saw it on the stage.

After several operations, Xu Zhiliang not only performed well, but also performed very fast. His basic surgical skills were also very good, and he could almost catch up with Song Zimo.

Yi Gao people are bold, no wonder they can extend the abdominal wound at the emergency scene, reach in to block the aorta, and stop the bleeding with bare hands.

Yang Ping suddenly felt a treasure, and went to the personnel office to interview several doctors, but none of them were satisfied, so he actually let himself pick the treasure in the emergency department.

After a few operations, you can see the level. There is no need for a three-month probation period. After the operation, Yang Ping said to Xu Zhiliang in the dressing room: I'll make a call later, and you will go to the personnel office to go through the transfer procedures tomorrow. .

No--three-month trial--use--use--expiration period? Xu Zhiliang was ready for a three-month trial.

Yang Ping shook his head: No, others have to try it for three months. You Xu Zhiliang only need to try it for one day. You can work hard in the general orthopaedic department in the future. If you need anything, please tell me directly. If you find WeChat convenient, just send it.

Xu Zhiliang nodded gratefully: This is--passed-?

Excited for a while, the last word was uttered, and it took a long time to spit it out.

Pass with full marks! Yang Ping said with satisfaction, and Gaoqiao also gave Xu Zhiliang a thumbs up.

Zhang Lin has the desire to make a show for the newcomers, but on the operating table, he was scolded by Xu Zhiliang to lose his temper. , Zhang Lin is pretending to be a force but not pretending, and he has become a force.

In the afternoon, the Department of Comprehensive Orthopedics discussed Yu Shuilian's case in the conference room, learned about the patient's rescue and surgery, and discussed the next treatment plan.

Yu Shuilian's condition was temporarily stable, Song Zimo also took time to participate in Keli's case discussion, everyone gathered, and the atmosphere was very good.

Xu Zhiliang was very excited when he saw Song Zimo: Doctor Song, Jiu-Yang--

Long Yang! Song Zimo shook hands with him.

Xu Jieba from the emergency department still knew him, but he didn't deal much with it. He only played chess a few times. He heard from Yang Ping that he joined the orthopedics department.

What--when--together--play--a blind game?

You still play blind chess with me?

In the chess and card game in Sanbo Hospital, Song Zimo lost the chess in the spine surgery, and Xu Jieba in the emergency department also lost the Go game to Song Zimo.

Xiao Wu came over with a few puzzle pieces and placed them on the table in the conference room.

What are you doing with these? Zhang Lin asked.

Wait a minute -- the lecturer -- the teaching aids. Xu Zhiliang said angrily.

Zhang Lin glanced at him, and was afraid of him, so he had to stay away from him and did not dare to sit next to him.

The doctors, postgraduates, trainees and interns were all there. The case discussion started at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The next treatment plan was discussed first, and then Yang Ping explained the main points of the operation.

Song Zimo has been taking care of this patient in the ICU. As the doctor in charge, he will report the case: general situation, medical history, physical examination, auxiliary examination, diagnosis, treatment process, current difficulties encountered, and the next treatment plan.

The main risks she faces now are infection and organ failure. Fortunately, so far, there has been no infection or organ failure. Song Zimo asked a question.

If she can overcome the two life-and-death junctures of infection and organ failure, she will then consider a second-stage operation to reconstruct her anus and urethra, and establish her urination and defecation function. Xu Zhiliang is very active and does not stutter.

Reconstruction of the urethra, I recommend multi-curved reconstruction. From the perspective of normal anatomy, the female urethra is shorter and straighter than the male urethra. The bacteria invade the urethra from the outside, and the path to enter the urinary system is short and easy, which is easy for women to have urinary tract infections. The reason. Takahashi rushed to express his opinion, halfway through, he looked at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping nodded to encourage him, and he continued: This patient's urethra has been damaged. If we still use the straight and short method during reconstruction, it is still prone to urinary tract infections. She has a worse ability to resist infection than normal people. In order to reduce the probability of urinary tract infection in the future, I recommend the use of multi-curved long-path urethral reconstruction to reduce the probability of urinary tract infection in the future.

The general case discussion is based on the doctor's title, from resident physician to attending physician, then to deputy senior, senior high, and gradually escalated, and finally the director of the department summarizes.

However, in the case discussion of the orthopaedic department, Yang Ping broke the routine, and the participants were free to speak regardless of grades. Finally, Yang Ping came to summarize everyone's opinions.

The patient is unacceptable to his own disability and needs to rebuild his mental state. I suggest that according to the patient's individual situation, ask the Psychology Department to designate a complete psychological counseling plan, and conduct specialized long-term psychological counseling and remodeling. A graduate student speaks.

Very good! Everyone spoke very enthusiastically, don't be afraid to make a mistake. Yang Ping encouraged everyone.

A regulation Pearson mustered his courage: This, that, the patient is still in the ICU. I think it is best to let her son and her husband visit her in the ICU ward once a day, so that she can see the poor son. It will be unbearable and muster up the courage to live, which is more useful than any psychological counseling.

Another girl hurriedly said: I know, there is a disabled person who lost both lower limbs from the root of his thigh. Later, he became a calligrapher and is quite famous. You can contact this calligrapher, let them meet, and let Yu Shuilian use a real example. Knowing that living on your own is not a waste, it has full value in life, and is valuable to the family and society.

Guide her to train her upper body strength early, and walk with her upper body later.

The discussion was very active, everyone started to make associations, and did their best to speak freely.

Actually, I can be more optimistic. If she can successfully pass the dangerous period, she can use the armpit chest wall for support and use the brain-computer interface power prosthesis. Song Zimo seemed more optimistic.

Xu Zhiliang is unwilling: Musk has a company that is researching brain-computer interfaces, and it is at the forefront of the world. They use monkeys for experiments, and they can use the brain-computer interface to train monkeys to use robotic arms to eat.

The International Institute of Telecommunications and Telecommunications (ATR) in Kyoto, Japan, has produced a practical robotic arm. If necessary, I can contact ATR. We have cooperated with them to develop a dynamic brace for patients with lower limb paralysis. It was used in patients, and the experiment was very successful. Takahashi's participation is increasing.

The Stanford team in the United States also has a successful case. The article was published in Nature. They have entered human experiments. The experimental subject is a paralyzed patient. When the patient tries to do hand movements, functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is performed to determine the movement. A precise area of ​​​​the cortex. Then a chip is implanted in this area of ​​the patient's brain. When the patient wants to move the hand, the motor nerve signal is translated into electrical pulses to drive the muscles in the arm, stimulate the electrodes, and make the arm muscles contract as desired, complete I can even play games and play the guitar.” Song Zimo’s performance was very good, and he actively kept up with it.

Originally, I just wanted to discuss the next stage of the second-stage reconstruction surgery. I didn't expect that everyone was so enthusiastic, and they discussed how to make Yu Shuilian stand and walk.

It seems that they are all big bull-level figures, who see high and far, Yang Ping is very happy.

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