The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 332 The Future Mayo

Xiao Su waited for Yang Ping at the gate of the Overseas Chinese Building, and the two went to the cafeteria to eat.

After dinner, the two went out for a walk and walked to the overpass. Hermes was singing, and his wife was helping to adjust the sound. This eldest brother was a singer who was delayed by coal mining.

One song after another, The Glorious Years, Sailor, and Not Big Brother for Many Years are truly amazing. Not to mention the emotion he puts into tears, the level of this booming song is really worth it.

On the side of the hospital, Hermes sang so loudly, the hospital security wanted to come over and persuade them to leave, but for so many days, no one complained, and many patients ran to listen to the song, and the security didn't care, and followed the beat Come.

I heard that I used to be a coal boss, but the scenery is now bankrupt, hey-

Look, this song makes people cry.

In the stainless steel washbasin in front of Hermès, a lot of money has been lost, including a hundred-yuan bill.

In addition to the washbasin, there is a payment QR code next to it. When listening to the song, I sympathized for a while, took out my mobile phone to scan it, and gave a dollar or two.

Since Hermès started singing, Tianqiao has become a traffic treasure. The scalpers who sell accounts, the Langzhong who sells herbs, the blind man who tells fortunes, and the old gentleman who sells antiques, have all been driven by business. Hermès alone drives the economic development of Tianqiao.

Expert number, attached one, attached two, provincial doctors, provincial traditional Chinese medicine, and three Bos, all have-- scalpers marketed in the crowd.

Specializing in the treatment of impotence and premature ejaculation, the ancestral doctor of the 18th generation, the three doses are invalid, and the refund is automatic.

The official kiln of the Qing Dynasty is genuine, and it is on sale for lack of money. A few words were spread next to it, and the old scholar wore black round glasses and shook a paper fan.

The two walked around the hospital and stopped under a tree. Yang Ping told Xiao Su some recent things. When it came to the matter of Boss Cheng's gift of shares, Xiao Su had different opinions.

She said: I think you should accept the shares, and you deserve it. In European and American countries, doctors, especially well-known doctors, have their own clinics. This is the way to realize the value of your medical practice, not only to make money, but also to make money. Don't be too much of this stuff. With more money, we can do more things and help more people. If we have more money, we can help children like Sisi, and we can do charity in the future. , to help more people.”

With more money, if you want to engage in scientific research in the future, you don't need to look up to others and wait for the approval of any fund. You can freely set up your own laboratory and conduct your own scientific research projects. Only financial freedom can you have other freedoms.

Of course, even if you become a shareholder, you don't have to worry about the management of the hospital. You are only responsible for the operation and let Lao Cheng manage it. He is an excellent hospital administrator.

This hospital has to rely on you, and the future development route will naturally follow your will. In my opinion, Lao Cheng will let you become a major shareholder sooner or later. Why would he not be happy to lean on your tree? To you For example, with this hospital, you can run your ideal hospital according to your own ideas, and maybe you can run it better than the Mayo Clinic in the future.”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Su had such an insight, Yang Ping listened carefully and looked at Xiao Su.

Xiao Su then stopped: I'm just a nurse, I don't know anything, just say whatever comes to mind, you can use it as a reference.

Yang Ping hugged her: I think now, you see these things higher and farther than me. I only focus on medical skills. You are right. I want this share.

Don't mention it yourself. I'll tell my brother and ask him to go to Boss Cheng and say that I have done your ideological work, so Boss Cheng will naturally come to you to talk about the shares. Xiao Su is very careful.

Although I don't understand, but after listening to you chatting with me, I think that the conditions of this hospital are very mature. Boss Cheng is a doctor, and he is good at management. He specializes in management; you have first-class medical skills and focus on surgery; My brother socializes extensively outside, and solves some public relations trivial matters in the hospital. This iron triangle relationship can make the hospital develop rapidly. In the future, if you have money, you can buy land, build a house, and expand the hospital. Mayo Clinic was like this back then.

Xiao Su is snuggling up in Yang Ping's arms. She doesn't understand anything. She has analyzed things clearly and sees the future decades later.


Every day is the same, the difference is that every time I meet a different patient.

There was nothing special about the other patients during the morning rounds. There was a patient on Xiao Wu’s side who had repeated pain in his left calf for three years. The little boy, 12 years old, had seen many doctors and said it was growing pains. He also did a lot of examinations. nothing.

Growing pains? Yang Ping thought it was strange, no way, there is no such diagnosis, there is no such diagnosis in medicine.

In general, pain around the knee joint or the front of the lower leg in children, if there is no history of trauma, normal activity, no redness, tenderness, or other diseases in the local tissue, is usually defined as growing pains, which is considered to be a physical growth. Due to rapid development, it may also be related to calcium deficiency.

In fact, there is no such thing as growing pains in medicine, and there is no diagnosis or description of growing pains in any professional medical journals, journals, etc.

Therefore, the concept of growing pains is a completely false proposition. Children have pain around the knee joint or the front of the calf. There is no abnormality in the physical examination and auxiliary examination. All such pains for which the cause cannot be found are called growing pains.

Like rheumatoid arthritis spread among the people, all unexplained knee pains are classified as rheumatoid arthritis. It seems that there is a diagnosis, but it is actually the same as no diagnosis.

There is no unprovoked pain, all pain has a reason, but the doctor has not found it, or the medicine has no way to find it.

In fact, this kind of pain has nothing to do with growth. Most of the so-called growing pains are related to exercise. The pain usually onsets at night. Or pain from a minor injury to a muscle ligament.

Adults often experience this kind of soreness after a lot of exercise. For example, professional athletes will take a sauna after a lot of exercise. The purpose is to fully dilate blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, and excrete wastes such as lactic acid produced by exercise as much as possible to alleviate this kind of pain. pain.

Children are hyperactive and their ability to clear lactic acid is weak, so this pain is more obvious.

Yang Ping took Song Zimo to the ward, inquired about the patient's medical history, had a physical examination, and read all the test results of the patient.

No problem was found, and all the results showed normal, but the child was in pain, how could it be normal? It can only be said that the imaging examination has not detected it for the time being.

Want to do an MRI again?

No need for now, bring all the films to the office and I'll go through them again.

Song Zimo collects images and pictures in a thick bag.

The film is hung on the reading lamp, and everyone will gather around as long as the matter at hand is not very urgent.

Takahashi didn't care about his identity, grabbed a seat with the students, and hurried to the front, so that he could be the closest to Yang Ping.

The films were hung one by one. Some of them were damaged due to poor storage, and some plaques appeared, which seriously affected the reading of the films.

On CT, there is a very subtle density change at the lower end of the right tibia. If you don't look carefully, you think it is a blood vessel impression. At the same location, there is also a slight signal change on MRI. Among the blacks, there is a little bit of black, and among the whites, there are some not-so-white whites.

This part is in the common vascular imprinting position, which is naturally missed by all doctors and will not be considered abnormal.

Re-do an MRI, this is a chronic osteomyelitis, focal, this point is not vascular indentation, but bone necrosis. Yang Ping watched the film, and the diagnosis came out.

The ionizing radiation of CT is relatively large, and it is not good for children to do too much. Therefore, another MRI is performed to obtain the latest image of the lesion to guide the operation.

It can be seen that it is osteomyelitis, just a little bit? Gaoqiao turned his head to look at Yang Ping. His eyes were so hard that he couldn't see it now. The vascular pressure marks on the picture are very typical. How do you say it is osteonecrosis? , osteonecrosis has such?

In the future, if Takahashi wants to take Fujiwara Masao's class, he will make achievements in the Department of Orthopedics, not limited to trauma surgery, so he also wants to learn other things from Yang Ping.

You catch two mosquitoes and show them to him. He glances at them and can tell if they are female or male. If you ask him how he sees them, he will tell you that it is very simple. Look at the genitals. Song Zimo knew that Yang Ping's judgment was certain. Can't go wrong.

The next thing to do is to follow his instructions. If you don't understand it, think about it slowly.

Song Zimo asked Xiao Wu to call the family over and explain the child's condition: this is chronic osteomyelitis, focal, a little bit, and surgery is required to completely remove the infected and necrotic bone tissue inside, and then use calcium sulfate called calcium sulfate. Things are filled in, the operation is done, and the child's problem is solved.

When the family heard the surgery, their faces were gloomy and uncertain.

You can make a minimally invasive, 1-centimeter incision, and then use instruments to drill into the bone, drill out that bit of necrotic bone tissue together with a small amount of surrounding normal bone tissue, then fill in calcium sulfate, and sew a stitch. Yes. Yang Ping added.

With minimally invasive procedures, the children's parents will be happy, but if it is drastic, they will be a little worried.

It lives up to its reputation. Your skills here are really good. We heard from outside that the Orthopedics Department of Sanbo Hospital is very good, especially there is Dr. Yang, who is really good. I heard that the surgery that the devil can't do, Dr. Yang easily won it. The child's father Excited for a while, I flattered.

Takahashi stood across from him and listened. He heard clearly and clearly, his face was hot, didn't this devil say himself?

The doctor at our community health station said, you kid, you don't need to go anywhere else, just go to Sanbo, find Dr. Yang, don't find the wrong person, if he can't see it, don't worry about it in the future. I can't see it anymore. The child's father was very eloquent.

Then agree to the surgery? Song Zimo asked.

The child's father nodded: Agree, it's all up to you.

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