The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 549 Secret

Director Bai and the fat boy under his hand are undergoing surgery for a comminuted pelvic fracture. The second assistant on the stage is Director Bai's graduate student and also a little fat boy.

Director Bai's weight is about two hundred catties, and the fat boy's visual weight is about the same as Director Bai's.

Three fat people were on the same stage, and the operating table was very crowded, and the other, Gui Peisheng, who was in charge of pulling the hook, was already squeezed to the point of misery.

Gauze, gauze, gauze—

Director Bai kept repeating the action of stuffing gauze into the retroperitoneal space of the pelvis, dozens of large pieces of gauze specially used for stuffing and hemostasis had already been filled.

Comminuted pelvic fracture is a landmark operation in trauma orthopedics.

It is also the most difficult and risky surgery in trauma orthopedics.

Some severe comminuted fractures, especially those with conservative treatment that still cannot stabilize blood pressure, require incision to stop bleeding, which is very challenging.

This patient was operated by director Bai's team. After interventional embolization in the emergency department, the blood pressure still dropped.

Director Bai had no choice but to go to the operating table and open the pelvis in an emergency to stop the bleeding. Unexpectedly, after opening, blood gushed out like a spring.

The old leucorrhea group has been working for so many years, and they have rich experience. At critical times, they had to use gauze to stuff them. This method is a bit traditional, but it has passed the test of time and is very reliable. It is also the last resort to stop bleeding.

The gauze ranged from a few pieces to a dozen pieces, and then dozens of pieces, and they were stuffed into the pelvic cavity.

Fifty or sixty yuan of gauze was pressed, and the stuffing was almost in place, but the blood pressure still couldn't be stabilized. After this last trick, Director Bai lost his composure, and sweat began to ooze from his forehead.

An intern secretly said to Fat Boy behind his back, Mr. Yang from the Institute of Surgery is next door, should you call him over?

Fat Boy immediately said to Director Bai: Director, we have basically completed the hemostasis now, should we ask Professor Yang to take a look, don't worry?

Director Bai is a person who cares about face, but face is worth a lot at the moment of life and death. If someone is killed, it will not be face loss.

Hearing what Fat Boy said, Director Bai immediately said, Professor Yang, hurry up!

What's more, it's not shameful to invite Professor Yang, and even Director Tan sometimes asks him to escort him.

While speaking, the fat boy hurriedly filled the surgery area with gauze.

Why panic? Director Bai reprimanded Fat Boy. Now that Yang Ping has his back, Director Bai speaks much louder.

Fat Boy was baffled by the training, but he was familiar with Director Bai's character, and immediately agreed: I just can't be as fearless as you, Director.

As surgeons, we must be calm when encountering problems. We must not lose our composure. Take your time. Experience needs to be accumulated. Director Bai seemed very tolerant, and taught Fat Boy calmly.

Yang Ping showed up in the operating room with Dr. Jin. Director Bai saw Yang Ping for the first time, turned his fat body and said, Professor Yang, the bleeding is a bit strange, but it can't be stopped, please help me?

Let me see!

When saving lives, there were not so many courtesies, Yang Ping and Dr. Jin immediately came to the stage.

Director Bai wanted to see how Yang Ping could stop the bleeding. It was said that he was so miraculous that it was the first time he had a real close-up operation on the same stage.

It's okay, I'll help you. Director Bai looked very magnanimous.

Without thinking too much, Yang Ping said, Director Bai, take a break and guide by the side. Lao Jin and I will do it together.

Well, I'll be by the side, just tell me if you can help me. Director Bai knew that if he persisted, it would be embarrassing.

Fat, you and Xiaopang go to rest, don't take off the surgical gown, you have to go on stage later.

Director Bai himself wanted to stay on the stage to watch the operation, but there were not enough seats, so he kicked the fat boy and the chubby graduate student off the stage.

Yang Ping turned his head to look at the blood pressure displayed on the screen. It was still dropping. It seemed that the stuffing method hadn’t worked. He asked the itinerant nurse: “How many bags of blood are there?”

There are still six units of suspended red blood cells and five bags of plasma, and the additional ones are not delivered so soon.

The circulating nurse hung up another bag of plasma.

Anesthesiologist! Pay attention to blood pressure, measure it every five minutes, I will reopen the retroperitoneal space in the pelvis to stop the bleeding.

Confirm that the anesthesiologist enters the state.

Yang Ping began to take Dr. Jin out of the gauze inside.

The gauze, which was completely soaked in blood, was dark red, and some had black blood clots on it.

Yang Ping withdrew the gauze to stop the bleeding.

Sometimes electrocautery is used to stop bleeding, sometimes blood vessel clamps are used to clamp bleeding points, and blood vessels are ligated with silk thread.

Advance layer by layer, like a super advanced demining machine clearing mines.

Dr. Jin couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all, so Yang Ping had to slow down so that Dr. Jin could barely keep up.

The camera on the surgical light was not turned on, and there was no surgical image on the screen on the wall. Fat Boy looked over from time to time.

Seventy-three pieces of gauze were all withdrawn, and I don't know how this wave of operations was done. There was no bleeding in the pelvic cavity, only bleeding from the fracture, and the blood pressure on the screen did not drop at this time.

Reset! Prepare the steel formwork.

Yang Ping reset the fractures, temporarily fixed them with Kirschner wires every time two fractures were reset, then put the template in for shaping, bent the steel plates according to the shaped templates, put the steel plates in again, and screwed the plates one by one.

The whole process took less than half an hour, not only to complete the hemostasis, but also to reset and fix the fracture.

The suction device sucks away the remaining blood, and the fracture will no longer ooze after the fracture is reset, so the pelvic surgery area is now clean.

Dr. Jin didn't know how to evaluate it anymore, and he hadn't been on the stage with Yang Ping much. This time, he had the surgery on the same stage and looked directly at it from a close distance. Such a complicated pelvic fracture seemed so easy and simple in Yang Ping's hands.

In less than half an hour, not only the hemostasis was completed, but also the fracture reduction and plate fixation were also completed.

Fat Boy sighed in his heart, how big is the gap between Lao Bai and Professor Yang, let alone himself.

Director Bai, in fact, you have stopped the bleeding very thoroughly. There is blood oozing from the fractures at the back. I will fix the fracture and fix it, so the bleeding will stop naturally. Yang Ping knew that Director Bai was good-faced, so he gave him a step down.

Director Bai could see clearly, knew that Yang Ping was taking care of his face, so he kept nodding his head: I said, why is this bleeding so wicked, it turned out to be bleeding from a fracture.

Professor Yang, rest, Fatty and I will close the incision.

Director Bai still has the nerve to let Yang Ping do it, do the finishing work by himself, help him save the stage, and take good care of his own face, I am really grateful.

Fat, come on stage!

Director Bai's confident voice.


The rescue next door can be described as thrilling, Song Zimo took Xiao Wu to the chest, to open the chest and press the heart.

Xu Zhiliang and Zhang Lin put aside the operation on the left thigh and temporarily took over the operation on the pelvic area to continue to stop the bleeding.

The switch and connection between the two are very tacit.

Because the patient had a sternal fracture and multiple rib fractures, the only option was to open the chest for chest compressions.

For Song Zimo, who has full body trauma surgery ability, this is his strong point.

The speed of opening the chest is very fast, faster than prying open a box or kicking open a door.

Cutting, stretching, revealing, very masterfully.

In less than a minute, the heart was already in his hands.

Song Zimo squeezed and massaged the heart rhythmically, and the pump thrust formed by manual squeezing maintained the blood flow throughout the body.

The patient is young, and he suffered from cardiac arrest due to hemorrhagic shock. The hope of successful rescue is very high.

About three minutes of direct heart compressions.


The heart in Song Zimo's hand resumed beating, and he immediately asked the equipment nurse for an epinephrine, which was injected directly into the heart.

Xu Zhiliang and Zhang Lin continued to complete the rest of the pelvic bleeding, and the division of labor between the two teams was very harmonious.

The tense atmosphere in the operating room has eased slightly, and the rate of blood pressure drop has slowed down. As long as it is still falling, this high school student is not out of danger, and there may be another cardiac arrest at some point.

Song Zimo and Xiao Wu began to explore the chest cavity and repair the damaged tissue.

Teacher Zhang!

This intern was obviously more persistent than the last one, and finally seized the opportunity.

Your wife, Mr. Li, just gave birth to a cesarean section. The mother and child are safe. Now she has been sent back to the obstetrics department. Teacher Li asked you to do the surgery first, and then go to the obstetrics department to accompany her. The intern finally finished speaking.

Zhang Lin was taken aback, happiness came suddenly, like a dream.

Xu Zhiliang looked at him in a daze: Brother, are you a father now? Hurry up.

This operation? Zhang Lin hesitated.

Hurry up, how about me? I'll bring an intern. Xu Zhiliang said, but after he finished talking, he realized that it was impossible to bring an intern for this operation.

Even Professor Yang went to the next door to save Taiwan. Except for the interns, there seemed to be no one who could be used.

Is Teacher Li all right?

Zhang Lin took a few breaths, and his mind was a little clearer. The rescue just now was really overdrawn.

The intern replied: It's okay, a senior pediatrician accompanied me the whole time, and the head nurse from the Institute of Surgery also went. There are two babies, one weighs two ounces, and the other weighs four pounds.

Zhang Lin felt relieved when he heard that his wife was fine. He felt guilty for not being by his side for such an important matter.

However, this surgery really can't be left alone now, Xu Zhiliang definitely can't bring an intern.

Tell Teacher Li for me that I will go to the obstetrics department after the operation, Lao Xu, go ahead.

In fact, while talking, their hands have not stopped, and they have been operating.

The two speeded up the operation and chatted while doing the operation.

Holy crap, it wasn't the obstetrics department who asked the orthopedic department for consultation, it was Zhang Lin's wife who had a caesarean section, she was fine in the morning, and suddenly she said she was going to give birth.

True twins? Xu Zhiliang asked.

Zhang Lin said proudly: Teacher Zhang never tells lies.

Xu Zhiliang said apologetically again: I'm sorry, at first I really thought the obstetrics department invited us for consultation?

I myself thought that if the obstetrics department asked us to consult, it's okay. When the full moon wine is served, the red envelopes should be bigger.

Necessary, based on the relationship between our brothers, at least two hundred!

Two hundred? Add at least a zero at the end, otherwise the full moon wine will not have your seat.

I said, brother, is there any secret to having twins? A secret supported by evidence-based medicine?

Want the secret? Add a zero to the red envelope.

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