The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 486 The touching family

Next, continue to the Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Academic Forum.

The attention of the doctors in the entire venue was attracted by the operation just now, and it was difficult to change for a while, and even some doctors were still discussing the operation just now in private.

Yang Ping naturally became the focus of the meeting. Some doctors were not optimistic about China at first, but because of this operation, their views were completely changed. Another group of doctors who supported China before is now more determined.

The more people who support China, the more likely it is that the president of the association will be elected at the next annual meeting.

The time for the morning meeting was compressed, and only Professor Su and Fujiwara Masao gave speeches.

Professor Su's topic is biological bone cement. This bone cement is Professor Su's research efforts for many years. Although it has not entered the clinic, breakthroughs have been made in the laboratory.

When ordinary bone cement is used for vertebroplasty, after it is injected into the vertebral body, it is a foreign body and a dead body to the human body. It is very hard and has a great difference in elastic modulus from the surrounding bone tissue.

After Professor Su's bone cement is injected into the vertebral body, this bone cement can not only support the vertebral body in the early stage, but also induce osteogenesis, which can guide the body's own bone tissue to crawl and replace from the surrounding, and finally the bone cement disappears. normal human bone tissue.

Biological bone cement is very promising, which is also the key scientific research achievement of Professor Su who has obtained academician in China.

Masao Fujiwara's subject is the biological fixation of artificial intervertebral discs. Artificial intervertebral disc replacement has always been very controversial. Because the technology is immature, it is not only impossible to replace the original intervertebral disc, but also easy to loosen and displace after surgery.

However, Professor Fujiwara's technology has innovated the original artificial intervertebral disc fixation method. He was inspired by the biological fixation of the artificial hip joint, so that the artificial intervertebral disc can also obtain biological fixation.

That is, after the artificial intervertebral disc is implanted into the intervertebral space, after a period of time, it can form a bony fixation with the upper and lower cartilage endplates and bone.

These two technologies are the result of the efforts of two professors for more than ten years, and there is no distinction between Zhongbo in terms of technical value.

The results brought by other professors from China and Japan are roughly evenly matched, and all competition is fierce.

The medical results brought by Yang Ping are like a heavy weight, pressing on the Chinese tray, causing the scale to tilt significantly toward China.

New surgical methods for multi-ligament reconstruction of shoulder and knee joints, new surgical methods for children's cruciate ligament reconstruction, new osteotomy methods for scoliosis correction, and external fixators for scoliosis.

In particular, the external fixator for the treatment of scoliosis is a revolutionary technology.

Yang Pingyuan planned not to bring this technology to the conference, but before he came, some experimental monkeys were successfully orthopedic, which made the subject meet the conditions for reporting at the conference, so he decided to bring it to the conference to report temporarily.

At noon, during the adjournment period, Japanese lunch boxes were arranged, and some small speeches were also arranged during the free time for meals.

These speeches are all topics for young doctors. They don't have the opportunity to report at the formal meeting for the time being, so it is also a kind of exercise to report to everyone during the coffee break.

Masao Fujiwara was having lunch with Professor Liang, Professor Su and others when someone came to spread the word: Professor Fujiwara, the president of the young boy is here.

Fujiwara Chiao is the younger brother of Fujiwara Masao, the successor of the Fujiwara family, and a top student who graduated from Cambridge University.

Masao Fujiwara greeted everyone and rushed to the intensive care unit immediately.

This is the top intensive care ward of Dongda Hospital, and only Japanese social giants and the royal family can stay in it.

The entire ward occupies one floor, and all doctors and nurses provide medical services for only one patient.

In the intensive care unit, Fujiwara Chiao grabbed his uncle's hand in his palm and held it tightly, showing infinite sadness on his face.

No matter how busy he is, he comes to visit every day.

And I have to do the same thing every day, to wash my uncle's clothes.

This was supposed to be a nurse's job, but Fujiwara Chiao did it himself.

The nurse brought a basin of water, and the white towel was soaked in the water. Fujiwara Chiao rolled up his sleeves and reached out to test the temperature.

Then wring out the towel and wipe the uncle's body gently, taking every step seriously without any perfunctory intention.

After scrubbing his body, Fujiwara Chiao and the nurse changed his uncle into dry clothes, which has been the case every day since Fujiwara Tani was hospitalized.

But Fujiwara Tanisheng has been in a coma and can't see all this. If he can see it, he will be very moved.

The doctors and nurses next to him were all moved by him. They were really filial young people.

Among the children of the rich family, it is rare to see such a young man, not to mention that he is the president of a prestigious position, and some people are moved with tears in their eyes.

This morning, a patient similar to my uncle has been successfully operated on. The chief surgeon is Dr. Yang from China, so you don't have to be sad, there is hope for your uncle to be rescued. Masao Fujiwara accompanied his younger brother.

Fujiwara Chiao was overjoyed, with sincere feelings in his eyes: Really?

Really! Masao Fujiwara confirmed.

Hurry up and arrange the surgery!

After Fujiwara Chiao finished speaking, he immediately took his uncle's hand again: Uncle, did you hear that, we have found a doctor who can operate on you.

I want to be alone with my uncle for a while. Fujiwara's voice was hoarse.

Everyone left silently, and Masao Fujiwara also exited the ward.

This is what Fujiwara Chiao does every day. After washing his uncle's body and changing into clean clothes, he has to sit by the bed, hold his uncle's hand, and tell stories about him and his uncle when he was a child.

When Fujiwara Masao's parents died, Fujiwara Chiao and Fujiwara Miyuki were still young, and they were brought up by their uncle Gusheng. Fujiwara Gusheng was named an uncle, but he actually acted as their father, raising them and teaching them to adults.

Losing the protection of their parents, their three siblings should have left the Fujiwara family's core of power, but Fujiwara Shion is an extraordinary business genius. successor.

Doctors and nurses gathered under the large monitoring screen and stared at the pictures on the screen.

Really moving!

Yes, it's really enviable family.

The photo by the bedside of the old president was taken with him.

High expectations were placed on him. He was a top student who graduated from Cambridge, and then was arranged by the president to start from the bottom, step by step, and reach the top.

Really an elite of good character!

It is said that in order to treat the old president's illness, he personally invited famous doctors all over the world.

Yeah, look, he's crying alone.

The first time I saw him, he was handsome and energetic. Now he is a little haggard, and his eyes are full of sadness.

A nurse said distressedly.

Such a person in a high position, young and promising, with good character, naturally makes women admire.

I really hope that the old president can wake up, so that he won't be sad anymore.

Another nurse also said emotionally.

When the time was almost up, Fujiwara Masao slowly walked into the ward: Anyway, you should cheer up, the Fujiwara family needs you.

Fujiwara Chiao shook his head: The Fujiwara family can lack me, but we can't live without my uncle. Without him, we wouldn't be where we are today. He has always encouraged me, like a loving father. I remember one time when I lost a baseball game, I think When he gave up, he got angry - as the man of the Fujiwara family, are you so fragile, the road to the strong is destined to be full of thorns, you are born to overcome thorns, believe in yourself, you can definitely become a strong.

Because of this, you should cheer up and do something for him. It's human nature to live, grow old, get sick, and die, and now that uncle is very hopeful to wake up, Dr. Yang is very sure.

You don't need to comfort me. Dongda Hospital, Mayo, Charité, and the Royal Hospital of Surgeons in the United Kingdom have nothing to do. Tell me, give up. How could there be hope all of a sudden.

Children, it's true, absolutely true. This morning, Dr. Yang's surgery came to a close. If you let him perform the operation of the chief surgeon, it will be a success, but you need your support.

Can you explain a bit more?

Dr. Yang is very young and does not have a prominent reputation in the medical field. Just like Dr. Amano back then, it would be difficult for the elders of the family to agree to let such a doctor perform surgery on Uncle's surgery if there is no support.

Are you sure he can?

Sure! In the doctor's name.

I will do my best to convince the elders of the family to ask Dr. Yang to let my uncle survive.

You must cheer up. I know your deep feelings for your uncle, and so do we. You are the future of the Fujiwara family, and there are more important things to do. You must throw away your sadness.

Fujiwara Chiao covered his uncle's quilt, the doctor and nurse came in, and Fujiwara Chiao bowed deeply.

Everyone! Please!

Brother! Please!

Several nurses couldn't hold it any longer and burst into tears.

Coming out of the intensive care unit, under the escort of bodyguards, the Fujiwara brothers took a special elevator down to the first floor.

On the first floor, Masao Fujiwara happened to meet Yang Ping, and Takahashi was taking advantage of the lunch break to take Yang Ping's team on a private tour of Dongda Hospital.

At this time, Huang Jiacai also accompanied the team. When Yang Ping performed the operation, Huang Jiacai was not at the venue. He and the Ning family were hanging around and familiarizing themselves with the environment.

Dr. Yang, hello, this is the Dr. Yang I told you!

The two teams stopped facing each other.

Tokyo Fujiwara, my brother.

According to legend, the new head of the Fujiwara family.

Yang Ping also knew a thing or two about the Fujiwara family from Takahashi, but Takahashi hadn't told him about Fujiwara Gusheng.

Regarding the operation, Masao Fujiwara has not formally asked Yang Ping for help, so this time, Masao Fujiwara just gave a brief introduction.

Truly an extraordinary person!

Fujiwara Chiao's judgment on Yang Ping.

His eyes swept over casually, and accidentally made eye contact with Huang Jiacai.

Huang Jiacai's heart was cold, for some reason, he felt that there was something different in this person, but he couldn't say it.

After the occasional brief eye contact between the two, the team staggered and parted ways.

Fujiwara Chiao turned back and glanced at Huang Jiacai again.

Just at this moment, Huang Jiacai looked back at him again, and their eyes met again.

Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

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