“The space of reincarnation is a dangerous place.”

“And to complete the trial task is even more dangerous.”

“Now my strength is too weak to face danger head-on.”

“The best thing to do is


“Just run away faster than others! Then I will survive! ”

“Even if I encounter a mortal situation, I have the best chance of survival.”

Zheng Ling thought of this.

Directly towards the agility attribute, 8 points, 9 points… The final point reached a full 17 agility attributes.

He instantly felt that his body was light, as if he could step over seven or eight meters in one step, and jump two or three meters high in one jump.

“All this is an illusion, just an illusion brought about by the physical improvement.”

Zheng Ling calmly analyzed, he felt the changes in his body.

Strive to adapt to these new changes.

“17 points of agility, I am already faster than the vast majority of people in the world.”

“Equivalent to 1.7 times that of ordinary people!”

“With a little training, even an Olympic champion can’t catch up!”

“Then let’s meet the real trial!”

Sending an application towards the Lord God, Zheng Ling instantly felt the sky spinning, and once again lost control of his body.

High in the sky, Li Fan witnessed Zheng Ling’s various choices.

He found that this Zheng Ling in front of him was still very different from Zheng Zha in infinite terror.

One is the ultimate Holy Father, who wants to save everyone, a complete image of Guangzhengwei.

And this is both good and evil, and you can do whatever it takes to achieve the end.

“Is it because the two have different starts?”

“In the infinite horror, Zheng Zha resurrected his childhood sweetheart, and the biggest wish in his heart was concluded.”

“And my subordinate Zheng Ling needs to work hard towards the goal of resurrection, so he will stop at nothing to be agile, and let others take care of himself when he encounters danger.”

Li Fan gradually realized that his comprehension of certain rules deepened.

“After processing here, it can finally officially begin.”

“What kind of role should I join in… Oh yes! ”

“Just do it!”

He suddenly thought of an interesting entry point.


Cold, shaky….

The train moves slowly on the tracks, emitting a slight shaking sensation.

In a certain carriage, there were 10 people lying sparsely.

The 10 men and women dressed differently.

Some are dressed in cheap suits and a white-collar look of a company.

Some are dressed in school uniforms, like students who have just finished school.

Some of them had tattered clothes, wearing labor protection shoes and labor protection gloves, and it was obvious at a glance that they were construction workers on the construction site.

Zheng Ling slowly regained his perception of his surroundings.

He struggled to open his eyes and look around him as if it were a carriage.

There was a slight tremor under the feet, indicating that this was a moving train.

I finally struggled to stand up, and a man’s indifferent voice came from my ears.

“You are the best quality among this batch of newcomers.”

He looked back and saw a man dressed in black with a scar on his face.

Through the entire face, it is very hideous and terrifying.

The man was now smoking a cigarette in one hand and holding a silver-white pistol in the other.

Zheng Ling’s pupils shrank sharply.


“Desert Eagle!”

According to legend, a powerful one-handed pistol can punch a big hole in the flesh and blood body with one shot.

Some people with weak physique, using this pistol, will even be shaken by strong recoil and break their bones.

Of course, the above are just rumors in the world, and the real power of the desert eagle is not so great.

But it is also a good large-caliber pistol, at least more than enough for ordinary people, to ensure a shot for a child.

One shot went down and died in place, without firing a second shot.

Thousands of thoughts turned in Zheng Ling’s heart.

“This man in front of me has a pistol! It means that he must not be a newcomer, is it … Senior? ”

He just wanted to speak, but the man in black noticed his thoughts.

“Newcomer, I don’t want to talk now.”

“Let’s wait until all of you wake up.”

The man in black glanced at him, then turned to look at the top of the carriage, smoking in a daze.

A few minutes later, these 10 people from different industries and fields finally woke up.

The originally quiet carriage became very noisy, like a vegetable market.

The man in black was naturally Li Fan, as the first opening of the reincarnation space, how could he not be present.

A glance at the scene inside the carriage was simply chaotic.

There were those who cried and screamed, and there were those who shouted to call the police, and for a while the dragons and phoenix chicks gathered together, so it was not lively.

“It’s no wonder that the seniors in the infinite flow novels are all annoying newcomers, and this group of people is really disgusted by dogs.”

This thought flashed in Li Fan’s mind.

He pulled out the Desert Eagle and fired three shots at the roof of the car.

“Bang bang!”

Huge gunfire spread throughout the carriage, and the smell of gunsmoke filled the air.

Finally completely quieted down, the newcomers were like quails, lowered their heads, and one by two did not dare to shout again.

Li Fan’s cold eyes swept over everyone one by one before he spoke.

“My name is Zhang Jie, you can call me Brother Jie.”

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