The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 708 Competing with the Dragon King

After the operation, the patient was sent back to the ward.

August and Robert took Ivan to rest in the locker room. The three of them sat in a row on the long chairs.

Dr. Ivan obviously still didn't figure it out, or he was already stuck.

Just by reading my own book, I can perform such a beautiful operation, which is almost the same as my own level.

I am not an ordinary level, representing the top level of this industry.

Is it so easy to achieve the world's top level? It is difficult for Dr. Ivan to understand what to say.

Even a cross-border leader as strong as Maninstein still needs time to achieve results, and it takes a certain amount of time to achieve results in new fields.

Are you still thinking about this? August looked worried at Ivan's dazed eyes.

Ivan nodded: How is it possible? He can do the same as me just by reading my book? How is it possible?

August shook his head helplessly: It's not that he can do the same thing as you. He can do better than you. As Robert said, you are a human, and he is a half-human, half-god existence. They are not at the same level. You The distance to him is like -- yes, the distance to Tyson and the Hulk.

The gap between Tyson and the Hulk -- this is Takahashi's words, and August feels that this sentence is the most appropriate to explain at this time.

Tyson is already the strongest in the world, but so what if he is strong, how can he compare with the Hulk, this is not a matter of hard work, talent determines the gap.

Dr. Ivan muttered to himself, repeated August's words, and then recalled the experience of contacting Yang Ping during this period.

When we met for the first time, Professor Yang readily agreed to share the in vitro skin augmentation technology with him. That was the first time we met, so generous.

The second time, when the shift was over in the morning, Professor Yang used a whiteboard marker to draw a medical drawing comparable to his own.

The third time was to trim the dough, and he was able to shape it at one time, not too much, and the shape just matched.

The fourth time is today's operation. Although it is only the shaping of the pinna and nostrils, the level has been seen --- very high!

This is because Professor Yang is not interested in plastic surgery. If he is interested, he probably doesn't know how far he can throw himself.

Professor Yang is not interested in plastic surgery, so why would he devote his energy to research on skin augmentation technology in vitro? Ivan couldn't help asking.

August had no choice but to tell the truth: Focus on it? For him, how could it be possible to devote energy to the in vitro skin augmentation technique?

You said that this topic is not his main research field? Ivan didn't believe it.

This kind of in vitro skin augmentation technology, without continuous research for five or ten years, is impossible to succeed at all. Even a genius like Maninstein took several years, and Professor Yang's technical route is completely different from that of Maninstein. Different, relatively more advanced and more difficult.

The professor originally wanted me to be a bridge to learn the technology of Professor Maninstein, but later he found it too troublesome, so he simply started to study the in vitro skin augmentation technology by himself. It seems that he came up with this new technology in less than a month. , and then taught this technology to Tang Shun who came back from Japan. In the eyes of the professor, this technology does not even count as fifty cents, so when you need this technology, he will give it to you without hesitation. Because, to him, it is fifty cents, and giving you fifty cents is nothing.

Fifty cents, this metaphor is too stinging.

Dr. Ivan's heart instantly turned cold. It turned out that the thing he was pursuing was only worth fifty cents, and he couldn't help showing a helpless and wry smile on his face.

Ivan? Are you okay, you don't mind, I mean— August felt that it was too much, and for Ivan, he was not mentally prepared to accept something.

Robert said to Ivan seriously: He's really exaggerating. To the professor, this technology is only worth 50 cents. I hate it when others use such exaggerated techniques to sensationalize people and intentionally create a shocking effect.

August, a guy who doesn't rely on ordinary people, actually uses 50 cents to describe such a precious technology. If this is the case, many technologies in the world are only worth 50 cents.

Ivan felt relieved, and then looked at Robert expectantly, waiting for him to re-quote.

Robert thought for a while: Ivan, in the heart of the professor, this kind of technology cannot be so cheap, at least he is worth——

How much is it worth? Ivan asked eagerly.

Ten dollars! Robert held out a finger.

ten yuan? Is there any difference with five cents?

Ivan was disappointed again. There is not much difference between ten yuan and fifty cents.

Ivan, don't be depressed. There is a saying in China that a beggar compares with a dragon king. Do you know what it means? Robert's Chinese skills are getting deeper and deeper.

Ivan shook his head: I don't know.

The Dragon King is the god who has the most treasures, but the beggar has nothing. The Dragon King randomly takes out something that he thinks is worthless. For the beggar, it may be a priceless treasure that he will never get in his lifetime. Do you understand what I mean? asked Robert.

After Robert's explanation, Ivan understood a bit: You said that Professor Yang is the one who has the most treasures, and I am a beggar?

It's not just about you, we are all of us. This is just a metaphor. I don't mean to insult you. I just want to tell you the truth. When a beggar meets the Dragon King, he doesn't have to compare his treasures, and he doesn't have to think about why the Dragon King has a With so many treasures, the smartest way is to be friends with the Dragon King, help the Dragon King to work, even sweep the floor, and then take a few treasures for free. Robert called Ivan.

Ivan is a smart man, pondering what Robert said, and then he suddenly understood.

You are such a philosopher! Ivan couldn't help but praise Robert, this Yankee is indeed a profound thinker.

It's right to listen to him, fellow. I'm doing the same thing now. Now I have a problem. If you want to join us and become a member of us, you must have some sincerity. August patted Ivan on the shoulder.

Sincerity? I am very sincere. I came here just because of the reputation, and then I handed over my book or draft to Professor Yang for free. Ivan felt that he was full of sincerity.

August shook his head: Not enough.

Then what should I do? Ivan was puzzled.

Robert said mysteriously: You must hand in your vote.

Robert really didn't know how to translate the English of the nomination certificate, so he could only use blood oath instead.

Blood oath? Ivan became more and more confused.

August leaned over: Don't be intimidated, it's just a meeting ceremony to express your sincerity. This meeting ceremony must have enough weight. That's right, the professor has a paper on the treatment of scoliosis with external fixation technology, which was published in Science magazine, Professor Maninstein is the reviewer, I mean if you want to stay and work with Dragon King, you should convince that stubborn guy to review the manuscript in advance and let the paper pass. I have already talked to Maninstein, He didn’t waver, so I asked the guys from Charité to help him, he still hasn’t wavered, but he has loosened, if you act as a lobbyist once, he will definitely change his mind and review the manuscript in advance.”

Is this very important? It's just a paper? With Professor Yang's current technology, how could he care about this manuscript? Ivan didn't understand.

Important, very important. If Professor Yang's paper is published in advance, his Ph.D. can be graduated in advance. August explained the importance and urgency of the matter.

Ivan is really confused now, Professor Yang hasn't graduated yet? Still a student? And then the professor? And then——

Oops, what a mess and a headache.

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