“We still have a lot of reincarnation points left, it’s better to redeem a place and return to the real world.”

“In any case, at least report peace to the family and let them know that we are still alive.”

After Xie Ruonan said this, the atmosphere on the scene was instantly a little dignified.

Go back alone?

So who goes back?

Everyone in the room had a reason to go back.

Xie Ruonan came back from the dead, and naturally wanted to see his family again.

Xiaojin is still a college student, and the school family needs to explain it.

Not to mention Uncle Lu, the child has just been born, and he must be the most eager to go back and take a look.

What about Zheng Ling? It seems that he does not have this need, he is from an orphanage, and he has no true friends.

Go back and scold the boss, and then fire him for squid.

Everyone looked at Zheng Ling, the reincarnation point of the team, as far as he contributed the most.

As long as he opened his mouth and said that he would go back, everyone would definitely have no objection.

“See what I do? Don’t want to return, that boring social animal life is really enough! ”

“Choose for yourselves.”

Zheng Ling spread his hands together, acted as a handshaker, and pushed the problem out.

As the deputy leader of the team, Xie Ruonan was the first to speak.

“I’m not in a hurry, anyway, I have died for so long, and my family and friends must have adapted.”

She opted out of the competition.

Xiaojin also said sensibly at this time.

“My words……… In fact, I am not so anxious, and I usually stay in school all the time, and only go home during the holidays. ”

“As long as you can bring a message to your home school.”

Then the only candidate naturally fell on Uncle Lu.

Uncle Lu looked at everyone gratefully.

“I really don’t know what to say, thank you, for my children, for my wife, thank you for giving me the opportunity to return!”

“If you want me to bring back any news, I will definitely bring it to you!!”

Uncle Lu’s face flushed and he thanked everyone madly.

It took a while for the scene to quiet down.

“The matter is so decided, after exchanging everything and strengthening yourself, I will send Uncle Lu back.”

Xie Ruonan concluded.

The reason why I have to wait for the reinforcement is because I don’t know what I will face when I return.

Prepare for the worst to deal with unexpected situations.

“Then there’s the last one left.”

[Resurrection of any person: 10w reincarnation points].

The crowd saw this message.

The others didn’t react, only Zheng Ling was alone, his hands clenched, and his heart was excited.

“Xiao Yue! I have found hope in resurrecting you! ”

“100,000! Just save up to 100,000! Resurrect you instantly! ”

“Trust me, I can do it!”

Zheng Ling’s performance was fully seen by Xie Ruonan.

“Sure enough, is there someone who wants to be resurrected…”

She was keenly aware that under Zheng Ling’s kind and cheerful appearance, there was actually a deep obsession.

This obsession overwhelmed everything, even his own desire to survive.

Now that it is displayed, it is to inspire Zheng Ling.

But Xie Ruonan only ordered to the end, and did not get it on the table.

Except for her, Uncle Lu and Xiaojin did not notice Zheng Ling’s abnormality.

Zheng Ling also quickly calmed down and did not show it.

Xie Ruonan continued with the topic.

“That’s right, everyone, as long as we work hard to live in the reincarnation space, even if we die, we can be resurrected through the reincarnation point!”

“So next, let’s discuss how to live safely in the space of reincarnation.”

“Everyone first looks for the direction of reinforcement and thinks about what they need to strengthen.”

“Don’t be afraid to go beyond the reincarnation points you have, the reincarnation points in the team can be universal.”

“After thinking about it yourself, everyone will take it out, discuss it together, and decide whether to exchange it or not.”

The crowd is as good as the flow.

On the translucent screen in front of them, they rummaged through the direction they wanted to strengthen and the things they wanted to exchange.

Half an hour passed, and everyone was ready.

Uncle Lu took the lead in speaking.

“It’s better to be responsible for defense, or the direction of guarding.”

“I want this Holy Shield Knight Breathing Method, the breathing method is divided into four layers, and each layer can be exchanged separately.”

“The first layer of exchange is the official Holy Shield Knight, strength and physique add 15 points, agility and intelligence add 5 points.”

“I also have two skills, one called the Holy Shield, which is applied to my teammates and can only get half the shield amount of my physique.”

“Before the Holy Shield is broken, it can absorb all damage.”

“There’s also a knight provocation that taunts the target and makes it have a strong desire to attack me.”

Everyone discussed it and found that it was indeed a good choice.

Whether it’s adding a holy shield to absorb damage, or provoking taunts to pull enemy hatred, it’s important in combat.

Finally, Xie Ruonan voted by a show of hands.

“To exchange the first layer of the Holy Shield Knight Breathing Method for Uncle Lu, it takes 400 reincarnation points, please raise your hand if you agree.”

Naturally, it was unanimous.

Under the gaze of everyone, Uncle Lu exchanged it on the spot.

His properties panel also changes to the following.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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