The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 330 US Mail

After removing the thread for Yu Shuilian, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. Converted to US time, it should be past five in the morning.

This American Robert is very energetic. It's either an email at 1am or an email at 5am. This guy doesn't need to sleep?

Yang Ping opened the e-mail: Dear Dr. Yang, I am sorry to disturb you again. I have used your surgical method to complete a case of multi-ligament reconstruction of the knee joint, and the effect exceeded expectations. Now, there is a special case in my patient. I have sent the case data to your mailbox, see the attachment. If possible, please give suggestions, I am very grateful! Robert in New York.

Since reviewing the manuscript, Yang Ping has communicated with Robert several times by email, and now he has sent case data. It seems that Lao Luo is also a serious technical maniac.

For such people, Yang Ping generally prefers it. The screen of the mobile phone is too small, and it is still inconvenient to view images and pictures. Yang Ping opens the mailbox on the computer in the office, downloads the files in the attachment, and then habitually kills the virus.

The hospital information department has sent several notices on the intranet. Do not open emails casually, especially those from overseas. You must routinely disinfect them before opening them to prevent ransomware.

Be careful to make the Wannian ship, this is an email from the United States, or antivirus is better.

The computer is connected to a professional reading electronic screen, and the magnetic resonance image is very clear. This is a very rare case of a five-year-old boy with knee injury and multiple ligament ruptures.

Yang Ping has done a lot of these kinds of operations in the system space, more than this strange one. This kind of case, in the system space, is considered an extremely common case, but in reality, Yang Ping has never encountered it.

The difficulty of this case is that he is a multi-ligament rupture of the knee joint, and he is a child in the process of growth and development. The multi-ligament reconstruction itself is very difficult to operate. In addition, it is a child, and the difficulty is superimposed.

Children are not small adults. Children's bodies are in the process of growth and development, and they have their own characteristics. Moreover, children of different ages have their own characteristics. Children's surgery cannot be regarded as a reduced version of adults.

For a five-year-old child, the entire operation must not damage the epiphysis, otherwise the knee joint and even the left lower extremity will have developmental deformities.

The adult epiphysis line has already been closed, and there is no such thing as an epiphysis. Adults do this kind of surgery, whether it is tunneling of the tibia and femur, without considering the epiphysis. .

Therefore, for such operations on children, the starting and ending points of the ligaments cannot be placed in the original anatomical position, and the position must be changed, bypassing the epiphysis and placing it in a special position.

In this way, the starting point and insertion point of the ligament are changed, and all the anatomical data about the normal ligament cannot be used. In this special case, it is very difficult to simulate the normal ligament function.

The surgically implanted tendon simulates normal ligament function, not only to obtain initial stability, but also to take into account his future growth and development trends.

After the tendon is implanted, it is dead for a period of time, and it takes time to activate; after activation, for a long time, the growth rate of the ligament does not match the growth rate of the knee joint; after this period of mismatch, it enters the matching period, This stability is the ultimate stability.

This ligament growth is not linear for a long time to the growth of the knee joint, and the relationship is very complex.

If these cannot be taken into consideration, after the operation, the knee joint will return to an unstable state after a long time, and a second operation will be required to adjust the ligament tension; A third operation was performed.

Endless surgeries continued into adulthood without satisfactory surgical results; in this poor process, the negative impact of instability on knee growth and development has quietly and permanently occurred.

This is also the reason why Robert, a master of sports medicine, has not been able to come up with a satisfactory surgical plan.

There are also very few medical devices and implants for children's sports medicine on the market. Only one American company is making such products - OrthoPediatricS, the only company in the world that specializes in children's orthopedic implants.

In China, children's sports medicine equipment is temporarily blank. For Yang Ping, the problem lies in medical equipment and consumables, not technology.

Dr. Robert, congratulations on the success of your first operation. The case information you sent has been studied. In this case, the operation needs to be performed as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the more profound the impact of the injury on the growth and development of the knee joint. The operation is very complicated. , There are many factors involved, and many factors are related to growth and development, and are in dynamic. However, the operation is not difficult. If the operation is to be successfully completed, the assistance of OrthoPediatricS is required, but their current products are not suitable for this patient. The flexible production line is specially designed for patients, designing and manufacturing a set of personalized instruments and implants. Yang Ping is in G City.

Yang Ping replied to the email. He didn't know if it was because of the influence of the system space, or if he was too focused on medicine. Now he likes to be straightforward, talk and do things, and is too lazy to go around detours, so as to avoid wasting time.

Yang Ping turned off the reading electronic screen. It seems that when he has time, it is necessary to write a paper on the reconstruction of ligaments in children's shoulder and knee joints to popularize relevant knowledge.

In reality, countless doctors can only accumulate this knowledge after decades of experience, but Yang Ping can quickly gain experience in the system space, and sublime the experience into theory for everyone to use. This is a beautiful thing .

My God, it's great! Hearing this, my coffee spilled all over my desk, my computer keyboard, my clothes and my pants, but it wasn't very hot. OrthoPediatrics, has been with me. Close contact, producing the equipment alone is not a problem. If it is convenient, can we cross the Pacific Ocean, sit together, drink coffee, and chat about this case, if God can give me a little more grace, and can watch Dr. Yang's surgery. Even better, I saw on the official website of your hospital that Dr. Yang's department requires international advanced students to require Chinese level 4. Unfortunately, Robert cannot meet the requirements in a short period of time. Can I visit Dr. Yang as a short-term academic exchange? No, if not, three days? If not three days, then one day. Robert Jr. is in New York, typing with one hand and cleaning coffee on the table with the other.

Is this American waiting for the email, and the email exchange has been played to the instant effect of WeChat communication. Just a few minutes after the email was sent, Robert replied to the email.

As for the academic exchange, there is no definitive answer for now. I will ask the teaching secretary of the department to contact you. Yang Ping is in City G.

Yang Ping called Zhang Lin to the office: Zhang Lin, now there is an American doctor, Dr. Robert from the New York Special Surgery Hospital, who wants to come over to study surgery. He said that he can't pass CET-4 for the time being. Can he use it as a short-term academic exchange? How many days to come to our department?

According to the regulations of our department, international students must pass CET-4 in Chinese. If there is an academic exchange, there is no language restriction, but they can only observe, not participate in clinical work, or go to the operating table. Zhang Lin is very serious, and now he takes this A job well done.

Yang Ping gave Robert's e-mail address to Zhang Lin: About academic exchanges, you can contact Robert directly, and see how to arrange it according to the system.

Zhang Lin took down the mailbox, a Xiao Gao came, and now another Ronaldinho came, and he had a lot of courage on his shoulders.

Dr. Yang, these foreigners are coming one after another. My burden is not light. You said that I don't strictly manage it. If these people are lazy and can't learn anything, they will smash our signs. If the management is too strict, I'm afraid. These foreigners said that I was unfriendly and oppressed them. Zhang Lin expressed his difficulties.

Yang Ping smiled, this kid is a little bit in a state now: You can manage it how you want to manage it. It's not right for people, as long as you follow the system, you'll be fine.

In this way, I can rest assured that Robert's affairs, you leave it to me. Zhang Lin got the Shang Fang sword.

In the future, these people who study and communicate will definitely be indispensable. Many of them are technical experts. Those who know their interests are fine, but those who don’t know their interests do not obey the discipline and do not have a strict management system.

In the doctor's office, some Gu Peisheng were chatting hotly when they saw Zhang Lin coming over: Mr. Zhang, there is news.

Is there any news here in Zhang Lin? to want to hear.

Director Zhu and Wang Ge's lawsuit, the second trial will be held next Monday. A Gui Peisheng showed Zhang Lin his mobile phone.

Not long ago, everyone was having dinner together, and Director Zhu treated guests. Naturally, everyone began to care about Director Zhu's affairs. After a boring search, they saw this news.

I'll take a look at this. Zhang Lin knew about the news a few days ago, but he was busy recently and didn't have time to broadcast.

This news was broadcasted by this Gu Peisheng beforehand, but Zhang Lin is not thinking about it now. It is the teaching secretary that needs his energy.

Director Zhu sued Wang Ge for using fake news to infringe his reputation, and the first-instance verdict: According to the identification of the health department, Director Zhu's operation was in compliance with the norms and there was no fault; after the investigation and identification of the court, Wang Ge's news violated the principle of seeking truth from facts and was fake news. The court ruled that Wang Ge apologized to Director Zhu in court and published in the newspaper, and compensated 20,000 yuan for reputation damage and mental damage. Wang Ge refused to accept it in court, questioned the identification results of the health department, and rejected his own fake news identification results. Acknowledgment, to appeal, to enter the second-instance procedure. The news said that the two lawsuits have been fighting for five years, and why have not seen any reports. Gu Peisheng became suspicious.

Do you think the second instance will uphold the original judgment? Someone asked worriedly.

Everyone believes that the law will uphold justice for Director Zhu. Some people are very confident.

Director Tian's phone, there are important things to discuss, he is not convenient to come, let Yang Ping take time to go to the Overseas Chinese Building.

Yang Ping and Director Tian have a very good relationship. He has something to do and is in such a hurry. Naturally, he will not neglect and immediately rushed to the Overseas Chinese Building.

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